My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 659 Chen Chu Chu, The Virtuous Woman——2

Chapter 659 Chen Chu Chu, The Virtuous Woman——2

Song Yan's way of handling things was perfect even if Mother Chen thought that she was trying to embarrass her daughter for getting work done on her face she could not say anything.

After all, Chen Chu Chu was two years younger than Song Yan. If she was to point out that Song Yan did not need any work done on her face and was only making trouble for Chen Chu Chu, then wouldn't she be embarrassing her daughter?

Mother Chen's face was very unsightly when she saw that Song Yan was trying to make fun of her daughter, why was it that no one was soft-hearted enough to understand the pain her daughter had to go through because of the man who abandoned her on the day of their engagement and even humiliating her by calling her ugly?

Even if Song Yan called herself old the way Mother Chen saw it was her trying to embarrass Chen Chu Chu by picking fault with her as she did with Song Yan and Li Wenyi for not being able to give birth to many children.

While she cursed Song Yan for being problematic, not once did Mother Chen think that she was the one in the wrong. If only she did not try to embarrass Chen Chu Chu and tried to keep a reign of her temper then something like this would not have happened.

Chen Chu Chu, however, did not seem to mind when Song Yan asked for her surgeon's name, instead, she gently smiled and replied, " Sister Yan, you don't need to get any work done, if anything a few fillers will be enough for you, if you really want to get work done then you can call me, I will take you to my surgeon ." Then her eyes fell on Li Wenyi and she apologized once again. " Sister Wenyi, please do forgive my family and me, I will try my best to make sure that this does not happen again."

Li Wenyi did not say anything, she was not as generous as the old master Fu who would not find fault with Chen Chu Chu just because she was of the younger generation.

But the more she acted like this the more she looked insecure and insensible in front of Chen Chu Chu who was apologizing with a good attitude.

Song Yan felt her head throb, this was why her sister-in-law was not liked by others, she would show what she thought on her face and was not a smooth talker with a sweet smile, unlike Chen Chu Chu who could be counted as a true white lotus!

Mother Chen was still indignant over the fact that her daughter was treated like this by the Fu family, she opened her mouth and said, " Chu Chu, how could you…you did not do anything wrong——"

But Chen Chu Chu interrupted her mother and said, " No mom, what I am saying is right. In fact, it's long due for everyone to stop using my name together with Brother Chang! He is married and I am an unmarried woman, the two of us do not have any fortune of staying together and what everyone is doing now is only making brother Shang, his wife and I uncomfortable!"

Her words caused many to look at her in a new light, the people who were watching the drama while standing outside the entrance of the Chen house were praising Chen Chu Chu for being virtuous.

Song Yan narrowed her eyes while her lips curled mockingly. She has to admit that Chen Chu Chu was too good, she cleared herself of any suspicion and even got herself the title of a virtuous woman.

Chen Chu Chu too saw the people standing outside her door and her face turned red with embarrassment and she cleared her throat before saying, " Brother Shang, Sister-in-law, I will send you out first please come with me."

Old master Fu felt his head throb, he did not know what to make of today's situation, he was old and could not keep up with the pace of the young people. The next time if the Chen family invited him to lunch, he would rather sit at home and nibble on bland porridge along with his family instead of coming here!

What a mess!

He immediately walked out of the house while Father Chen chased after him, all the time talking amicably with the old master Fu. He apologized alongside Chen Chu Chu as the two of them sent the Fu family out and promised that he will make up for their family in the future.

After he was done, he walked back into the house while leaving his daughters to make peace with the granddaughters in-laws of the old master Fu.

" You see even Chu Chu is more sensible than you, it's no point in harping over the past, instead of worrying over something that cannot happen, do something worthwhile !" He told Mother Chen with an annoyed expression on his face.

Fortunately, his daughter was sensible and wise.

Mother Chen on the other hand was looking at her daughter with a very confused and twisted expression. Last night when her daughter was crying while insisting that she was innocent and it was the Fu family who did wrong to her, Mother Chen had told her that she will tell the Fu family off nicely.

Why was it that her daughter acted like this when she found trouble with the Fu family today then?

But soon she dropped the matter and sighed aggrievedly.  Mother Chen naturally thought that the reason her daughter did not make trouble with the Fu family was that she was kind-hearted and forgot her pain from the last night.

However, this only made Mother Chen even more distressed towards Chen Chu Chu, when she adopted the two sisters they were beaten black and blue by the children of the orphanage and they were not treated well by the director of that orphanage as well.

Her daughters had to suffer so much and yet when her daughter who never asked for anything asked them to have her married to Fu Shu Chang, they couldn't even do that for her, the more she thought the more angrier she got.josei

That old master Fu really did not know what was good for him! In particular, the granddaughters-in-law that he choose did not leave a good impression on her after all, one was cold face while talking with her daughter and the other mocked her daughter for her plastic surgeries.

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