My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 626 Something Else To Deal With

Chapter 626 Something Else To Deal With

" Your elder brother is a tad bit smart, I will say this for him at least he is not getting involved with that woman in some messy situation, I was worried that he will do something irresponsible and it will be our heads in a mill," Song Yan told Fu Yu Sheng as she closed the file that was in her lap and turned to look at her husband who was sitting on her side with a smile playing on his lips as he nodded and remarked, " Of course even if my brother is not in the right state of his mind, he will not do something as stupid as getting involved with that woman who is bent on breaking up his family and involved in God knows what kind of dumb fckery."

Song Yan did not bother to tell the man to keep a filter on his mouth since their son was already asleep as long as this man kept a lock on his mouth when their son was awake she had nothing to say to him at all. She continued to think about the problem and then nodded to herself, as long as her brother-in-law and Chen woman were not involved in any kind of messy relationship then she will have nothing to worry about, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what, this could still be counted as a piece of good news lest her eldest brother-in-law and this Chen woman were involved in something messier then she would have had a hard time getting this leech off her eldest brother-in-law's body off but now that she knew that nothing was up between the two of them then she will help her eldest brother in law draw a clean line between the two of them and escape this calamity that was hovering over the top of his head.

She then picked up the file that included the information on Chen Xi and flipped through it since she was with Chen Chu Chu throughout her life there was not much for her to read about Chen Xi.

Except for the fact that she went on to become an actress after having a fight with her parents who did not approve of her actions, there was nothing relevant, just like Chen Chu Chu she was truly very clean, so clean that Song Yan was having trouble comparing this woman with the one who sat arrogantly in the reception hall of Li Wenyi's company and told them that she was going to deal with them nicely.

She closed Chen Xi's file as well and pursed her lips, the two sisters despite being too different from each other were absolutely clean, seeing their past activities and everything else Song Yan could not help but tap the back of her fingers on the armrest as she thought about everything carefully. These Chen sisters were too clean, so clean that she could not help but get suspicious of them even more.

Even, she was not this perfect and she was certain even her father was not this clean even though he was a man of morals there were times when he did something out of the norm and dealt with the bad people how he was supposed to deal with them. They didn't have such a great profile when compared to the Chen sisters, for once she could believe Chen Chu Chu but Chen Xi ...that woman was so arrogant for her own good how was it possible for her not to be involved in any messy situation?

Fu Yu Sheng narrowed his eyes at the file that Song Yan was holding and said, " The investigation seemed to be incomplete in my eyes, even though we found out about everything about those two sisters, it cannot even be considered as investigating the top of the murky waters they are currently standing in, they seemed to have cleaned up after them quite nicely."

However, no matter how clean they were every criminal no matter how skilled he or she was would make a mistake once in their life they will just have to wait for that one opportunity.

"It's enough there is no need for you to worry about anything more," Song Yan replied to him and momentarily forgot about her anger towards this man, she nodded and then thanked him. " If you try to investigate them any further then I am afraid we might end up alerting them, if the two of them have worked so hard to hide their past and their actions, then I think that trying to go into the murky water with them will be foolish."

Fu Yu Sheng heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Song Yan was no longer angry with him. At least these investigation files seemed to have done something good, he paused and then asked, " What should we do now?"

" Now, we should wait for us to leave for the military, since the woman is hiding everything in the military district then we cannot do anything about her at the moment." Song Yan knew that for the sake of luring that woman out, she will have to wait for her to show her fangs first, no one was willing to hit a smiling face.

And that Chen woman was thoroughly skilled in making herself look pitiful something that she could not do even if she was to push herself off a cliff!

" But for now she is not the one who needs to be dealt with," Song Yan stood up from the chair on which she was sitting and then turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng before she handed him another talisman. " You take care of Chen Chen, I will be back soon."

As she spoke she was already walking away without waiting for Fu Yu Sheng to stop herm when Fu Yu Sheng saw that his wife was leaving he was stunned he wanted to stop her but the latter was too fast, he couldn't even open his mouth when Song Yan banged the door behind her and left.


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