My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 592 Pei Yu Dumped In Front Of Police Station

Chapter 592 Pei Yu Dumped In Front Of Police Station

In the police department.

Lu Anhe stared at the sight of her in disbelief, she wanted to rub her eyes and pretend that she did not see anything but no matter what she did the sight in front of her did not change.

The arrogant and prideful missy of the Pei family was dumped in front of the police department, at first Lu Anhe thought that the woman might have suffered some grievances after all she seemed to be badly beaten with all the swelling that was spread all over her body.josei

But when Pei Yu opened her mouth, she started reciting one thing after another, telling the world how many women she has harmed and how she ruined their lives but no matter how they tried to ask the name of the men who helped her in doing something so evil, she only said ten to twenty names before coming to a pause as she tried to tell another name but no matter how many times she opened her mouth and tried to tell the last name, she would start twitching and then shake like she was suffering from some sort of attack.

That was however not the thing that shocked her, it was the talisman that was sticking to the back of Pei Yu's dress.

" Officer Lu look at this," Guo Bambang who was her partner in this high profile case, snatched the talisman off Pei Yu's body and no sooner did he do that Pei Yu immediately changed her tune as she started screaming, " I did not do anything! You all let me go, you don't know who my father is! I am telling you that I was not the one who——"

She was still speaking when Guo Bambang stuck the talisman back on her dress and the woman changed her words again. " It was me, it was all me... I was the one who came up with the plan to harm the young miss of the Fu family."

Once her sentence was recorded, Guo Bambang took the talisman off Pei Yu's back and tucked it inside his pocket when Lu Anhe saw him doing this, she was speechless and she could not help but say, " What are you keeping that thing with you for?"

" Did you not see what happened in the interrogation cell?" Guo Bambang looked back at Lu Anhe, his expression that of incredulity as he said, "It's given that the reason we were able to get Miss Pei's sentence and the truth behind all the dirty dealing of the Pei family because of this talisman. Think about it how easy it would be for us to interrogate criminals once we stick this to their bodies?"

Lu Anhe however did not believe that the reason Pei Yu was willing, to tell the truth, had anything to do with the talisman that was sticking to Pei Yu's body which was why she waved her hand and said, " I think you are giving much too credit to this piece of paper, most probably the young woman was scared away by the power of the Fu family once she was caught and then came to confess, she must have been worried that the Fu family will find trouble with her  family which is why she came to confess."

But before she could finish speaking she saw Guo Bambang sticking the talisman to her body as he asked, " Do you have feelings for Chief Wu ?"

Lu Anhe thought that he was being stupid by asking such a question, did he think that she was going to answer this question just because he stick a small piece of paper on her back? She smirked and opened her mouth to say no but contrary to her expectations, the answer that came out of her mouth was a loud, " Yes."

Immediately, Lu Anhe's expression changed as she looked at Guo Bambang who in turn smiled at her as he wriggled his eyebrows and said, " Now what do you have to say?"

In Wu Jin's office.

Lu Anhe was still shocked as listened to everything that Guo Bambang was reporting to Wu Jin, she was not even this incredulous when she heard Pei Yu confess everything and then turned to look at Guo Bambang before turning her attention to Wu Jin, even though she was listening to the report, she still felt like she was dreaming and her face was filled with incredulity.

But after she thought everything through and then thought about how this matter was linked with Song Yan, she decided that it made sense.

As for Pei Song he was taken straight to the hospital by Fu Yu Sheng and Song Yan as for Fu Shu Chang and Li Wenyi, they went to a mall to buy a dress for Fu Rong since they could not bring her to the Fu house in torn clothes and give everyone a reason to gossip about their family.

Once they reached the hospital Fu Yu Sheng was surprised to find that even though Pei Song looked like he ate meals with drugs added to them three times a day, he did not have even the slightest amount of drugs in his system. But there were countless injuries on his body and one could see that he was treated very harshly by the people in the Pei family.

Seeing that the man was all right, Song Yan took off her own jade bracelet that was very much similar to the one that Pei Song was wearing and then wrote a bunch of ominous-looking arrays on it with her blood after she was done biting her thumb, once she was done writing the jade bracelet glowed brilliantly before returning to its original state.

Before Song Yan left with Fu Yu Sheng, she made Pei Song wear the bracelet. Pei Song was still confused about a lot of things but he knew that it was Song Yan who helped him which was why he thanked her again and again while his heart was filled with gratitude, he did not understand what was going on because his memories were still jumbled up but he seemed to have understood that he was only safe today because of Song Yan.

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