My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 419 Mom Save Me!

Chapter 419 Mom Save Me!

Mother Wu was sleeping on the couch when she heard Wu Genji's scream, stunned she woke up at once. At first, she thought that she was hearing wrong but then she raised her head to look at the hospital bed and did not see her daughter! Mother Wu was immediately alarmed she pushed herself off the couch that was sitting against the wall just beneath the window and wore her slippers before she rushed out of the room.josei

She looked left and right, her heart beating wildly when she heard Wu Genji's scream again. " My daughter! What is happening to my daughter!"

Wu Genji's scream was loud and painful, Mother Wu can hear just how much her daughter was hurting, and that was why she immediately ran in the direction from where the scream was coming, a part of her was furious that her sons did not wake her up.

Mother Wu did not have to run far when she was just a few steps away from the hospital ward where Wu Genji was admitted earlier, she saw that her husband and second son were having an argument with Wu Jin and Wu Qinfan, seeing that the four of them were busy arguing and no one was going to help her daughter, Mother Wu's heart was set ablaze with fire, she immediately ate the distance between her and the men of her house before she smacked her second son on the back of his head. " Why are you here? Why aren't you trying to save your sister? Can't you hear that she is screaming from pain?"

Wu Lixin who was slapped for no reason turned to look at his mother and said, " I am not the one who is refusing to go and help Genji, it's elder brother and Ah Jin who is refusing to help her. They keep saying weird nonsense and won't let us pass!"

Having finished listening to her second son's words, Mother Wu was surprised. Wu Jin, she could understand after all Wu Jin has been the least pampering to Wu Genji but Wu Qinfan? Her eldest son cared about his sister the most! How can he not care about her at all?

"Qinfan what is the meaning of this? Why are you standing here like a mute and listening to your sister's screams?" Mother Wu questioned as she glared at her eldest son. "It's bad enough that you did not take care of your sister and let her go into shock but now you are not even protecting her? For what reason?"

Wu Qinfan was already having a headache thinking about the loss he was going to suffer and the consequences of Wu Genji's actions. If word was to get out that so many families of young master and missies died because of his sister then he and his family will be chased by pitchforks out of the city.

Yet his naive mother was scolding him for not keeping a good eye on that thing, what was he supposed to do? And how was he supposed to protect her and from what?

Annoyed, Wu Qinfan rubbed his temple and snapped at his mother,  " Who do you think is the one who needs protection? It's your favourite daughter who massacred all those young masters and mistresses! She is clearly not human!"

" What...What nonsense are you saying?" For two seconds Mother Wu was shocked speechless but then she got out of her daze and looked at Wu Qinfan with a glare. " How can she be not human? If she is not human then what is she? How can you even use such heartless words for your sister? Genji killing the young masters and misses? She can't even kill a mosquito!"

" She is indeed not…" he did not get to finish his words, as the sound of footsteps echoed in the corridor. Wu Genji who was dressed in a hospital gown ran towards their family, seeing her come Wu Qinfan trembled and took several steps away to avoid her. Wu Jin too did not have a good expression on his face as he too avoided this good 'sister' of his.

" What's wrong with you two?" Father Wu questioned but neither Wu Qinfan nor Wu Jin answered his question instead they asked their family to stay away from Wu Genji.

How can Mother Wu listen to her son's foolish talks? She saw that Wu Genji was in pain and was running towards her, first came the shock of seeing her daughter on her feet but then her heart ached at the sight of her daughter being hurt like this.

" Genji!"

" Mom, Dad save me! She…she is trying to kill me! I don't want to die! I want to live!"

Wu Genji rushed into Mother Wu's arms just in time as Song Yan with a long chain that was connected to a small scythe walked into the corridor, she was covered in black from head to toe causing the Wu couple to frown as mother Shen shouted, " What are you doing? How can you kill someone like this? Aren't you afraid of being punished by the law? If you dare to touch my daughter I will bury you with her!"

Song Yan frowned as she looked at Mother Wu's blatant display of affection and said, " Get lost  if you don't want to die!"

" Mom! She is going to kill me! She is here to take me away from you, you have to save me, I do not want to die!" As she spoke Song Yan summoned another round of black flames and then aimed them at the ring, causing Wu Genji to gasp and shudder as her face that was human turned into that of the blackened corpse.

Mother Wu who was hugging her daughter was so shocked at the sight of her daughter turning into a moving corpse that she immediately let go of her and scrambled towards her husband.

Seeing that her mother has abandoned her once again, Wu Genji's face turned hideous as the demon that was sticking at the centre of her chest roared to life again and took a bite out of Mother Wu's legs in one go.

" Argggh!! Old Wu save me! Save me! I am dying! It hurts so much!" Mother Wu screamed in pain as she tried to crawl away from Wu Genji and the monster but she could not go far as the monster chomped on her legs and bit them off.

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