My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 633 Yu Pan’s Regrets

Chapter 633 Yu Pan’s Regrets

Yu Pan was really regretful but there was no medicine for regret in this world, she could only look at the door every once and now, and every time the thing outside banged hard at the door while laughing with that creepy laugh coming out of its mouth, Yu Pan felt her heart tremble. Each bang on the door rang in her heart and she wished she could crawl a way out of the company somehow but she could not do it.

With tears streaming out of her eyes, she slapped herself as she scolded herself, " Why were you foolish enough to do something so stupid? Were you dying without getting engaged? Now look at what you did, you are going to die! Stupid! Stupid! I am so stupid!"

As Yu Pan was scolding herself the banging on the door stopped, at first Yu Pan thought that the thing outside might have tired itself out and she dragged herself out off the table before she got to her feet and looked at the door warily.

" Did it leave?" She asked herself as she looked at the door that was hanging half on its hinges. Yu Pan waited for the thing to start banging on the door again but after waiting for more than ten minutes she realised that the thing outside was no longer moving.

Her heart that has been tensed all along finally eased, and she kneeled on the floor with a sigh of relief. Finally, she was saved…looks like she was not as unlucky as she thought she was!

Unbeknownst to Yu Pan the grill that was attached to the roof for air ventilation was being slowly removed without a sound being made, the thin and long fingers that had many blue and black veins sticking out curled around the square grill and then pulled the space open as the woman stuck her head out and smiled creepily when the woman looked at Yu Pan who was sitting on the floor right under her.

Hei An De licked her lips, she was going to get fresh human meat to eat again!

With the grace of a python, it slid out of the vent and then dropped on Yu Pan who had no idea what happened.

Yu Pan who thought that she was saved was stunned when a cold and hard body pressed her down. At first, she did not want to believe that this was happening which was why she refused to acknowledge it but as the long web-like fingers stretched out and then clutched the back of her neck, she turned stiff and slowly turned to look at the thing at her back.

As soon as she turned her head and looked at Hei An De who was smiling at her widely, she let out a scream of terror. " AHHHH! Let me go! LET ME GO! I DON'T WANT TO GET ENGAGED, TAKE MY RING AWAY …BUT LET ME GO!"

However, no matter how much she screamed Hei An De did not move instead she opened her mouth and took a cold and harsh breath, Yu Pan did not know what was going on all she knew was that suddenly she felt really cold and her bones started to hurt.

But her human instincts told her that something wrong was happening which was why she turned her head to the side and looked at the polished oak of the table next to her and was shocked to see that her face was actually looking three years old already.

" No, ….No…NOOOO!" Yu Pan understood what was happening and started struggling, the thing behind her was not killing her in one swift move but it was actually sucking all her vitality and youth turning her into an old woman!

Just when she thought that she was going to be killed by being sucked dry, the door that was closed tightly was blown up. The door that was supposed to be bulletproof and couldn't be broken by a ghost either was sent flying straight at Hei An De knocking the ghost woman off Yu Pan's body.

When Yu Pan saw that the thing was now fully off her body was shocked, but then she scrambled off the floor and immediately rushed to hide behind the figure that was walking inside the room.josei

Song Yan took a look at Yu Pan and when she saw that except for missing a few years from her life span the latter was completely fine, she heaved a sigh of relief and then turned to look at the thing that was climbing on its fist and threw a talisman at the thing.

But compared to Dan Bai, this woman was much more agile. She sensed that the talisman that was heading its way was dangerous and dodged it with ease, it jumped on the wall and then with a speed that Song Yan did not expect from a moving ghost started climbing the wall and went inside the air vent, since it did not want to keep its presence hidden now, it ran past the air vent very quickly.

" Sh*t!" Song Yan crushed as she threw an exploding talisman to tackle the thing down, as soon as she sent the talisman flying at the vent talisman glowed a brilliant red and then exploded. However, the thing that was inside it was already gone.

Seeing that the thing has ran away, Song Yan turned on her heels and then chased after Hei An De, she followed the sound of heels clicking in the metal vent and would send exploding talisman flying at it once and then but Hei An De was quick, so quick that Song Yan caught the next glimpse of the ghost woman when it was standing in front of the portrait.

Hei An De smiled at Song Yan proactively before it jumped inside the portrait again causing the talisman that Song Yan sent in her direction to fly past. Song Yan who was a second late came to a stop in front of the portrait and banged her hands on the portrait in frustration. " Damn this thing!"


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