My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 367 You Could Have Done Nothing

Chapter 367 You Could Have Done Nothing

Wu Jin's face could be said to be washed with ink, it was so terrifyingly dark and gloomy that anyone who saw him would find his expression hideous and unsightly. Song Yan was right, how can there be so many coincidences in the world? Let's say that the vanishing of the villagers was a coincidence and a scheme planned by them all but what about the maids and the servants who vanished from the mansion without leaving any traces behind? Strictly speaking the maids and the servants that his family hired were sent by an agency and when they complained about the theft, the agency promised them that they will look into the maids and the servants, they were all hired by the company through proper measures thus, it would be better to say that the agency had all the information of those workers who ran away.

But surprisingly, the agency told them that those workers never returned home and that their families have actually filed missing reports, many of those servants had a husband or a wife, and some even have children but neither of them returned and there was also another thing to be paid attention to, all the things that vanished they mostly came from Wu Genji's room and neither of them were expensive enough for the servants to willingly abandoned their families and go somewhere else.

At most, they were around fifty to sixty thousand yuan and it was nowhere enough for anyone to start a new life in another city much less a country yet somehow those servants have never returned to their families.

The same thing could be said for the children who have vanished, if they were being kidnapped for human trafficking then after so long the police department should have found at least a single clue about anyone, even a human bone would have sufficed yet they didn't find anything, in fact, it was as if those children never existed in the first place.

Seeing his expression, Song Yan gave him a chance to digest what she has told him but she didn't stay silent for long, she knew that if she didn't return to the dining room soon, Fu Yu Sheng will come looking for her. So, she sucked in a breath and delivered the one and final blow, " When I first saw your sister, I thought that she was doing some sort of ritual that would extend her lifeline but the more I kept an eye on her, the more I realise that there was more to it, if you don't believe me then look for a way to get inside the hidden room behind the sunflower painting, I am certain that your sister has hidden a bunch of secrets along with the bones of children she has sacrificed to the demon she has brought with her."

Wu Jin could no longer maintain his composure after Song Yan dropped one bombshell on his head after another, he could no longer sit still. His eyes widened with panic as his lips turned blue and he stammered out, " D...Demon?"josei

Song Yan nodded her head as she calmly said, " That's right, no evil spirit can trap a soul that should have returned to the underworld in a human shell, only a demon can do something like this, your sister wanted to live and that is why she made a deal with that demon, she is raising now. A demon's favourite meal is a young child since they are the purest life form, most probably Wu Genji is the one who is hiding your nephew and if he isn't hidden behind the painting of sunflowers then I am afraid that he is already gone."

Wu Jin's entire body started to tremble as he looked at Song Yan, his hands were shaking and his eyes were popping out of their sockets, he looked like a poisoned man who was dying. He looked left and right with a helpless look on his face before he started breathing heavily and looked at Song Yan, there were tears in those reddened eyes as Wu Jin glared at Song Yan and asked viciously, " Why did you not tell me this before? If …If you have told me earlier——"

" You would not have been able to do anything," she said with a cold look on her face, she did not seem offended by Wu Jin's words but she also didn't look sympathetic. " Is this something that I should have told you?  Something like this should have been long thought up by your family, but did you care about it? No, you didn't… don't tell me that you didn't feel that something was wrong was happening but you still chose to close an eye while opening another. The only reason you care about this matter is that you lost your nephew and what if I knew that something was wrong with your sister? If I told you the exact same thing when you did not believe in the supernatural, do you think you would have listened to a thing I have to say? No, you would have thought that I was trying to make things difficult for Wu Genji and you would have ignored my warnings."

She paused before curling her lips in a mocking smile. "In fact, tell me something third master Wu can you do anything right now? I have told you the truth, why don't you go and tell your family that your sister is raising a demon, go and tell them that she was the one who killed her nephew, go on…. After all, that's all you need to do right? If you rush into the dining room and tell the entire family that something is wrong with your sister then all of them are going to trust in your word right?

Wu Jin didn't say anything, he just stayed where he was while he breathed heavily, Song Yan's words bringing him out of his daze as he looked at the ground and closed his eyes.

That's right there was nothing he could do, his mother would not believe a thing that he has to say and his brother? His elder brother would kick him out of the house without even letting him say his part!


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