My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 598 Embarrassed To The Point Of No Return

Chapter 598 Embarrassed To The Point Of No Return

Fu Rong who has been gone for so long returned to the banquet with Song Yan and the others, she seemed to have changed her dress but from her unblemished skin of hers, Fu Qingyuan could see that Fu Rong was completely fine what was more she was even smiling!

' How? How was this possible?' Fu Qingyuan was stunned when she saw that Fu Rong was completely unharmed and her lips couldn't help but tremble when she noticed how Fu Rong glared at her as soon as she turned to look at her with those dark and hateful gazes of hers.

'Does she knows that I was behind it?' Fu Qingyuan has made sure that nothing would happen to her after all she was not the one who told Pei Yu to kidnap Fu Rong and had her get r*ped by Pei Song, that plan was something that Pei Yu came up with her own but what if that bitch said something when she was caught?

Fu Qingyuan's expression could no longer be counted as ugly anymore, her complexion was too dark and ink seemed to be dripping down from her chin as she looked at Fu Rong who though shaken up a little looked completely fine.

But then she suddenly felt a set of another pair of hostile gazes locked on her back, stunned she looked in the direction of the gazes that were directed towards her and was surprised when she saw that it was none other than the Fu elder brothers, from their gazes it could be said that they had a very good idea about what she has done and almost immediately her back was covered in a cold sweat.

' That dumb Pei You, she couldn't even do something so simple as this!' Fu Qingyuan realised that Pei Yu has failed and even dragged her into her mess when she noticed that Fu Yu Sheng was looking at her with hatred in his eyes while Fu Shu Chang was looking at her with a promised retaliation in his eyes.

" You all are here!" Old master Fu heaved a sigh of relief when he noticed that his grandsons and granddaughters-in-law were back. When he saw that none of them returned for such a long time he was getting worried that something serious happened to Fu Rong, now that he saw that everything was all right and all his grandchildren were back, he could heave a sigh of relief.

" Grandfather," Fu Yu Sheng went to stand next to his grandfather when he saw that his grandfather was looking a bit sick because of all the anxiety that he was suppressing inside him ever since Fu Rong and the others were gone, in fact, if not for the pills that Song Yan has given to the old master Fu, he might have really collapsed by now.

" We all are fine, you don't need to worry," Fu Yu Sheng soothed the old man's worry when he saw that the man did not look good, only then did Old master Fu regain most of his flare and turned to look at his annoying nephew and said, " Yi Shen, you kept asking for Yu Sheng and Shu Chang, they are here why don't you tell them what you wanted them for?"

Third Uncle Fu only asked about Fu Yu Sheng and Fu Shu Chang because he wanted to pull Old master Fu's legs, he never wanted to do anything with these two men. He awkwardly smiled and then said,  "I was just asking casually about the two of them since they were not here and nothing more uncle."

Old master Fu scoffed, he knew very well what Third Uncle Fu wanted to do by continuously asking him about Fu Yu Sheng and Fu Shu Chang.

Fu Yu Sheng glanced at his third uncle and did not say anything, despite him being in a low mood, he understood that one shouldn't hang their dirty laundry in public and since Fu Qingyuan liked using other people as her sword then he was going to teach her a lesson in the same way as well.

His thoughts were shared by Fu Shu Chang and others as well but Song Yan was the only one who did not share his thoughts.

Song Yan was completely calm with her lips curled in a smile, she was someone who did not like teaching anyone a lesson in one go——she liked killing them all bit by bit which was why she deliberately stuck that curse to Fu Qingyuan and from the looks of it the curse was doing its job really well.

" You don't need to worry about anything grandfather," Fu Rong was in a rare low mood as well, she was really upset at Fu Qingyuan's attempt of making things difficult for her but what made her even more furious was that she could not punish Fu Qingyuan like she punished Pei Yu!

She glanced at Fu Qingyuan and then said in a cold voice, " No matter how many times people with black and rotten heart tries to harm us, we are born with good fortune and nothing will happen to us," she however only glance at Fu Qingyuan and then looked away quickly lest Old master Fu caught something odd in her gaze. " We should go and cut your cake."josei

Fu Qingyuan of course understood what Fu Rong meant by that glance and words.

' Black and rotten heart? This bitch really thinks she can speak whatever she wants, doesn't she?' Fu Qingyuan was really furious when she heard Fu Rong's words but what made her even more furious was that Fu Rong was still alive!

'Why did she not die? If she died then she wouldn't be stabbing her with her words!' Fu Qingyuan thought ruthlessly.

Maybe it was because her hatred and anger were too much for the curse that Song Yan has sent her way but a second later after Fu Qingyuan was finished thinking this thought, a loud sound of someone letting out a fart echoed in the room followed by a very bad smell and the sound of something wet and watery with a bit of weight falling on the floor was heard by everyone.

Song Yan : " That's even bigger than the waste of a dinosaur."

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