My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 435 Call Her

Chapter 435 Call Her

Song Yan didn't move instead it was Fang Yanli who floated over to the man and then walked right into his body, possessing him. The man's body stiffened and the fist that he was aiming at Song Yan also stopped before he looked down at his hand and then swung it at his face.

" Big brother, what are you doing?" The man with a bad eye was stunned when he saw that his brother was actually hitting himself. He looked at Song Yan who was holding a bat in her hands and smiling at his big brother as if she knew what was happening to him.

A chill crawl up his spine and he immediately realised that something was very wrong with the woman in front of him but before he could run away, something seemed to have caught hold of his legs. At first, he thought it was the woman but when he looked back he was stunned to find that the thing holding him was actually a flaming blue dog!

The man gasped when he looked down at his calf that was being bitten by the dog, it wasn't bleeding instead it was burning! The scent of roasted meat spread all over the surroundings and the man started to scream he was terrified, he was really terrified now but no matter how much he tried to struggle and get his leg out of the beast's mouth, he couldn't!

" Argh, please let me go… I did not know, I had no idea that you were such a powerful master, please let me go. I don't dare to come after you anymore!" The man no longer had any arrogance left in his body, in fact, at the moment he was cursing Song Lan with all his heart and soul.

That damned woman was the one who asked him to go after this woman and told him that she would be an easy target to catch, after all, she was nothing but an actress who didn't have any backing behind her.

This was a weak woman? Fck! If this was a weak woman then he was superman!

Behind him the sounds of punches grew louder, the man with chains was foolish enough to look over his shoulder and take a glance at his brother. He saw his brother being beaten black and blue with blood trickling down his nose and immediately felt his heart thump like crazy, ghost …this woman was a ghost!

The man was prepared to scream but then he felt something knock against his abdomen, he turned his attention to the front and almost passed out again when he saw that at some point the ghost woman has gotten closer to him. When he didn't even have the slightest bit of an idea… he gulped loudly and said, " I...I dare not—-"

" Where?" Song Yan calmly asked as if she wasn't tapping the abdomen of the man with the tip of her baseball bat.josei

" Where what?" The man was stumped by her question and paid for it dearly when Song Yan smashed the tip of the metal baseball in his stomach. " Where did she ask you to bring me?"

Song Yan already knew who was the one behind this kidnapping which was why she didn't ask who was behind it, instead, she asked about the thing that she wanted to know the most about.

The man curled up into a vulnerable position with his hand on his abdomen as he groaned and then hissed through his mouth before he pursed his lips and said, " The graveyard next to the abandoned southern city hall."

He wasn't surprised that Song Yan knew who sent him here, after all, he saw just how powerful the woman was and … when he raised his head and looked at the blazing wolf-like dog standing behind her, he shivered uncontrollably. He wished he could faint here and now but the pain of his calf was hurting him so badly that he couldn't even think about fainting.

His head was buzzing with pain and he wished he could kill that woman who sent him here to catch this woman.  If he was to get his hands on that woman, he will surely grab hold of her neck and twist—— no, he will treat her a lot more badly then this. That woman didn't even pay any advance to him but she sent him on this errand where he almost lost his leg.

" Get up," said Song Yan as she hitched the bat up and then placed it over her shoulder. Seeing her hitch the bat up her shoulder the man flinched, he was afraid that he was going to be hit again.

" Wha..get up?" The man thought that he was mishearing things but then Song Yan placed the baseball on the ground and leaned on it with a crazy glint in her eyes. " That's right, since you were willing to work for her surely, you will work for me too right?"

" But she was paying us——"

" And I am letting you walk out of this hot mess alive, who do you think you will choose?"

The man: "..." This woman was crazy, right?

" What do you want?" The man understood that he wouldn't be able to escape from Song Yan's grasp and asked softly. Seeing that he agreed a smile etched on Song Yan's lips as she said, " Nothing crazy, don't worry …you see the thing is like that I cannot have the blood of that woman in my hands, that is why I want someone to drag her to a corner and do the dirty deeds that I can't, you don't have to worry, I will be in charge of delivering that woman to you, you just need to make sure that she lives a life worse than death, all right?"

The man teetered a little before he nodded, he loved money but that did not mean that he will do something stupid as giving up his life for it.

" Excellent," Song Yan smiled so wide that her eyes crinkled, she raised her bat and then placed it against the man's temple and said, " Call her and say that you have gotten me. But of course..." she opened her eyes slightly with a dangerous glint in them and added, " You make a wrong move and I will let you experience hell right here and now.:

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