My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 496 Slave Labour

Chapter 496 Slave Labour

" Second sister-in-law, don't you think that this is too embarrassing," Fu Yu Shen asked, he thought that he will be allowed to get on his feet when Song Yan catches him but instead he was still being dragged around the street by the end of the rope that was tied around his waist, he might be somewhat of a ghost but this was still a bit too much.josei

So, what if he was not getting hurt… his self-esteem was still getting stomped on!

" I don't think so," Song Yan was actually thinking of tying a rope around his neck and having Ceribi walk Fu Yu Shen on the street on his fours, he should be thankful that she was still being nice to him and letting him have what was left of his self-respect, if not she would have made a dog walk a dog.

" As you say," Fu Yu Shen smiled at Song Yan but when he turned his head to the back, he made a face while silently cursing Song Yan for her cruelty.

Fu Rong who saw this half of her third brother's soul act like this was speechless, no wonder her brother was like that, this was what was inside him. It was a good thing that her third brother still knew how to restrain this part or else she was sure that he would have gotten killed more than one time by their second sister-in-law.

" The other half is here," Ceribi whose one head was dragging Fu Yu Shen stopped in front of an abandoned building that was left unfinished and then looked at the top of the building by tilting his head. " I feel that he is at the top floor, mistress."

Song Yan too looked up and she indeed saw the other half of Fu Yu Shen's soul standing on the top of the building, she did not know what was happening or what he was doing there but as she watched him jump down the building before falling flat on the street, she realised what was happening and felt her head throb.

" Why is your brother's personalities like this?" She rubbed her head as she watched the other half of Fu Yu Shen's soul climb the building up again. One was extremely hyper while the other one was extremely gloomy, why was Fu Yu Shen like this?

" I don't know," Fu Rong was also stunned when she saw the other half of her brother's soul jump down the building, a part of her was almost on the verge of screaming out loud but then she remembered that a soul cannot be hurt. A good thing that she did not scream or else what would have others thought that she was screaming while looking at an abandoned building? She would have become a sight.

" Oh him, he is always like that…he is too gloomy and regretful always saying that we should be working hard and taking care of the burden that second brother has on his shoulders, you see totally boring." The naughty Fu Yu Shen grinned at Song Yan who turned her head and looked at him with a dangerous fire in her eyes she looked at him and then snarled, " I will throw you off the building instead of him and I promise you that it will hurt, so you better keep your trap shut."

Fu Yu Shen's boisterous version immediately made the action of zipping his mouth before he turned to look at the back of the street and then sighed. " Why does no one like me?"

" Maybe you should think about it carefully third brother," Fu Rong said as Song Yan started walking over to the building. " You are the one who is at fault, I will give you this hint though."

" What I am at fault for? How can you even say, I am the best out there if anyone has a problem with me then they clearly are either blind or brainless——ow ow ow! How come I am hurting all of a sudden…" he trailed off when he saw that Song Yan was looking at him with annoyance.

No wonder, he started to feel hurt.

" Forgive me——OWWWW, YOU ARE KILLING ME!" Fu Yu Shen howled as Ceribi rushed upstairs of the building, he did not know what kind of spell Song Yan put on him but now he was hurting like an average human would while being dragged up the stairs.

" What did you do sister-in-law?" Fu Rong asked as she looked at her howling third brother.

"Just a little spell and if he does not learn his lesson now, he will be feeling a lot more pain than this." Song Yan replied as she walked up the stairs after Ceribi.


The building that the gloomy half of Fu Yu Shen's soul choose was rather tall and by the time Fu Yu Shen the obnoxious was dragged up the roof, he was crying without any tears in his, so when Ceribi finally let go of him, he jumped on his feet and glared at the gloomy half and pointed his finger at him before yelling out loud, " What is wrong with you? Are you stupid? How can you choose this building? Even if you want to die at least wait until you are back in your body."

" I am stupid, you are right," the gloomy part agreed as he nodded and then sniffed with pearl-like transparent tears falling down his cheek. " I am indeed stupid, so stupid that even God is not willing to take me."

" You…"

" Come down," Song Yan put a hold on the fight as she stepped onto the roof and looked at the suicidal half of Fu Yu Shen's soul and jutted her thumb over her shoulder as she said, " We need to go home, so you get down from there and come with me."

But even though the gloomy half was saddened by the fact that he could not die, he was still the stubborn Fu Yu Shen, he shook his head at once refused and said, " I am not coming. I will not go back to being a disappointment."

" Hell yeah! Be a man!" Fu Yu Shen the obnoxious cheered his other half and was sent flying by Song Yan kick again. Before she turned to Ceribi and said, " Go and bring him back."

Ceribi looked at the piece of soul that was still flying and sighed. " Slave labour, this is what this is. Slave labour."

——- If you like the story can you help me reach in the top three of the win win ? I will release an extra chapter if you help me get into top three. Thank you.

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