My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 54 Mistress?

Chapter 54 Mistress?

" Wang Yufan you are here," said Shen Yue, she hadn't noticed the chilling glare Wang Yufan was giving Song Yan and was still smiling as she introduced the two of them. " Song Yan, this is Wang Yufan—— he is playing the role of the prince in the drama and Wang Yufan, she is Song Yan, you can call her sister Yan or Yan Yan, she is your junior and will be playing the role of your white moonlight in the drama."

Shen Yue stopped speaking and waited for Wang Yufan and Song Yan to greet each other but not only they did not greet each other, but the two of them were also hatefully glaring at one another, no in fact it was right to say that only Wang Yufan was glaring at Song Yan, the latter was only responding to his gaze with her own one. She wasn't willing to be dominated by anyone, and nor was she willing to be wronged. So, not only did she not greet Wang Yufan respectfully, she stared back at him not showing even an ounce of weakness.

" Wang Yufan? What's wrong?" asked Shen Yue finally catching that something was wrong between the two of them as her gaze ping-ponged between the two of them.

Wang Yufan broke away his gaze from Song Yan and put the glaring match to a stop that he was having with Song Yan before he turned to Shen Yue with a look of disappointment on his face, as he spoke in a voice full of contempt. " Sister Yue, I thought that you were smart but to think that you actually took riff-raff like her under you. How can you do something like this, have you thought about what the others will say if you accept someone like her in your care?"josei

Song Yan, who was criticised for absolutely no reason, couldn't help but lift her head as she glared at the man in front of her who was spitting whatever trash he had in his mouth and immediately retorted, " Who are you calling a riff-raff? Do you think that you are the president of the country? You are an artist just like me, who are you and what right do you have to make unnecessary comments on me?"

Wang Yufan blushed at Song Yan's words but he still looked at Song Yan with accusations in his eyes. " Don't go acting all high and mighty, when you are not! Even if I am not the president of the country at least I am pure and not like a certain someone who acts all pure and lofty but is actually shameless and complete trash who snatches her sister's boyfriend!"

" Wang Yufan! What nonsense are you spouting? Did you get drunk last night or what? How can you say such things to Song Yan?" Before Song Yan could say anything, Shen Yue exploded and why wouldn't she? Song Yan was second madam Fu and Fu Yu Sheng has placed his wife under her care because he knew about her capabilities, if his wife ended up getting bullied by someone under her on the first day she took charge of his wife, what will Fu Yu Sheng do to her? " If you have something to say, then say it properly don't go around speaking nonsense! What mistress? What sister and what boyfriend?"

Song Yan was already married with a child!

" Do I need to clarify more?" scoffed Wang Yufan sarcastically. " She knows what she has done., Humph, an illegitimate child will always show their true colours sooner or later" then he turned to Shen Yue and tipped his chin stubbornly. " Sister Yue, if this woman is going to work in the drama with me then I might as well quit!"

" You——" Shen Yue was so angry that she was lost for words to scold Wang Yufan.

Song Yan didn't bother explaining anything to Wang Yufan after she carefully thought about things through, she finally understood what was happening. Her lips ticked up in a mocking sneer —— ah, so after stealing her family, her luck and even her life…Song Lan even wanted to snatch her identity as the legitimate daughter? If this was before she wouldn't have cared about it but now she wasn't going to let Song Lan get away with her stupid antics of smearing her name.

She took out her phone and dialled Fu Yu Sheng's number that was saved on her phone as —— Golden husband. This name was of course inspired by that golden luck aura that he always had around him.

When Wang Yufan saw that Song Yan was taking out her cellphone, he was worried that she was trying to take a sneak video of him, refusing to work with her. He hurriedly tried to snatch it from her but Song Yan who saw it coming was even faster, she looked at Wang Yufan and smiled. " What is it? You dare to say it but can't let others see the real side of the sunny boy Fan Fan?"

" You!" Wang Yufan once again made an attempt to take the phone from Song Yan but this time the call was connected and a cello like the voice of a man echoed in Shen Yue's room.

" Hello?"

Shen Yue held her head in desperation. Over, it was over! Fu Yu Shen was going to give her hell for this mistake alone. Even Wang Yufan's eyes quivered, he was friends with Fu Yu Sheng and of course recognised that unique voice. " Fu Yu Sheng?"

"…..?" There was only silence from the other side before. " Wang Yufan what are you doing with my wife's phone?"

" Wife?" When Wang Yufan heard the word 'wife' coming from Fu Yu Sheng's mouth he thought he was mishearing things. He poked his pinky in his ear and cleaned it before asking once again, " Who is your wife?"

Before Fu Yu Sheng could answer Song Yan took the lead and smilingly pointed to herself. " I am his wife," then she turned to the speaker of her phone as her devilish smile widened even more. " Fu Yu Sheng, today your friend called me a shameless mistress and even said that I snatched you from Song Lan, so pray tell me when did this happen? As far as I know, we have been married for eight years…. If Song Lan is your girlfriend then doesn't it mean you were cheating on me?" Then she looked at Wang Yufan who has gone very white and nodded her head in an ' I am not done with you yet' manner and then added. " You better give me a decent explanation or I am taking our son away and filing for divorce in the court."

"….?" Fu Yu Sheng ended the call two seconds later, Wang Yufan thought that maybe his friend didn't care much about this wife of his but then his phone started ringing and the name displayed on it was —— Fu Yu Sheng.

He was done for.

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