My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 311 In Advance

Chapter 311 In Advance

Fu Yu Sheng was in a pickle he looked at his son who refused to wear his clothes and was now sprawled on the bed like a starfish. He wanted to scold him but didn't have the right to do so after all as a missing father who only knew to return home after eight years, he couldn't just force Fu Chen to listen to him out of nowhere, can he? He could only suppress the anger in his heart and then look at his son with a slightly annoyed look but his voice was patient as ever. " Chen Chen, you said that you will wear the clothes by yourself and even locked the door of the bedroom, you could have caught a fever."

His sleeping son didn't answer him, all he did was snore and mumble something under his breath. His chubby belly rose and fell causing Fu Yu Sheng's anger to diminish greatly, fine..fine whatever. It was him who owes to this mother and son pair, there was no other choice for him but to lower his head and slave away under their oppression because if he didn't do as they asked him then one will never let him see his son and the other won't let him see his wife.

With a sigh, Fu Yu Sheng carefully picked Fu Chen up in his arms and very tentatively helped him wear his clothes, he couldn't let the young boy catch a cold or else his wife might turn him into a wild Tarzan like she did to the eldest master of the Wu family and watch him dance naked in front of a crowd.

Fortunately, Fu Chen was a deep sleeper and he also ran around a lot earlier so he was a bit tired like this Fu Yu Sheng was able to put his clothes on his chubby body without waking his son up. After he was done finishing the task of putting clothes on his son Fu Yu Sheng heaved a breath of relief and then pinched Fu Chen's cheek lightly. He already knew why Fu Chen, this little devil didn't wear his clothes, he wanted his mother to seek justice for him.

Though Fu Yu Sheng wasn't afraid of Song Yan teaching him a lesson —— no, cross that he was indeed a bit afraid… no a lot afraid but more than fear he would feel heartache if Fu Chen caught a cold just for the sake of seeing him get punished by Song Yan.

Something like that wasn't worth getting sick for, he was getting punished by his wife every now and then. Fu Chen can see that 'amazing' scene without getting sick, in fact, he was half certain that upon returning the first thing Song Yan was going to do was to punish him for something or the other.

While he was thinking about the way he will be punished Fu Yu Sheng heard his phone vibrate, he didn't want to wake Fu Chen up but he also didn't want to leave the room. Before leaving Song Yan has clearly warned him that he couldn't leave Fu Chen alone tonight while she wasn't here, so instead of going out of the room, he took a look at the caller id and answered the call. "Are you okay?"

From the other side, the sound of breathing came causing Fu Yu Sheng's fingers to curl around the phone. " I know it's you, Song Yan."

"Glad to see you improve after eight years," she shot back sarcastically. " In the past most of the time your number was out of reach."

"Have I not apologised for enough? If you are angry I will apologise again," Fu Yu Sheng replied without showing any sign of impatience, he not only apologised but also cheekily added, " from now on I will be available for you even at three in the morning."

" What am I going to do with you being up at three in the morning? Instead of doing something so useless get me a bunch of fifty years old ginseng and some herbs that I have sent you in the email." Song Yan was as heartless as Fu Yu Sheng when he was working in the foreign. " I have some use for them make sure that you buy them by the time I return."

" Yes, Yes … I will do it," Fu Yu Sheng was indeed amused by Song Yan's words, it seemed as if their roles seemed to have reversed. Now it was him who was waiting for her to return home like a good wife on the other hand she was the one ordering him, only calling him to let him know what to do and how to do it.

Nonetheless, he still  heaved a sigh of relief from Song Yan's voice it seemed that she wasn't hurt at all but he still couldn't help but ask, " Are you okay?"

Was she okay? Song Yan looked down at her trembling hands and the black marks that were slowly fading. This time the punishment was much more severe than before, if not for her sucking a good amount of Yang energy from Fu Yu Sheng's body then she might have died by now. It was a good thing that she spent a good deal of time with Fu Yu Sheng before coming here or else ——-

But this was nothing more than a shortcut, it was nowhere enough. If she wanted to give Fang Yanli another chance then she has to suppress her yin energy and cultivate more Yang energy or else things like this will surely kill her. Again.

" I am fine," she replied looking at the moon shining in the sky through the window in the hospital corridor. " How is Chen Chen, is he asleep? Did he miss me?"

" Of course he missed you," Fu Yu Sheng replied swiftly. " He kept asking for you until his eyes shut close if not for him being tired he would have continued waiting until you came back home." He paused and then rubbed the goosebumps rising on his arms. " When are you going to come back?"


" It will take some time," answered Song Yan as she turned to look at the ghostly figure that was heading toward her. With his legs squashed until they resembled a pair of patty cakes the ghost dragged his nails at the floor hitching his body up, it would have been less scary but that twisted face and inhuman eyes with nothing but revenge burning in them made him really terrifying.

Song Yan glanced at him lightly before turning her attention to the call again. " I met with some people here and now they have to recover in the hospital."josei

" Met with someone? Who?"

" Your cousin Tao Guotin," she flicked her hand and threw a talisman at the ghost crawling towards her. The talisman burned fiercely burning the ghost into nothing but a char of black mess, dark yin energy twirled around the blob on the ground before it got sucked into Song Yan's ring. " He was here on a treasure hunt, I have saved his life but the daughters of the Shi and the Li family still died. I am warning you in advance so you will come up with a plan to take care of their family, no matter how useless these daughters were to them, once they realise that it has something to do with the Fu and the Tao family they will surely create a loud ruckus."

" Of course, of course, that idiot would have rushed to that place after finding out about the tomb." Fu Yu Sheng rubbed his temples, sometimes he wondered whether he was the only genetic mutation in their bloodline, everyone else was more and more unreliable. The younger they were, the more idiotic!

Song Yan has hardy gained her reigns on one idiot and yet there was another idiot jumping around. This was simply so humiliating! Just what did his mother and aunt eat while being pregnant with these two idiots?

" I got it, I will think of something." The Shi and the Li family were both sinking ships, though the Shi family was still better when compared to the Li family. Both of their previous heads were geniuses and were able to save their ships from sinking but the current heads were simply ——

They were having even a hard time keeping the boats afloat much less keeping it all in control.

After a short pause, he asked, " Is that idiot all right?"

" He is fine," replied Song Yan causing a weight to lift from Fu Yu Sheng's heart even though the loss of two young girls was a big one at least they had big brothers to take on the reigns of the business compared to Tao Guotin who was the only heir, their families were still in a better situation.

" I am only telling you this to think of a better solution lest those families jump at you or the Tao family unbeknownst to either of you." Song Yan felt her ring burn on her finger before she said,  " But this is not why I called you, there is something else you should know."

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