My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 452 Fu Yu Shen’s Perils.

Chapter 452 Fu Yu Shen’s Perils.

Qi Genghis's face was livid when she strode out of the parking lot and headed straight to her car. Her face was as colourful as a palette, changing from red to white and then purple, her features twisted in rage as she opened the door of her car and slid inside it, she only took two heavy breaths before she sat down on the driver's seat and then banged her hands on the steering wheel. " Damn that bastard!"

She thought that in public Fu Yu Shen would at least give her a bit of face even if he didn't want to see her anymore and she will be able to get the strands of his hair amicably. After all the two of them have rolled around in the bed together already, she didn't expect that Fu Yu Shen would be this much of a bast*rd that, he will act so heartlessly and humiliate her this mercilessly.

What made her even angrier was that Fu Yu Shen was supposed to act like her dog, the one who would be at her back and call but the one who was chasing him like a dog salivating over a bone was her! She just couldn't understand how in the world their plan which was supposed to be flawless ended up like a punctured balloon. Qi Genghis turned her head to look at Fu Yu Shen who was being patched up by his bodyguards who have thrown her out of the apartment complex.

She looked at the man's tall build and the luxurious brands that were sticking on his body like a second skin. Then she looked down at her dress which was nowhere comparable to what Fu Yu Shen was wearing and suddenly felt unjustified and wronged, she has been working hard for so many years compared to her who has been working ever since she turned sixteen, how was Fu Yu Shen any better than her? If not for his family that was already rich before he was born, he would have been in a worse condition than her. How dare he look down on her like that?

She has already lowered herself to the point where she was grovelling in front of him and yet he was acting all high and mighty, and on what basis? If he was born in a family like hers, then he would have been good for nothing scrounging trash from the dustbins!

She stared fixedly at Fu Yu Shen's figure, he only had luck and nothing more if she was born into the Fu family then she too would have the courage to look down on people like this. Gradually a hint of madness appeared in her eyes as she looked at Fu Yu Shen, the world will bow down to her as long as she gets a firm foothold in the Fu mansion right?

With that thought in her head, she took her smartphone out of her pocket and called Ji Haoyu, " I have got what you wanted...mhmm, I am coming to your apartment." She turned her head and took one last glance at Fu Yu Shen before sneering. " Of course, I am excited to snatch Fu Yu Shen's shares, I get excited just thinking about how he would roll in his grave knowing that a bastard is being raised in the name of being his son." She caressed her belly and then gunned her engine. " I would be so damned if I was to let go of this opportunity."


Fu Yu Shen frowned, he turned his head in the direction where Qi Genghis's car was parked a second ago. Just now he felt someone glaring at him gloomily, it was as if a cold snake was slithering up his spine while flicking its tongue, it made him terrified. "Let's go," he said to his bodyguards as he pushed himself off the car's hood and tugged on his suit's jacket. He didn't want to stay here even a minute longer.

The chill on his spine vanished once he got into his car and then slid inside the back seat. After going through several life-and-death situations, Fu Yu Shen wanted to do something grand in his life, he no longer wanted to die while troubling his brother and sister-in-law, which was why he decided that even though he was suspended from working in the Star height entertainment, he will start focusing on the automatic car system that Dai Deli has come up with a few days ago.

The automobiles designed with the help of AI that included features like self-driving and automatic navigation were hard to achieve at the moment but Fu Yu Shen believed that as long as he worked hard and used whatever sources he had with him to target this field, he will be able to make a name for himself.

Today was a very important day for him, they were going to discuss the collaboration with the Ning family who have broken off their business and personal relationship with the Wu family and were looking for a suitable business partner.

So, when Qi Genghis came to ruin his day, Fu Yu Shen chose to ignore her. After all, it was not the first time when he was hit like this, all women who believed that they will be able to change him came to pounce on him just like this when he refused to accept them.

Being hit a few times and having his hair pulled was no big thing.

" Drive to the Deldeli enterprises," ordered Fu Yu Shen as he fished out the concealer he usually carried with him in case something like this happened. Ever since he started leaving with Song Yan, his second sister-in-law has kept a good rein on him and because of her, he didn't need to use something like this for so many months but now because of Qi Genghis, he had to go back to his old ways. " Ah damn," he hissed as he dabbed the concealer on the places he was hit and then grunted in pain. " That woman, I will block her once I come back home."

Today was all about making his brother cry tears of joy and seeing him grow.

But what Fu Yu Shen didn't know was that he will never get a chance to come back home.



Say goodbye to Fu Yu Shen. Jk or am I?


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