My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 641 Slipped In Green Tea

Chapter 641 Slipped In Green Tea

When Chen Chu Chu stepped out of the restroom, her skin was glowing and every sign of ageing seemed to have been reversed from her face, the only different thing was that somehow she looked even curvier and the clothes that she was wearing in the morning seemed to have been changed as well.

Her colleague Hu Ya who was working in her section looked up from her work and was immediately stunned, she looked at Chen Chu Chu who just went to the restroom and immediately got a butt lift along with a breast job, she raised her hands and rubbed her eyes for a long time and then turned her gaze to the restroom and could not help but think whether Chen Chu Chu was hiding a freaking plastic surgeon in the restroom.

How in the world a woman who was tall and lanky suddenly got so busty?

Hu Ya has never liked Chen Chu Chu, she thought that the woman was too fake and her actions were corrupted as well, who else will in their right mind chase after a man who was married but the thing was that she was the only one who had working eyes everyone else in the laboratory seemed to be freaking blind!

As Chen Chu Chu walked past Hu Ya, the latter could not help but sneer, " Sister Chen, what kind of skin care are you using? Can you tell me? I mean I have heard of creams that will reverse ageing but I have never heard of anything that will make my breasts bigger like this."

Chen Chu Chu paused and turned to look at Hu Yan, she looked around the laboratory and when she saw that no one was there, she tipped her chin and smirked at Hu Ya before she lightly scoffed and muttered contemptuously, " You? You cannot even rub two of my skincare brand if you wanted to, don't you have like a whole bunch of ugly-looking things to feed first? Why don't you worry about them before?"

Hu Ya's parents sacrificed themselves when they were in the army even though Hu Yan and her brothers were given permanent residence in the army along with some special reservations, Hu Ya's brothers were still young and she needed to work hard to provide for them. Even though schooling and housing were free for them the other expenses were fulfilled by Hu Ya.

Her being an orphan has always been a throbbing nerve for Hu Ya, she glared at Chen Chu Chu hard and wanted to say something but before she could even open her mouth, she saw the latter's eyes suddenly turn red at an unimaginable speed as she started to cry with droplets as big as pearl falling from her eyes.josei

"Sister Hu, I know that you don't like but you don't have to call me an ugly freak, I know that I am in the wrong for undergoing so many surgeries but it's people like you who force me to do so!" Hu Ya had no idea why Chen Chu Chu was crying like her ancestors died and why she was blaming her all of a sudden but then she heard a really violent roar from behind and understood.

" Hu Ya, you have gone too far!" Bo Silin who walked into the laboratory to ask Chen Chu Chu whether she wanted to go for lunch with him, he knew that Fu Shu Chang hardly ever ate and would not care about Chen Chu Chu either which was why he came to take care of Chen Chu Chu but who knew that he will hear something so explosive? He was immediately furious as he strode inside the laboratory and glared at Hu Ya while standing in front of Chen Chu Chu protectively.

"What did you say to sister Chu Chu? Did you not know what she is going through?" Bo Silin stood in front of Hu Ya who was struck dumb by his stupidity, she looked at the man and then at the btch who has schemed against her and then nodded. " Sure enough, my astrologer was right… he told me that I will slip in green tea and he was damn fcking right. This is what happens when you don't listen to the old and the wise."

Hu Ya blew out a breath and then turned to leave but before she could leave, her wrist was caught by Bo Silin who pointed to Chen Chu Chu and snarled, " Apologise before you leave, don't even think about leaving unless you apologise."

" And with what right, do you think you can ask me to apologize?"

" I am your fiancé!" Bo Silin quite shamelessly announced as he glared at Hu Ya who smiled at him and replied, " From today onwards you are not." And as she spoke, she twisted her feet and kicked Bo Silin right against his forehead before sending him toppling to the ground.

" Brother Silin!" Chen Chu Chu screamed as she rushed to Bo Silin on the ground while Hu Ya dusted her hands and said, " Now don't even come at me with that attitude, ex-fiancé. Enjoy your lunch date with this green tea as much as you want,  I need to go and vomit."

She rolled her eyes at the two before she walked out of the laboratory but while she was walking out, she met with Fu Shu Chang who was coming inside with a report in hand and shot him a look of complete and utter disgust before she snorted and walked past him.

Fu Shu Chang: "..." ???

What happened while he was gone? He was really confused when he saw Hu Ya snort at him but then he saw Chen Chu Chu and Bo Silin who was on the floor. Chen Chu Chu was helping Bo Silin before Fu Shu Chang came but as soon as she saw the man of her dreams walk inside, she immediately let go of Bo Silin and dumped him on the floor.

If that was not enough she even walked over to him to get to Fu Shu Chang, all the while smiling as she shyly greeted, " Brother Fu, you are here?"

Fu Shu Chang immediately understood why Hu Ya snorted at him because he too wanted to do the same, he did not answer Chen Chu Chu and turned around to leave. The full moon was still far, he does not need to listen to her at the moment with that thought in his head, he turned around and left while Chen Chu Chu chased after him.

Bo Silin: "….." What am I? A carpet?

author: no you are worse than that slag man.


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