My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 344 You Witch

Chapter 344 You Witch

Dedicating todays chapter to elorinczy,neotheo82, Mayni_Sangma, miervan, lmona1.

" You are my big brother, the day I was born you promised mother that you will take care of me, mom told me!" Fu Yu Shen hugged Fu Yu Sheng even harder when he saw that the latter was trying to get rid of his grabby paws and hissed indignantly, " You cannot leave me alone in this trouble knowing fully well what might happen to me!"

Fu Yu Sheng was furious enough to beat the heck out of his brother but he dared not to make a fuss in front of a stranger, he could only grab hold of the kitchen platform and drag his body up before kicking Fu Yu Shen in the shin. " If I knew that you were going to  invite trouble left and right, I would have never made that promise even if someone beat me to death!"

This troublesome brother, he would rather have a pork roast instead!

" Second brother!" Fu Yu Shen noticed that his second brother was going to be really heartless to him, so he hung on to his thighs and started ugly sobbing. " You can hit me with a hundred times but please help me out with that woman, she …please believe me she doesn't feel like a human at all! I do not want to be left alone with her who knows what she might do to me! So help me out will you?"

"What do you mean that she doesn't feel like a human?" Song Yan walked inside the kitchen, her curiosity piqued. " She looks pretty normal to me."  except for acting like a green tea, Qi Genghis didn't look like she was any different from before to her.

"Sister-in-law!" Seeing that her saviour was here, Fu Yu Shen immediately let go of Fu Yu Sheng's thighs and turned to crawl towards Song Yan, only to have his collar caught by his brother who raised a brow and said, " Say whatever you want to say from here, there is no need for you to get cosy with Yan Yan, all right."

Cursing his brother for being a jar of vinegar inwardly Fu Yu Shen turned to Song Yan and peered outside the kitchen when he saw that Qi Genghis was sitting on the couch trying to catch Fu Chen's attention, he immediately turned to look at Song Yan and spoke in a low voice, "it's like this sister in law, that woman … she came to see me today something about missing me and whatnot, I was... Well, I too have been living an honest life——"

"Staying away from women for a month is what you call living an honest life?" asked Fu Yu Sheng from the side as he looked down at his brother, to think Fu Yu Shen's view of living an honest life was this low.

Fu Yu Shen turned to glare at Fu Yu Sheng before he turned to look at Song Yan and continued speaking, " Anyway, I was missing the touch of a woman as well, so when she hugged me I didn't stop her but as soon as she wrapped her arms around me I realised that her temperature was colder than ice, she looks totally fine but something about her seems off it's as if she is alive but at the same time she is dying."

Fu Yu Shen shivered after he finished speaking, it wasn't that he was trying to be over cautious with Qi Genghis but he was speaking the truth, she looked completely all right but something about her was really off, he couldn't quite put his hands on the correct fact but his instincts that have been triggered after seeing the world of supernatural creatures was telling him that something was really wrong with Qi Genghis.

Song Yan frowned as she tapped her finger on her arm before nodding. " Alright, we will go and see if something is wrong with her or not."

She too wanted to see whether Fu Yu Shen was just spooked or something was indeed wrong with Qi Genghis after all she couldn't see any cadaveric mist around her yet Fu Yu Shen was saying that something was wrong about Qi Genghis.

The three of them walked out of the kitchen, Fu Yu Shen hiding behind Song Yan and Fu Yu Sheng. He continued to peep at Qi Genghis but didn't dare to look her in the eye, seeing him act like this not only Fu Yu Sheng but even Song Yan was speechless.

This man … does he not know how to act? Even if someone wasn't doubting them, with him acting like this they will realise that something was going on.

Sure enough, when Qi Genghis saw that Fu Yu Shen was hiding behind Fu Yu Sheng and Song Yan, her eyes flickered slightly before she smiled and looked at Fu Yu Shen. " Third master Fu, are you scared of me? Why are you hiding like that?"

" Who? Who is scared of you?" Fu Yu Shen guiltily touched his nose and then looked at Qi Genghis with an arrogant expression. " I am just a little bit shy so my sister in law and second brother are helping me out here a little."josei

Qi Genghis: "….."

Fu Yu Sheng: "….."

Song Yan: "….."

Haha, if you are going to make excuses at least make one that will be believable and stupid!

"Ignore him," Song Yan said with a smile when she saw that Qi Genghis was getting suspicious of them, she sat down next to her and very naturally started talking with Qi Genghis. " You know what kind of a man he is, only knows how to dine and dash. This is his first time being close to a woman and he is a bit awkward, you don't need to listen to his nonsense."

Seeing that Song Yan was being cordial with her Qi Genghis's suspicions lightened a little as she heaved a sigh of relief and then looked at Song Yan with a shy expression. " En, I know sister in law."

Fu Yu Shen: "….." Who are you calling sister in law? I am telling you, you better stay in your lane! You witch!


ps. Please keep supporting me!!!

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