My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 362 Lunch At The Wu Family (Part 3)

Chapter 362 Lunch At The Wu Family (Part 3)

Dedicating todays chapter to miervan, elorinczy, Jan_DeadOneGirl,neotheo82.


Song Yan has to say that Wu Genji was rather smart, she knew when to retreat and when to push, after she said so much if she was to even put a surly expression on her face, she would be counted as being too much of a bully.

So, Song Yan had no other option but to put a smile on her face and act as if all her anger has dissipated before turning to look at Wu Genji and saying with a smile, " There is nothing for you to apologise, sister Genji, Yu Sheng and I should have given you heads up before."

"Is that so, then I am glad!" Wu Genji smiled back at Song Yan as if she never plotted against her husband and son.

Song Yan carefully studied Wu Genji and clicked her tongue lightly, she knew that Wu Genji wouldn't be easier to deal with but she didn't think that she would be this good of an actress, no wonder, no one in the Wu family ever doubted that there was something wrong with their daughter and sister.

This woman was really not that simple, she just didn't know how to pretend, she simply excelled with flying colours!

Song Yan didn't say anymore even when Wu Genji continued to stick closer to Fu Yu Sheng, she allowed her to do as she wished, in fact, it was Fu Yu Sheng whom she has to push aside as the latter continued to cling onto her all the time like a child in a new space. If she knew that his guts would plummet so badly she would have stuffed the suppressing doll back in his throat.

" What are you doing? Stay still!" She snapped when she felt Fu Yu Sheng curl his arm around her waist for the sixth time, though neither of the Wu family members said anything, she could feel that both Mother Wu and Wu Qinfan were getting more and more displeased with her.

" But I am scared," he honestly said his eyes locked on Wu Genji who was leading them to the dining hall, her face vibrant and energetic as she pointed to this antique and that, introducing every single one to them as they headed toward the dining room.

Song Yan turned around and made sure that no one heard Fu Yu Sheng before hissing under her breath, " You are supposed to be acting all nice and cuddly like you used to with her, if you stick close to me, then you will only make her even more suspicious."

Fu Yu Sheng pretended as if he couldn't hear her at all, in the end, it was Song Yan who pushed him to Wu Genji with a promise that he will be totally fine even without him and then walked to the restroom on the first floor because she was leaving Fu Yu Sheng alone, Mother Wu and Wu Qinfan acted enthusiastic for the first time towards her, they even asked Wu Lixin's wife to send her off to the restroom—— that was as far as possible from the dining room.

" Did you find any information about your son?" Song Yan asked as she turned to look at the Wu family's daughter-in-law, seeing that her expression has gone even worse after she was pushed to guide her to the washroom.

The Wu family's only daughter-in-law was called Lin Biyu, she hailed from a scholarly family and had decent looks. Song Yan had heard about Lin Biyu and her gentle temperament who never lost her composure in any situation, thus when she saw her frown Song Yam could only guess just how lightly the Wu family's eldest son was taking the matter of his nephew being kidnapped.

Listening to Song Yan's question, Lin Biyu's lips curled in a mocking smile as she said, " Look at that even people who have no relationship with our family are now worrying about my baby but my own family is acting so carefree as if my baby has gone on a holiday or something of the sort."

After speaking, Lin Biyu bowed and walked away leaving Song Yan alone, seeing that Lin Biyu was in an unhappy mood, Song Yan didn't say anything to her, she let her leave while she finished taking care of her own thing.

Song Yan might have said that she was going to the restroom but that was just an excuse, the main reason she escaped from the clutches of the Wu family was that she wanted to take a look around the house, she needed to find out what kind of demon Wu Genji was raising before she made any move after all Song Yan didn't want another repetition of what happened with the zombie vampires.josei

However, the Wu house was just as big as the Fu mansion, no matter how many times she pushed open the doors and turned around the corridor, Song Yan didn't find anything. Even after pushing open the door of Wu Genji's room could be counted as nothing but normal, Song Yan didn't see any sights of any demon.

​ Though she did find a dense Yin energy floating around the picture that was hanging right on the wall opposite Wu Genji's bed. She looked around the corridor once again and seeing that no one was following her, she walked into the room, heading straight to the large portrait and stretched her hand to see what lay behind it——

" What are you doing here?"

A sudden voice called her from behind causing Song Yan to jump slightly as she retracted her hand and quickly thought about an excuse that she was going to use, damn it. She kept telling Fu Yu Sheng to be careful and here she made a mistake herself when did this person creep behind her? She didn't sense them at all!

She inhaled slowly before exhaling and then turned around as she smiled and looked at the person behind her and smilingly said, " I lost my way."

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