My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 661 How Did She Know She Was Going To Provoke Her?

Chapter 661 How Did She Know She Was Going To Provoke Her?

Song Yan raised a brow if she was not a celestial master she would have been fooled by this woman, even though she had seen many solicitous women in her past life, she has to admit that Chen Chu Chu was, in fact, the best among them all.

This woman—— not only could she hide her true intentions without revealing what was going on in her head but she also knew how to pretend to be virtuous.

After all, a virtuous woman was liked by all.

She turned to look around the military district and noticed how everyone was looking at them and understood that this woman wanted to use public opinion against their family. A cold glint flashed in Song Yan's eyes as she stared at the woman in front of her.

She would love to see just how long this woman would be able to keep up with these pretences. With a smile on her face, she walked over to Chen Chu Chu and then said, " Thank you, sister Chen, for your consideration. You don't have to worry about this so much, you can look for brother-in-law any time you want to, if you don't want to then we won't harp on the past either."

" Sister Song,  I am glad that you are not finding me annoying." Chen Chu Chu gave Song Yan a grateful look, she did not look like she was veiling anything from Song Yan or anyone else.

Old master Fu was already embarrassed enough, he did not want to stay with this Chen woman anymore. He was also afraid that his granddaughter in law will be coaxed by the sweet talks of this woman.

Old master Fu was old but he was not senile, more importantly, he once worked as a soldier who slowly climbed up the ranks and became the chief of the army before retiring. He really felt that there was something wrong with this girl that his colleague has adopted, the way her face changed really defied all laws!

What was more when she first arrived in the military district, she looked like she did not have long to live and was going to die at any time but then she suddenly recovered and all of sudden her actions and behaviour changed as well.

The others told him that it was because she was finally getting used to the new surroundings but Old master Fu did not believe them. A little girl who was shy and naive to the point where she did not even raise her head suddenly became outgoing and she even became a sweet talker out of nowhere.

He did not believe that such a thing was possible.

Although everyone in the district loved Chen Chu Chu since she could sweet talk her way out of anything and was gentle and kind when she would help the children in the orphanage, Old master Fu felt that something was wrong with this woman.

Because every time she went to the orphanage she would bring a girl to be adopted from the orphanage to the military district, there was nothing wrong with helping in the process of adoption, in fact, he thought that it was a great thing but every time this woman returned with a child, after a few months that child would be gone without any family coming or the child going out of the military district.

And each time the child was gone from the military district this woman's face would show some subtle changes, others could not see it but he could——as a soldier, he was once very famous for his one-shot aim.

His eyesight has always been better than others and thus he could figure out the changes in Chen Chu Chu more easily.josei

Though Chen Chu Chu would say that she helped the child in getting adopted and that the child was now with a good family, Old master Fu felt that something was really off, he, of course, couldn't pinpoint exactly what was wrong but every time, he looked at Chen Chu Chu, he would feel a very odd vibe coming from her.

It was so odd that sometimes he would think of it as evil.

This was why when he found out that Fu Shu Chang was with this girl, he immediately arranged for his marriage with Li Wenyi.

" Okay everyone, how long are you going to chat here on the road? Let's go back." Old master Fu ordered with a gruff voice as he turned to walk away.

Song Yan also bade goodbye to Chen Chu Chu and then dragged the sulky-looking Fu Rong and the cold-faced Li Wenyi with her, no wonder the three of them were killed off in their previous life by such villainous women they did not know how to control their expressions at all.

Once Song Yan and everyone turned to leave, Chen Chu Chu who was smiling gently dropped her smile and her expression changed to that of a frigid one, one that was enough to make goosebumps break all over someone's skin.

But what she did not expect was that as soon as she stopped smiling, the Song woman would turn her head and give her a pleasant smile as if she could see right through her. That smile was enough to make Chen Chu Chu's heart skip a beat as she hurriedly put on a smile and waved at Song Yan who innocently waved back at her causing her heart to calm down.


" Second sister-in-law, why are you treating that Chen woman so well?" Fu Rong who was walking beside Song Yan could not help but ask.

Song Yan dropped the cheeky smile that was on her face recovering her cold face and then patted her naive sister-in-law on her shoulder as she softly answered, " Sometimes being a fool is the best way to go on forward Rong'er. For the time being, make sure that you do not poke around in the matter whose consequences you cannot face."

Fu Rong stiffened, why was her sister-in-law's words like a warning and how did she know that she was going to provoke that Chen woman?


arc will begin soon —— I am running around because my vision has gotten blurry and can't find the time to place all the chapters accurately in the right sequence.

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