My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 372 Fu Yu Shen’s Awesome Luck

Chapter 372 Fu Yu Shen’s Awesome Luck

Fu Yu Sheng was extremely pleased by what Song Yan has said, he agreed at once.

Seeing how vigilant he was being regarding Wu Genji, Song Yan knew that Fu Yu Sheng will not take the initiative to get closer to the woman at all but that couldn't be said for Wu Genji, she has seen the obsession in those eyes. Wu Genji was not just eyeing Fu Yu Sheng, she was also eyeing his excessive Yang energy.

However, for now, she didn't need to worry about Wu Genji going berserk at the moment, the demon was hurt by an 'A grade' talisman, and it will take it a long time to recover from it and from the smell of blood that was wafting over from her earlier, she might have used one of the kids that she has been keeping with him, so she probably wouldn't move rashly for now.

Song Yan also noticed the way Wu Genji was looking at Fu Yu Sheng, though she tried to hide it Song Yan caught the fear that was laced beneath the obsession that was flickering in her eyes, she was greedy to get Fu Yu Sheng under her clutches but Song Yan knew that after learning her lesson, Wu Genji will think twice before aiming for Fu Yu Sheng again.

This was the only reason Song Yan could relax at the moment.

The two of them returned home where Fu Yu Sheng slid off his car and then suddenly turned to look at Song Yan before asking, " This completely slipped my mind earlier but why were you so late? Do you know that if you had come any later than that, then you would have seen me taking the imaginary vows with Wu Genji?"

Song Yan rolled her eyes as she closed the door of the car and started walking towards the apartment building and scoffed. " If I had seen you cheat on me so blatantly then you wouldn't be asking me this question, you would be in the underworld explaining to King Yama why and how you died." She paused and then turned to look at him with a sly look on her face before adding, " And I assure you that even King Yama would have died laughing upon hearing the kind of death you received."

Fu Yu Sheng took a horrified step back before he parted his lips and complained in a whiny voice, " That's not fair you know, it was your fault anyway, why did you leave me alone for so long and what were you doing for so long in the restroom?  Is this something to do with you being a celestial master? Because I don't stay in the restroom for so long, is there some kind of side effect on gaining the powers of celestial master?"

" Why not I show you the effects of being a celestial master?" Song Yan deadpanned as she turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng with her eyes narrowed. " You seem to be itching to perform a pole dance wearing nothing but a thong in the middle of the parking lot."

" I apologise."

" That's better," she said as she turned around and headed straight to the elevator after walking past the old and grimy parking lot and got inside the empty elevator and Fu Yu Sheng followed after her. " But you still haven't told me what you were doing after leaving for so long?"

Song Yan told him what happened at the Wu mansion, she also told him about the things that she has told Wu Jin and about how she wasn't able to find the demon that she has been looking for, seeing that Fu Yu Sheng's expression has turned grim upon hearing that she wasn't able to look for a demon, she immediately patted him on the shoulder and said, " There is no need for you to worry so much, even though I wasn't able to look into it, I am sure that Wu Jin will be to find out what happened something."josei

" That's not what I am worried about," Fu Yu Sheng shook his head as he looked at Song Yan solemnly. "As you said, Wu Genji was most probably looking for a way to suck up the Yang energy from the Wu family and me but because you intercepted her, her plan didn't succeed…don't you think that she will want to make up for the loss that she has faced?"

" Yes, but the demon, she is raising is not strong enough to look for prey at the moment."

" But what if the prey comes to offer their heads to Wu Genji on their own?" He said suddenly and when he saw that Song Yan was still confused, he swiftly explained, " Wu Qinfan received a call from his friends that they were going to have fun at the Ancient ball bar, I don't know what they talked about but when Wu Qinfan tried to refuse them, they seemed to have invited Wu Genji as well, saying that they all will bring their sisters as well and Wu Genji has agreed."

Song Yan's eyes widened and she almost slapped her idiotic husband. " Why didn't you tell me this before?"

" How was I supposed to know that something like this could be important?"

She almost spat a mouthful of curses at her husband but seeing that he was already looking aggrieved, which wasn't surprising after all he did go through a lot of trouble today, so she softened her voice and nursed her glabella and said, " Its all right, I apologise for losing my temper on you. You are right you didn't do anything wrong, I will go and keep an eye on the Wu siblings, you go and take Chen Chen to the arcade, no sooner has she said that the door of the elevator opened revealing a dashing-looking Fu Yu Shen with a young man who was standing next to him with a gleaming smile but because of the thick cadaveric qi that was covering his face, Song Yan could not even see the looks of the man, all she knew that this man was going to die a horrible death and as for Fu Yu Sheng ——

Even his forehead was tinged with an aura of death, seeing this awesome luck that her brother-in-law had, Song Yan, couldn't help but clap her hands, looks like apart from offending humans, Fu Yu Shen also offended the Gods really bad, just what kind of luck did he have? Every time she saw him, he was on the verge of dying.


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