My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 313 Lure Him Out

Chapter 313 Lure Him Out

Fu Yu Sheng sucked in a cold breath, he could see his warm breath turning into a chilly mist the second he breathed out and rubbed the goosebumps rising on his arms. It was too cold like he was sitting in a refrigerator—— his gaze darted to the talismans that were sitting on the cabinet next to his bed and he immediately picked up a few. He didn't know why Wu Genji was this hung up on him but he wasn't going to let her harm his son.

He might be a careless father but he wouldn't do anything that will cause his son to lose his life!

With his fingers clutching on the talismans like they were his life-saving straw, Fu Yu Sheng's gaze turned to the door of his bedroom, just a few paces away that thing were standing… if he wasn't careful enough then ——-

His train of thoughts was broken just as the bell outside rang, echoing sinisterly inside the apartment. If this morning then he wouldn't have reacted so strongly but it was nearing three in the morning, an odd hour for anyone to visit him. He took three steps back and then swallowed hard, sitting down on the edge of his bed while curling an arm around Fu Chen.

There was no way any demonic creature was going to take his son away from him. He wouldn't let it if Wu Genji tried to even touch his son then … a sharp glint rose to his eyes as a fire set ablaze in his heart. Then it would be better if the Wu family do not ask him for a reason why he was impolite enough to destroy them! He might be at par with the Wu family's eldest son but if he strived for it, he will be able to take the Wu family down with him!

He was still thinking when the doorbell rang again, this time it was even accompanied by a series of hasty knocks. He didn't answer,something inside him was prodding him to go and open the door but he didn't do it, there was no reason as to why he would follow the will of his heart.

Fu Yu Sheng was a ruthless person not only to himself but even others, in the past eight years, he has lived in the foreign ignoring his wish to come back and see his son and wife. If he could toughen his heart against himself, then what was a demonic thing? Surely, he could ignore it as well.

Again the doorbell rang and this time the knocks weren't paused they pounded on the wood of his door as if wishing to knock his door down. Fortunately, he was smart enough to replace the door earlier on or who knows that thing might have come barging right in!

The doorbells and knocks stopped and he heaved a sigh of relief thinking that the thing went back, after all, it tried to attract his attention three times and he didn't answer even one single time, so he and Fu Chen must safe now right ——

" He is not opening the door?" Wu Genji stood outside Fu Yu Sheng's apartment with a bemused look, she has played this trick many times and it has always worked but this time, she knocked three straight times and yet there was no answer from inside.

" What a fascinating man," hissed the face at the centre of her chest, its tongue stroking Wu Genji's skin as they both looked at the door in front of them. With their soul cultivation, this much of beguiling should have been enough but ——

" Of course he is fascinating." Wu Genji raised her sickly pale face with pride as she caressed the head on her chest with a curve of one side of her mouth. " If he wasn't fascinating then he would have never been able to catch my attention with his looks alone, only a man like him is a worthy match for me, don't you think so?"

" I think you are just enjoying the hunt." The reptilian face crinkled its eyes as if it was smiling and then licked its lips. " Trying to get your hands on a man you can't own, isn't that just thrill-seeking? Pretty sure you will get bored of him soon enough."

" If I do get bored of him then you can eat him right away," said Wu Genji with a calm face like she was talking about sharing a sandwich with someone. " For now get him to come out and see me, I need to take him and that b!tch's bastard away with me."josei

" Ah, if you talk about a decent meal then I will have no choice but to comply." The face pushed itself onto Wu Genji's chest with its elongated neck stretching like a snake arching its body. Its forked tongue flicked past its chapped and pale lips as it cleared its throat and melodiously called out, " Yu Sheng! I am back open the door, I have something to say to you."

This morning Wu Genji has already asked one of her detectives to keep an eye on Song Yan, she knew that Song Yan was gone as for where, she didn't care and she didn't want to care. That woman was too dumb, roaming around the city with her brother-in-law, it will be fascinating to spread rumours about her in the high society.

But that was her plan B in case she wasn't able to tempt Fu Yu Sheng tonight. Something she was sure that she will be able to do without a hitch, thus, when she heard the demonic beast call Fu Yu Sheng in Song Yan's voice she didn't say anything even though she was really displeased.

The face caught sight of her expression and rolled its eyes at least that was what Wu Genji thought it did since it didn't even have any eyelids. " Don't be like that, I can feel the affection of that man for that woman… calling him as this will surely lure him out."

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