My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 558 A Big Problem

Chapter 558 A Big Problem

Song Yan walked in front of the portrait that was hanging in front of her, if this was up to her, she could have taken the portrait down and then torn it up to see what it was hiding but she knew too well that if this thing was related to that woman, she wouldn't be able to break the array even if she was to simply tear the thing up.

This big portrait must have been hiding some sort of major secret inside itself or else, it wouldn't have such wide fame in the entire company. And more importantly, right now, Li Wenyi's company was in a mess, if she was to take this portrait down then most probably the people who were working in the company might create trouble for Li Wenyi.

This was why she wouldn't touch the portrait for the time being but that did not mean that she was going to let it go that easily. She leaned down and then touched the portrait with her fingers as a soft smile curled her lips up and then she leaned forward before whispering, " I will get hold of you, sooner or later… I will take 'proper' care of you." She pulled herself back and then patted the portrait with a smile on her face. " I am going to make you pay very soon."

Song Yan returned to the office where Li Wenyi worked now that she was done looking around the company, she needed to see whether or not there was something weird in Li Wenyi's room or not. Li Wenyi's office was on the topmost floor of the company and yet Song Yan who only came with Li Wenyi for a day was given the right to go to the top floor without any trouble at all.

Seeing her press the button on the topmost floor many people who were in the elevator widened their eyes, as far as they knew only a few trusted managers and designers were allowed to go to the topmost floor, how was it possible for a newcomer to go to the topmost floor? The workers that were in the elevator they all thought that Song Yan will be kicked out of the floor the second she will step out of the elevator which was why although they should have gotten out of the elevator at different floors they went with Song Yan to see her make a joke of herself.

Especially a young woman who has been working in the fashion design department for years. In her view, she has been working in the company for a long time and before an unknown model she should have been given the right to go to the topmost floor where those who were trusted by Li Wenyi worked. She stared at Song Yan's back with a haughty look in her eyes, and her gaze that was locked on Song Yan's back was so venomous that the latter had to turn around and look at the person who was staring at her.

When the woman saw Song Yan turn she jumped in fright and dropped her head, ' not now', she told herself. 'I need to watch this woman get into trouble first before doing something like going against her.'

Song Yan frowned when she saw that she could not see anyone but Fang Yanli who was beside her was looking around the elevator and hurriedly tattled the woman who was glaring at Song Yan. She pointed at the woman with a red sweater and black skirt before saying, "It's her, she is the one who was glaring at you."

Following the finger that Fang Yanli was pointing Song Yan turned to look in the same direction, she noticed the woman who had her head lowered and glanced her gaze away from her within a second. She was not someone who would find trouble with someone if they don't find trouble with her, since the woman was not doing anything to her except glaring, she did not say anything.

When the woman saw that Song Yan had turned her gaze away she heaved a sigh of relief before her lips curled into a smirk as audacious as her expression when the elevator opened at the top floor.

However, contrary to her expectations instead of kicking Song Yan out, the guards who were standing on the sides of the elevator bowed to her and allowed her to walk right into the corridor that led to the office where Li Wenyi worked.

Seeing her getting this much respect, the people in the elevator were stunned but they did not have any time to stay stunned for long because the guards who were standing on either side of the elevator turned to look at them and asked, " What do you all want?"

" Nothing!" All the workers shook their heads as one of them immediately pressed the button that will take the elevator back down and even though they were all stunned and surprised no one said a thing except a few people who were jealous of Song Yan.

" How was she given permission to go on the topmost floor without doing anything?" One of the designers griped as she clutched her notes in her arms and then looked in front of her with an angry look on her face.

" She might have done something behind scenes," her colleague replied with a frown on her face and then continued speaking with a sly look on her face. " Maybe she is filling up the space of the lack of attention the boss is getting from her husband."

" What ?" The first woman who was walking together with her was stunned before her gossipy soul burned and then said with a gasp, " Oh my god that will explain why that model was given such a leeway on the first day. Even if our company refused to take Chen Xi who was a B-grade model there is no way that they will choose an unknown model, what do you say Yan Jinyi?"

The woman asked Yan Jinyi who was glaring at Song Yan earlier in the elevator. Yan Jinyi griped her documents in her hands and then smiled in a fake manner, " Who knows, we should not spread rumours about the boss like this."

But in her heart, she was burning with anger at the thought of being thrown into the back seat by a woman of no origins.


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