My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 430 My Job

Chapter 430 My Job

" Are you okay?" Fu Yu Sheng asked as he pulled the Bluetooth earphones out of his ears when Song Yan pushed him away, he did feel a patch of his overcoat get wet but not once did he look down at Song Yan, he gave her the personal space that she wanted along with a shoulder that she needed to lean on.

" I am fine," replied Song Yan hoarsely as she tucked the lock of her hair behind her ears, just now she didn't want Fu Yu Sheng to look at her crying face was why she has covered her entire face with her hair making it impossible for anyone to see her tears.

She then turned her head to look at father Song and examined his face. His face was pale and his complexion looked rather bad but compared to when Song Yan found him, his complexion seemed to have improved a lot.  Song Yan stared at Father Song until Fu Yu Sheng couldn't help but get worried for his father-in-law, was there something that he did not know?

Fu Yu Sheng has seen Song Yan's abilities and seeing his wife stare at his father-in-law point blankly without blinking, he thought that something was wrong.

"It's nothing," said Song Yan as she blinked her eyes finally and swivelled her neck to look at Fu Yu Sheng with a calm expression. " I was just trying to take a look at whether there was any other harm done to my father or not, nothing else."

As she spoke, she walked closer to Father Song and then stared at his forehead. There was no black mist covering Father Song's forehead nor did he have any black wisps covering his wrists or legs, it didn't seem like Chu Lian had borrowed her father's luck.

But this didn't seem to bring her any relief if anything she couldn't help but be troubled even more. How was it possible for Chu Lian that woman to grow some conscience?  For her to not do anything to her father except harm him physically didn't sit right with Song Yan.

She glanced at Father Song and then carefully skimmed her gaze over his body, there has to be something..something that she hasn't paid any attention to yet.

Song Yan frowned slightly as she remembered what happened to Fu Yu Sheng, even though the latter seemed completely fine he was under the influence of black magic. Surely, Chu Lian couldn't have done something similar given that the master she had with her wasn't at the same level as that woman but what if ….

She raised her hand and then brought her thumb to her mouth, biting down hard she drew blood before placing her bleeding thumb on Father Song's forehead. She swiftly drew an exquisite array on his forehead before taking her thumb away and placing her forefinger at the centre of the array.josei

Song Yan channelled her Yin energy into the array and her eyes coldly glittered when the array started to shine with a dangerous red light.

" What's going on?" Fu Yu Sheng asked seeing the red array on Father Song's forehead glow slightly, there was something weird happening with father Song, he could see that his father-in-law was twisting and jerking just like he was when Song Yan caused him to spit the doll out of his body.

However, this time the thing that came out was not a straw doll instead it was a ring. Bloodied and scratched in several placed the ring seemed to be rather old but something about must have been important because the second Father Song coughed the ring out while remaining unconscious, Song Yan's entire body stiffened.

" Yan Yan?" Fu Yu Sheng called Song Yan who was clutching the ring in her hand.

"It's my mother's wedding ring," Song Yan replied as she clenched her fist and buried the ring in her hand with her fingers. " A part of my mother's grudge is within this ring … this was why my father got this weak."

Chu Lian must have been scared of her mother coming to look for revenge was she split the evil half of her mother's soul into a small piece and hid it like this. There was no way for Song Yan to know whether a part of a split soul was whole or pierced, maybe Chu Lian have hidden more pieces of the grudge field in the vain hope that her mother would never be able to come after her.

Song Yan applied more force on the ring with her Yin energy and then snapped the diamond in half, a scream echoed through the broken shard of a diamond as a black wisp floated out of it and was then sucked in by her space ring.

" Chu Lian must have been quite furious with my father for not forgetting my mother." Song Yan stated calmly as she dropped the shattered remains of the diamond on the floor and then wiped her hands.

Fu Yu Sheng did not know what to say, he could no longer understand Chu Lian. It would be wrong to say that the woman hated Father Song if she did, she would have hurt him far worse than she already did but saying that she loved him would be wrong as well, after all, she seemed to have hurt Father Song to the point where it would take a long time for him to recover.

" Are you angry?" He asked seeing that Song Yan was no longer saying anything, she didn't seem angry but at the same time, she did not look like she was calm either.

" Of course, I am very angry," she replied causing Fu Yu Sheng to shift in front of the door ever so slightly, seeing his actions, Song Yan was amused. Her lips twitched and then she raised her hands, " Don't worry, I will not do anything to them…if that's what you are worried about. I am a celestial master, I cannot go ahead and kill anyone for no reason, I have to leave that in the hands of God."

Fu Yu Sheng relaxed ever so slightly when he heard her say,  "It is just that it's my job to send them to God for an appointment."


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