My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 446 Why Are You Late?

Chapter 446 Why Are You Late?

Lu Peng was simply speechless he looked at his brother who turned his head at once and started whistling a jolly tune as he rushed inside the warehouse, worried that Song Yan would change her mind again and then ask him to go with her.

He completely ignored the sullen look of his brother who was staring at his back with a promise of retaliation.

" What are you looking at?" asked Song Yan as she too turned to walk inside the warehouse with her arms crossed in front. She turned her head over her shoulder and then looked at Lu Peng who was still standing at the same spot as before and hitched a brow up. " Do you want me to make you move?"

" No madam, I was just… it's nothing." Seeing that there was no way out Lu Peng too gave up fighting, he knew that there was no point in dragging his feet any further, he should just finish what Song Yan was asking and then go back home.

Song Yan walked over to the pile of tar and then pointed at it before saying to Lu Peng, " Go and look if there is anything in there, if you find something then you might as well come out and bring it with you."

Lu Peng looked at the gooey thing that was gurgling on the floor and then turned his head to look at Song Yan, now he understood why she wanted someone weaker. Clearly, she could have done something so easy as this by herself but she didn't want to dirty her shoes!

" What?" Song Yan asked. " Do you have any complaints?"

" None whatsoever," what else can he say? This was such an unfair world! First, he was caught by the police and now he was caught by this woman.

At least the police officers let him go but this woman surely wouldn't be going to let him slip out of her grip!

Lu Peng climbed into the pile of tar and then started rummaging around while Lu Cheng picked up the unconscious Song Lan and brought her out of the warehouse.

This was going to be a long night.

Lu Biyu was hungry, she was waiting for her brothers to come home and cook for her but it was already past ten at the night and yet neither of them was back home. She was lying on an old couch with a fashion magazine in her hands but her gaze was locked on the clock that was ticking on the wall.

" Are those two okay?" She murmured under her breath bringing the fashion magazine close to her lips as she placed it in her mouth and then continued looking at the clock. She stared at the clock long and hard such that it will make her brothers appear miraculously in their small house but no matter how longingly she looked at the clock, her brothers did not return.josei

Now Lu Biyu couldn't help but worry about her brothers, the three of them were orphans and had no education which was why her brothers had to do all sorts of odd jobs before they were picked up as the boss of a gang, the two of them just came out of the prison after serving their sentence.

But even after serving the sentence in the prison, they didn't learn how to do any honest work which was why they were still continuing with their old jobs of kidnapping and extortion.

The money was good and Lu Biyu never said anything to her brothers about changing their ways either but now that they were late, Lu Biyu couldn't help but worry about those two idiots.

" Fck, what is wrong with those two? Making me worry like this jeez, see how I deal with them as soon as they come back!" Lu Biyu couldn't deal with the pressure that was weighing down on her shoulders. She was worried that if her brothers found themselves in a sticky situation from which they couldn't get out, she will have to go back to working as an escort.

And she was no longer as young as she once was. How will she survive?

Just as Lu Biyu was getting antsy while thinking about her dark future, someone knocked on the door.

She raised her head and looked at the clock that was showing the time thirty minutes past and her worry turned into rage as she picked up the baseball bat that was standing on the corner of the threshold of their house beside the shoe cabinet and then pulled open the door as she glared at her two foolish brothers before shouting, " Where were the two of you? I thought that you both fell in a ditch and died, out of my mind with worry, how in the world are you so late?"

But then her words trailed off as she looked at the beautiful woman who was standing behind her brothers. She didn't know the woman, but something about her seemed to rob her of her ability to string two words together.

She turned to look at her brothers and then at the woman who very calmly nodded and greeted her. " Hello, it seems the slight delay in our journey made you worried about your brothers."

Lu Biyu didn't know what to say, it would be an understatement to say that she was shocked, she turned to look at her brothers and took a long look at their faces. She knew that with that ugly mug as a face, they wouldn't be able to charm a woman like this what was more, she was wearing branded clothes from top to bottom.

Even the boots on her shoes were limited edition boots from the winter collection of Veronica Shimul.

A woman like this would never fall for her brothers, so why was she here?

" Brother Peng, what is happening?" Lu Biyu couldn't help but ask as she turned to look at her elder brother.

How can Lu Peng be in the mood to answer her question? Just a few minutes ago, he found out that the thing in which he was looking around was actually the remains of a dead man.

What he wanted to do at the moment was to take a hot shower and burn the clothes he was wearing, he didn't have the time to answer his sister!


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