My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 651 Stay Away From Her ——2

Chapter 651 Stay Away From Her ——2

Fu Shu Chang looked at his brother who was threatening him and then looked at Song Yan who was peeking at them before he sighed and said, " I understand, I will come back home as soon as possible and stay at home all night."

When Chen Chu Chu heard that Fu Shu Chang agreed with what Fu Yu Sheng said, she was very upset and she was even more unwilling to let this man escape her grasp. She has been trying to keep this man under the palm of her hands but this man was simply too good at dodging her attacks.

However, the more the man stayed away from her and resisted her beauty, the more she was infatuated with him. Her desire to make this man cry for her made her even more excited!

She wanted to conquer this man and show everyone that she was better than this Li Wenyi with whom they continued to compare her with.

Chen Chu Chu immediately lowered her head and her eyes turned red as she sniffed and said, " Brother Yu Sheng, you seem to be misunderstanding me—— I did not come here with any hidden intentions, I only came to see Researcher Fu because there is something that he needs to finish and as the assistant researcher of the laboratory, I need him to supervise the experiment."josei

She wiped her tears and then softly said, " I know my place, brother Yu Sheng … I was left behind by my fiancé and I am so old and I know that I can never be worthy of someone as great as researcher Fu .. but more importantly he is married, there is no way  I will come between someone's marriage, I...I just came because the experiment needs his supervision and nothing else."

Seeing her cry Fu Yu Sheng was stumped, he really did not know how to deal with a crying woman. Song Yan has never cried in front of him and he too was quite fond of a strong woman who only shed tears when they have to but Chen Chu Chu was completely different from those women. She started crying at the smallest thing!

Fu Yu Sheng felt his head throb when Chen Chu Chu's cries attracted the attention of the neighbours and rubbed his forehead and said, " I am not implying anything Miss Chen, I am just reminding you, my brother and you are already the source of gossip in the army district, I think you two should stay away from each other and let the rumours die down first."

" You need to understand that we cannot let such a rumour fester for long, I am a businessman and my stocks are getting affected because of the news that was published in a magazine a few days." He sighed and then looked at Chen Chu Chu before he added, " And if you are not interested in my brother, then all the more reason for you to avoid suspicion by getting involved with him."

Fu Yu Sheng looked at his brother who was a sadist under the skin of a gentleman and wondered how can any woman like him. He was someone who would tease his siblings to the point where they will start crying so loud that their cries would shake the heavens.

Fu Rong, Fu Yu Shen and him, all of them lived in terror every time this man came back to the Fu mansion on summer vacation when they were young.

Chen Chu Chu clenched her fists as she looked at Fu Yu Sheng who was standing in front of her like an obstacle but she still smiled and nodded with an aggrieved look on her face and replied, " You are right, Brother Yu Sheng, I should try to avoid any kind of suspicion with your brother."

She glanced at Fu Shu Chang who was not saying anything and added after a short pause, " I will discuss the experiment tomorrow, researcher Fu."

She turned around and left without saying anything else, when Chen Chu Chu left, Song Yan heaved a sigh of relief and so did Fu Yu Sheng. As the three of them returned to the dining table, Fu Yu Shen who was sitting next to Fu Rong asked, " Eldest brother, why don't you change Miss Chen's working station? You have no idea such rumours are indeed really affecting us badly—— when the news of you and her getting cosy came out,  our stocks dropped drastically."

Fu Shu Chang did not say anything instead he sat down on his chair and calmly took a bite of his porridge before he said, " I cannot transfer her since she was sent to the laboratory by the Ex commissioner, even if I want to change her work station, her father will not agree with it since he does not want his daughter to go to another base to work."

It wasn't as Fu Shu Chang did not try to send Chen Chu Chu away, he did but the thing was her father never agreed with his suggestion. Master Chen would always tell him that they could not bear to part with Chen Chu Chu and cannot see her go away to another base, instead, he would promise that he will tell Chen Chu Chu not to chase after him but of course, his words never registered in Chen Chu Chu's thick skull.

Fu Yu Shen looked at Li Wenyi who was ignoring Fu Shu Chang and then looked at Song Yan who kept peeping at Fu Shu Chang and continued to frown after each glance. He remembered how his second sister-in-law told him that something was wrong with Chen Chu Chu and thus he could not help but stare at his brother solemnly.

" Eldest brother,  I will not overstep my boundaries but I think you should keep a distance from Miss Chen, she ——" he wanted to tell his brother that she was not a good woman but will his brother listen to him? He did not think so!

So, Fu Yu Shen changed his words and said, " She is not well-liked by us and sister-in-law Yan doesn't like her either. If you get cosy with her, then I will ask Second sister-in-law to turn you into a rabbit!"

Song Yan: "…." She was a celestial master, not a magician.

" Is that so? Then I guess we will have rabbit stew in a few days for dinner," commented Fu Yu Sheng ruthlessly.

Song Yan: "..." again I am a celestial master you idiots!


Please check out my other works —-

1) hot bloodsuckers' obsession if you want to see harem romance.

2) Vengeance of the moon if you want a strong fl who destroys her bullies.

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