My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 337 Selling Talismans

Chapter 337 Selling Talismans

" Are you talking about burning this person here?" Guo Bambang has never seen something like what just happened in front of his eyes, did he really see a bunch of zombies with sharp teeth and super fast speed jumping and attacking people? He would have been very happy to answer his questions with a 'no', and just move on with life. He was done with his shift and just needed to go back home and take a nap but how was he supposed to sleep knowing that there were undead with a vampire mutation roaming the streets of their city?

No matter how much Guo Bambang despised feudal superstitions and waved the flags of believing in science and technology, he couldn't sit calm after seeing what just happened. He stared at Song Yan with a fervent gaze and hesitatingly asked, " Miss what was that thing and why are you inclined on burning this person here? What...What is happening can you tell us?"

Wu Jin too wanted to know what was happening, like Guo Bambang, he too believed in nothing but the laws of science and technology. Ever since he was a child there were many occasions where he saw things that could not be explained by science but somehow he managed to come up with an explanation every time now, even if he wanted to come up with an explanation he couldn't think of one.

How was he supposed to explain the happenings that happened just now? What theory can explain how a perfectly fine person who was walking and raving loudly suddenly shrunk into nothing but a corpse without any blood left in his body? No matter how he tried to explain it, Wu Jin just could not come up with a plausible excuse.

" That thing was a Jiangshi," Song Yan calmly answered Guo Bambang's question, she wanted to chase after the vampire zombie but with its cultivation, it ran too fast for her to catch up. So, instead of chasing after it and giving it a chance to come back and finish what it left behind, Song Yan decided to stay with Guo Bambang and Wu Jin. She hadn't missed how that vampire zombie's eyes were locked on Wu Jin, that thing wanted to attack Wu Jin but because of her interruption, it changed its target, if she was to leave Wu Jin alone there was a chance that the thing might come back again to finish what was left behind.

" Its a zombie that kills its victims and then sucks their blood and Yang energy," seeing that the two did not understand what she was saying Song Yan simplified her version, seriously can't people think of a way to read the fantasy books or at least watch a movie or two? Why don't they know of something so simple as that?  " You both were lucky to escape that thing but don't roam around at night from now on, if you do then I won't be able to guarantee what is going to happen to you."

Guo Bambang was still okay though the boy looked energetic, his yang energy was a lot less than Wu Jin's. If the latter left his house or went to places that were dark and dingy then he will surely be attacked by that thing. Zombie vampires with high cultivation knew how to mark their target and they were exceptionally patient as well. Now that Wu Jin was under that thing's radar he was in a lot of danger than before, something that Song Yan told him without wasting any time.

" Ch..chief what are you going to do now?" Guo Bambang who finished listening to Song Yan's explanation turned to look at Wu Jin with a concerned expression. " You have night shifts every day what are you going to do? Or do I have to look for decent flowers to bring to your funeral…no if you are attacked by that thing then you will be burnt like this person here, then what are we going to do then? I can't even bring flowers to your grave."

Wu Jin's lips twitched as he turned to look at Guo Bambang and then heaved a sigh before he turned to look at his subordinate and with a fake smile said, " Bambang, I am still alive all right?"

Guo Bambang on the other hand looked like he was anything but relaxed after listening to Wu Jin's confirmation and his eyes turned teary as he whispered under his breath, " What a shame, the chief was such a good person. Why do such things happen to good people like him?"

Wu Jin: "..." Why are you already using 'was' I am still an 'is' damn it, I haven't died yet!

Wu Jin took a deep breath and then heaved a sigh that was full of annoyance as he looked at Song Yan who was still standing in front of him with a scythe in her hands. "Is there no way for me to escape that calamity? Like he said I have night shifts and I cannot exchange it with anyone else."

Though what he saw was simply heaven-defying, Wu Jin was a cautious person. He would rather be prepared than cry when the misfortune comes knocking on his door, even though what he just saw could not be explained he couldn't deny that he really watched something like that happening that was why Wu Jin sucked in a breath and asked Song Yan for help.

" I can give you a guiding light talisman, it will keep you protected but I have to let you know that my talismans aren't cheap." The guiding light talisman was a level one talisman, a lot of energy and time have to invest to draw that talisman, it could be said that one single talisman was worth a week of Yang energy cultivation.  So, of course, that talisman wasn't going to be sold for a cheap price.

" I will buy it no matter how expensive it is," Wu Jin did not take Song Yan's words seriously, no matter how expensive it was, there was no way it would be expensive for him right? After all, he was the young master of the Wu family.


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