My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 644 Fu Chen Fainted

Chapter 644 Fu Chen Fainted


Fu Chen has never been embarrassed like this before, he looked at the uncle who was teasing him and then hurriedly turned around and his face in his father's embrace. Even though his father was stinky and left him alone for a long time, he was going to choose his father over this mouthy uncle. How can he announce his dark history in front of everyone like this?

Seeing that her son was embarrassed, Song Yan decided to intervene lest her son started to throw a tantrum. " Brother Yan, how are you? I still haven't thanked you enough for the last time."

When Song Yan was pregnant, she was not taken care of properly by Fu Yu Shen and Fu Rong. The two of them did not like her and they were too young to take care of a pregnant woman, Li Wenyi had to leave because she had an important fashion show and since the doctor told them that Fu Chen won't be born for another one month, they all were very relaxed.

Who would have thought that just when they took their eyes away from Song Yan, the latter's water would miraculously break? She still remembered that back then Fu Yu Shen and Fu Rong did not have any idea what to do with her, if not for Yan Guo who came with Fu Shu Chang to pick something from the Fu mansion then she and Fu Chen might have been in a lot of danger.

It could be said that Fu Shu Chang and Yan Guo were more of an uncle to Fu Chen than Fu Yu Shen ever was years ago. Even though she thanked Yan Guo profusely back then, she still thought it was not enough.

" What are you thanking me for sister-in-law?" When Yan Guo heard Song Yan thank him, he waved her thanks away instead he turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng whom he has never seen before and simply said, " If you want to thank me then you just hit this stupid boy a few more times, leaving his pregnant wife behind going abroad, tsk, tsk...he deserves to stay single all his life. It's his fortune that he got such a beautiful wife by miracle."

Fu Yu Sheng wanted to curse and call this man 'trash' but he has been bullied by Yan Guo ever since he was young. Even though Yan Guo looked like he had a sunny disposition the truth was that he was one of those people who smiled more brightly while bullying someone and since one could not hit a smiling face, Fu Yu Sheng has always had a hard time while dealing with this man who was even slyer than a fox.

Thus, even though he did not want to, he still put away his uncouth appearance and refrained from speaking any profanity. Instead, he politely smiled at Yan Guo and greeted him, " Brother Guo, how are you?"

Yan Guo was very surprised when he heard Fu Yu Sheng greet him, he raised his brows and threw his arm around Fu Yu Sheng's shoulders and said, " Not bad, Not bad...its seems that you have gotten a bit more courageous from the past. When I found out that you came with your family, I thought you were going to hide from me like last time but I am happy that you can finally stand on your feet in front of me like a man."

As he spoke, he kept hitting Fu Yu Sheng on the back causing both Fu Yu Sheng and Fu Chen's faces to turn black.

Fu Chen looked up at his father who was being beaten by this chatty uncle and gave him a white look. Sure enough, his mother was better! He made a mistake getting in the arms of his father, if he knew that this was going to happen then he would have rather hung in his mother's arms like a monkey than be picked up by his father.

He turned to look at Yan Guo and then turned to his father as he silently told his father his thoughts through telepathy. ' I don't like this uncle.'

Fu Yu Sheng looked at his son and answered, 'I don't like him either.'

But neither of them could do anything, Yan Guo saved the two of them from losing his life or his wife and child, thus they could only give face to Yan Guo.

Song Yan saw that both father and son were looking like they were heading for the gallows and softly chuckled. Sure enough, even after so many years neither of them could fight against Yan Guo but she did not save them because when Fu Chen died, Yan Guo was one of those very few people who straight up warned Fu Yu Sheng from handling the Fu corporation to anyone other than Fu Chen.

She still remembered how Yan Guo roared at Fu Yu Sheng during Fu Chen's funeral calling him a useless and completely absent father who did not care about his child. He was one of the people who might have helped in breaking the spell under Fu Yu Sheng because when Yan Guo told him that it was better to let the Fu corporation rot and go to hell than be given to an outsider Fu Yu Sheng donated everything.

Yan Guo was one of those few people who were able to wake the real, Fu Yu Sheng up.

In short, it can be said that Song Yan was very thankful to Yan Guo. He was able to reach for Fu Yu Sheng when she could not.

Yan Guo did not know what was going on in Song Yan's head instead he continued to chatter with Fu Yu Sheng. He looked at the pretty-looking Fu Chen who would definitely grow up to be a heartbreaker and immediately remembered something, he said, " Yu Sheng, why don't we do this? I am still not married but I will be in a few years, in case I give birth to a daughter then we will get our children betrothed to each other. What do you think about it?"

He paused and then looked at Fu Chen as he pointed to his face and said very confidently, " Chen Chen, what do you think? Isn't uncle really handsome? I will marry a beautiful wife and then give birth to a pretty girl. You can marry her when she grows up, okay ?"

Fu Chen looked at Yan Guo who had thick eyebrows and a handsome face with tanned skin, in the eyes of women, Yan Guo was indeed handsome but Fu Chen was still a child. He just heard that he will have to marry a woman like Yan Guo when he grows up, he was so shocked that his eyes rolled back and he fainted.

" Fu Chen!" Fu Yu Sheng was still digesting the fact that there was a possibility of Yan Guo becoming his in-law when he saw his son faint and was shocked beyond belief before he turned to look at Yan Guo with a blaming gaze. " Brother Guo!"

Even Song Yan was surprised, Fu Chen hated the idea of marrying Yan Guo's daughter that much. She looked at Yan Guo who was scratching his cheek in embarrassment.


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