My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 325 Wu Qinfan Should Be The One To Worry

Chapter 325 Wu Qinfan Should Be The One To Worry

Fu Yu Sheng looked at Song Yan with surprise, did she mean to say that after almost losing her life she only found out the cultivation level of the demon? He placed the last dish on the table with a thud before taking off his glasses and pointing at his eyes as he said, " Look me in the eye and tell me that you really went all the way there, put your life in danger, all to find out the cultivation level of the demon?"

" Pass me the black pepper chicken," said Song Yan as she tipped her chin at the dish that was sitting closest to Fu Yu Sheng not answering his question at once.

Seeing her uncooperative stance Fu Yu Sheng pinched his lips nonetheless he still scooped a bowl of rice topped with the black pepper chicken and passed it to Song Yan before pushing a bowl of chilli oil smashed cucumbers along with some saucy Brussels. " Don't just eat chicken eat some vegetables as well."

Looking at her simply eating meat and not favouring the vegetables at all, Fu Yu Sheng was a bit lost and helpless. She really didn't like eating vegetables and Fu Chen was the same as her every time he asked him to finish his vegetables, his son would look at him like he was asking him to jump off a board right into the mouth of a shark.

These eight years, these two did they live without him? No wonder one was thinner than the other! They weren't eating balanced meals!

" Eat your vegetables!" Like an old mother, Fu Yu Sheng nagged his wife but when Song Yan didn't listen to him, he banged his fist on the table and the temperature around him dipped while his eyes glowed coldly. "Eat. Your. Vegetables," he repeated this time his voice much more forceful than before.

This time Song Yan had no choice but to pick up a mouthful of Brussels and place them in her mouth, she didn't know why but just now she was reminded of her mother who would stare at her just like Fu Yu Sheng when she refused to eat her meals.josei

This fear of not being able to go against him…. She was trained rather strongly by her mother.

Seeing that she was willing to eat her vegetables, Fu Yu Sheng's frosty expression improved and his voice softened a bit as well. " Now, tell me what did you mean by that you didn't find anything in the tomb other than the cultivation of the demon?"

Song Yan chewed the Brussels with difficulty, though it tasted good she still preferred her chicken more. She hurriedly ate another bite of her chicken and finally calmed the icky feeling in her heart, at the Song apartment she would often eat vegetables but because Wen Mingzhi knew that she didn't like eating vegetables and would give her a bit fewer vegetables and because Fu Chen was young she was able to fool her but the big one wasn't so easily fooled.

" I did go to the tomb to look for something that will help me but I knew that the chances were low," Song Yan finally replied. " When a demon is no longer tied to a place, they erase their traces lest they were targeted by exorcisers like me and now that the demon has possessed someone, it is even harder to take hold of her. With Wu Genji serving her host, it will be hard to take it down but at least I was able to find out its level, this way I will be able to prepare myself."

Fu Yu Sheng's mouth pursed in a thin line, so the reason that Song Yan placed her life in danger was just this?

" I don't like you putting your life in danger like this," he blurted out his honest thoughts.

Song Yan didn't need him to say it out loud, she could sense that he didn't like it from the stormy clouds covering his face. " That's the nature of my work, are you going to ask me to stop doing what I am supposed to do?"

Of course, he would not stop her but, his lips thinned further down as he ladled egg drop soup in a bowl and then placed it in front of Song Yan. " J..Just be careful, that's all I want from you."

As long as she stays alive, he will have the chance to make every wrong right but if she was to leave then what was he supposed to do?

For the first time, Fu Yu Sheng's heart drummed against his chest for the opposite gender and the urge to tie Song Yan next to him started blooming in his heart. He was worried that if he didn't take care of her properly, she will one day leave him so far behind that he wouldn't be able to find her.

Song Yan didn't say anything, she couldn't say for sure that she will come out as the survivor every time she dealt with the supernatural but having died once she would do everything to keep herself alive.

The two did not say anything to each other for a long time until Fu Yu Sheng placed the clean chopstick on the table and then looked at Song Yan with an entangled expression. " About the Wu family, what are you going to do now? We know that the demon is possessing Wu Genji but the Wu family will not believe your words, especially the eldest master of the Wu family, as long as he refuses to cooperate there is nothing you can do to Wu Genji."

Wu Qinfan was someone who doted on his sister the most and he was slowly taking over the Wu family, now Master Wu no longer had as much power over the family as he did when he was young, as the next patriarch Wu Qinfan had total control over the family.

" Isn't it because of his extreme doting that Wu Genji was able to harm so many people?" Song Yan arched a brow and calmly took a bite of her meal. " If that man wasn't blind then so many children and adults wouldn't have lost their life but you don't need to worry about it. Wu Qinfan should be the one worried, after all, because of him …. His younger brother lost his only son."


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