My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 556 Weird Portrait

Chapter 556 Weird Portrait

Yao Nian was well known in the industry and thus the manager of the hotel where Yao Nian's wife was caught also knew Yao Nian very well, when he saw the exciting scene in front of him, the manager already knew that things were going to be very exciting but he was rather experienced and knew that such a thing should not be witnessed especially the scandals of the people who were famous and rich.

The manager hurriedly asked the staff to empty the corridor, as soon as the staff and the manager was gone, Yao Nian let out a loud roar, " You sl*t!"

His wife was scared stiff when she saw that Yao Nian caught her in the act, she has been doing this kind of thing for a very long time which was why she has gotten bolder and bolder. The only reason she was with Yao Nian was that the man was rich and had connections in the industry where she worked, which was why even though she was unhappy with Yao Nian, she did not dare to get a divorce.

But her brother-in-law was young and handsome, he was also willing to coax her which was why she ended up getting seduced by him. But the thing was that she still did not want to divorce Yao Nian which was why she was dragging their marriage even though she had no interest at all in the marriage.

" Husband, listen to me——Ahh!" Yao Nian's wife tried to change the course of the situation in which she was but Yao Nian was in no mood to hear her excuses, he rushed inside the room and slapped his wife so hard that her face turned to the side and then he turned to his brother whom he kicked in the abdomen and shouted at him loudly, " You bastard, you good for nothing bastard, you did not know anything other than bringing trouble to my door but I did not say anything to you at all but now that I have taken care of your troubles, you actually dared to go against me?"

Yao Nian did not say anything anymore to the two adulterous people, instead, he turned around and left the room like a storm. When the two people in the room saw Yao Nian leave like that, they were stunned to see that the storm passed so swiftly and without any exciting trouble at all but what they did not know was that the storm that was brewing in Yao Nian was nowhere close to passing.

With the information proven correct, Yao Nian rushed his kids to the hospital from the school and had their DNA test taken because he and his brother were biological brothers it was really hard for them to correctly tell whether the kids belonged to Yao Nian or not but when the results came out under Yao Nian's pressure, no one was surprised to see the results when they saw that Yao Nian was not biologically related to the two kids who were brought by him.

When Yao Nian saw that the woman's words actually came true, a nerve popped into his forehead and he immediately called his assistant to send divorce documents to his wife and kick her and his brother's things out of the house.

After he was done with everything, Yao Nian looked at his smartphone and thought about how Song Yan has told him everything correctly,  when he thought that she was lying he was sneering at her but now that he knew that the woman was a lot stronger and wise than he thought she was, his eyes had a complicated look in his eyes.


Song Yan did not know anything that went down with Yao Nian, she was currently staring at the receptionist who was standing in front of a wall-size portrait that was hanging on the second floor of the company. After she dealt with the matters that Li Wenyi handed her, Song Yan agreed to sign a small contract that would allow her to shoot as the model of the company.

After signing the papers, she was free to walk around the company which was why she went to look for the young woman who worked as the receptionist of the company, after all, she wanted to see what was going on with the receptionist but when she arrived at the reception, she was surprised to see that the receptionist was not where she was supposed to, instead she was missing which was why Song Yan had to ask around the entire company to find this woman who was doomed to die and ugly death.

" Please lend me enough luck today, I want my boyfriend to propose to me tonight," the young woman had her hands folded as she looked at the portrait that was hanging on the wall. Her back was bent a little like she was bowing in front of the portrait as she rubbed her hands and then continued speaking,  " I have been waiting for a ring for a very long time, just today …just give me enough luck today, I will not ask for any more luck from now on!"

The woman was speaking as if she was talking and praying to a God, Song Yan's eyes flashed as she walked over to the portrait and the receptionist who was praying to the portrait with a blank look on her face.

She was dressed in a black dress along with a white headpiece with her hair tied in a ponytail, when she walked over to the portrait her pace was slow and deliberate as she carefully listened to what the woman was saying.

" Last time I heard from Yu Bing that as long as we pray in front of you, we will get blessed with luck …so please shower me with blessings."

' Blessings?' Song Yan mused as she turned her head and then tilted her head slightly as she looked at the portrait that was hanging on the wall with a questioning look on her face.


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