My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 563 Third Uncle

Chapter 563 Third Uncle

" How do you get into a fight with someone when you did not mean to?" Song Yan asked in exasperation as she looked at Li Wenyi who was now frowning as well.

" I...I don't know how to explain this but can you please come and see me, my headmistress is making things difficult for me."

Song Yan felt her eyebrow twitch, of course, the headmistress was going to make things difficult for Fu Rong. Even though Fu Rong was the youngest daughter of the Fu family, she was studying at a university that was famous for its strict policies and had the fame of making scholars every once in a while. If not for Fu Yu Sheng who gifted three buildings to the university and was willing to hand a generous amount of donations as well, Fu Rong would have been kicked out a very long time.

" At least tell me who did you fight with this time?" She asked with a tired expression. Surely, Fu Rong was too scared to call Fu Yu Sheng who was like a hot pepper these days, he was only patient when it came to her and Fu Chen but when it came to his brother and sister, he was clearly not as patient as he was supposed to be instead he was looking at them with a gaze that said that he was waiting for them to mess up and then he will take care of them properly.

And by taking care of them properly, he meant that he will send them packing to their maternal grandmother's house this time.

" Um, it's cousin Qingyuan, you know the daughter of our little third uncle. She studies in the same class as me, you know her right? She used to bully you a lot as well, sister-in-law when you were a bit of a scaredy cat."

' Cousin Qingyuan?' Song Yan did not have much recollection of this cousin Qingyuan but she did know the third uncle of the Fu family, he was a man of great greed and never knew when to stop, what was more even though Fu Yu Sheng and Fu Shu Chang were married he would keep on egging them to marry another wife, despite knowing that the men of the main house of the Fu family should not be divorcing their wives.

Though she did not know Fu Qingyuan, she did know her brother who fought tooth and nail with Fu Yu Sheng to snatch the Fu corporation and was later killed in a road accident and if she was not wrong that brother of Fu Qingyuan was rather smitten with her.

" Qingyuan? Are you talking about that Fu Xinchen's sister?"

" Yes, yes…the man who always tries to stick close to you even though he knows that you are clearly married," answered Fu Rong with a distasteful voice, in the past she did not care about Fu Xinchen getting close to Song Yan because she thought that both of them suited quite well but now that she knew how good her sister was, she wished she could go ahead and smack that Fu Xinchen for acting to chummy with her sister in law for no reason at all.

" Okay, I will come and see what I can do." Song Yan answered before she cancelled the call and then looked at Li Wenyi who was looking at her with curiosity, though she heard a few words, it would be wrong of her to assume anything.

​ "It's Fu Rong," Song Yan told her with an annoyed sigh. " She seemed to have fought with the daughter of little third uncle."

Li Wenyi's eyebrows scrunched up as she thought about what was going to happen now, she too raised her hand and then rubbed her forehead with a sigh. " If it's Qingyuan then I am worried that she will definitely make things difficult for you. I could, I would have gone to see her but I have a meeting in half an hour."

"It's all right, I am going to see what Fu Rong and Fu Qingyuan have gotten in to," Song Yan picked herself off the couch and then patted her dress as she clutched her purse in her hands and then walked out of the office.


Fu Rong at this moment was standing in the office of her headmistress while her cousin was standing at the other end of the room. The headmistress who was sitting on the chair was rubbing her forehead because her head was throbbing like several gongs were drumming inside her head. She could not offend either of the young misses, the head of the departments fled the responsibilities by dumping her because they were worried that they would get into trouble with either of these big-shot young mistresses.

As soon as Fu Rong was done with her call, she turned to look at Fu Qingyuan who was standing behind her, she glared at the woman who glared right back at her with a sneer on her face.

" Fu Rong! Do you think that just because you are the young miss of the main house, you can do anything you want? Others might be scared of you but I am not scared of you! I am a Fu as well!"

Behind Fu Qingyuan, three to four girls were standing behind her with a sneer that was matching Fu Qingyuan's.

And on the chair in front of the headmistress, a young girl with a mess of hair and a handprint was sitting with tears in her eyes.

" Don't call yourself a Fu, you wretched woman! You don't feel ashamed of using the name of the Fu family after bullying a poor girl just because of a stupid reason! Even if you don't feel ashamed I feel really ashamed thinking that you are from the same family as me. I am telling you if the old rules of the family still worked, I would have asked sister in law to kick you out of the branch! You uncultured swine."

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