My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 629 Hei An De

Chapter 629 Hei An De

" What the hell?" Yu Pan who was looking for her lipstick cursed when she noticed that the lights inside the company suddenly turned off. She was sure that the security personnel were no longer taking care of their duties now all the senior executives of the company left the company. She scoffed and muttered a string of curses for that personnel before she took out her smartphone and then turned on her torch as she renewed her search for the lipstick once again.

If it was from a local market, she would have left it behind and then just gone out of the company but the lipstick was gifted to her by her boyfriend and it was more than one hundred and fifty dollars!  It was a lipstick that was rare to find even getting a dupe would be hard which was why Yu Pan could not leave it behind!

Yu Pan looked down at her desk but when she did not find the lipstick, she could not help but scrunch up her brows. " Where is it?" She was sure that the lipstick was supposed to be right under her desk but for some reason, the lipstick was gone even when she searched through the nooks and crannies under her table she could not find it!

She was very much upset thinking that her luck was getting worse and worse when she heard the click and clack of heels against the marble floor and then without raising her head from under the table, she said, " Tan Jing, you are here? I am glad can you come and help me look for the lipstick? I cannot find it even when I am crouching like this."

" Are you looking for this little beauty?" A screechy yet alluring voice asked from behind and instead of Tan Jing's usual voice, the voice of the woman who was behind her made the small hair on the back of Yu Pan's neck rise as she immediately turned around and looked at the woman who was standing behind her. It was too dark and she could not see anything except a faint outline of the woman who was behind her.

Yu Pan did not know what was going on but for some reason the talisman that the model who was signed by their company started to glow hotter and hotter almost burning her skin. She now knew the work of the talisman, every time she was in danger the talisman would start burning causing her to turn cautious, now that the talisman was burning Yu Pan did not dare to think of this as a small matter. The talisman was something great, if it was burning then it meant that the woman standing in front of her was someone dangerous.

Did she have a knife or was she holding something more dangerous?

Despite knowing that she should be getting on her feet and running like a bat out of hell, Yu Pan raised her trembling hands and then used the light of her smartphone to look at the woman.

It was a big mistake.josei

As soon as she looked at the woman, she saw her dark eyes that were bleeding red with blue and green veins that were sticking out of her pale skin like a corpse and her entire body stiffened. Unlike Tan Jing, her mouth dropped open and she screamed out loud before she scrambled to her feet and then started to run away from the woman, she did not know who this woman was and what she was doing but she was smart enough to know that she was going to get killed if she got caught by this woman!

Yu Pan ran as she has never run in her life but no matter how much she ran, the woman behind her was right next to her. Seeing that the woman was just after her, Yu Pan wanted to rush to the elevator and close the door but maybe it was her bad luck that the elevator was not working and in the end, she had to take the stairs as she ran down the floor and rushed towards the front door of the company.

But as soon as she reached the glass door she realised that it has been shut closed, no matter how much she tried to tug it open, the door stayed as it was and did not even budge the slightest bit causing her to be so anxious that she was hopping on the spot like an ant on a hot pan.

" Beauty fades leaving nothing but a hollow shell, oh but I do not want to grow old and wane, so come my little girl come to me, pay me for all the wishes that I made true for you to see. Your beautiful skin and those pretty eyes, Hei An De wants them all."

" Come to Hei An De! And pay for all your wishes that came true with that beautiful youth that you carry with you."

Yu Pan stiffened when she heard the voice of the woman who was walking towards her with a brilliant smile on her face, now that the room was lit up with the moonlight Yu Pan could see the woman more clearly along with all the expressions on her face, seeing her smile to wide caused Yu Pan to be scared silly as her legs started to shake and she yelled, " What are you chasing me for? What do you want?"

She could not understand why this was happening to her, first, she was almost smashed by the signboard of the beauty shop and now she was being chased by this terrible thing. What has she done to deserve this?

" I hate when little girls like you do this," the woman spoke with a smile as sweet as honey. " You asked me to fulfil your wishes and I did, now it's time for you to pay Hei An De back, pay for the wishes that Hei An De fulfilled for you, little girl."

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