My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 670 Death Of The Two Guards

Chapter 670 Death Of The Two Guards

When the two of them returned home, Song Yan heaved a sigh of relief. She wanted to see what was Chen Chu Chu up to with her own eyes but she soon realised that it was going to be impossible. After listening to Madam Yan, she realised that not only was she not sure of the strength of that woman but from what she heard, that woman did not look like she was just involved in some basic black magic.

Sending Fang Yanli or going after her without any clear investigation might end up in a big disaster which was why Song Yan did not send Fang Yanli after Chen Chu Chu instead she sent her after Fu Shu Chang.

Though the chances of her getting something from Fu Shu Chang were really small she was willing to take the risk.

However, a few days passed by without Fang Yanli finding out anything, Song Yan would release Fang Yanli to chase after Fu Shu Chang every single night when the latter left home but Fang Yanli would return home only to tell her that nothing was wrong with Fu Shu Chang. Like, in a blink of an eye many days passed by, however, Song Yan did not stop sending Fang Yanli to the lab to monitor what was going on inside, though she did ask the latter t stay away from Chen Chu Chu and not get into her radar.

While Fang Yanli searched for a clue, Song Yan was not free either, she continued to make several nourishment pills for her company along with ointments that would come in handy when someone needed to get rid of scars. One fine afternoon, she was working on the ointment because she did not want any complaint to be filed against her company she continued to perfect the formula.

Her stay at the military district was completely calm because she could not find anything for the time being and she didn't dare to act too rashly either. However around two in the afternoon, Yan Guo came to knock on their door with a solemn expression on his face, seeing him like this Song Yan and the others who were busy immediately dropped their work and turned to look at Yan Guo.

Song Yan knew that the military district arranged an emergency meeting this morning but since Fu Shu Chang was not going to the emergency meeting she did not send Fang Yanli instead she had sent Zhao Yuan but the latter was yet to return.

She was certain that he was gone missing while chasing after female comrades in the army district because he was a scholar, Zhao Yuan has always been very interested in strong females. If she knew that he will make such a mistake, she would have rather sent Fang Yanli in his place to the emergency!

Look at this, the person involved in the emergency was here but the one who was sneaking inside the meeting was yet to return!

Though Song Yan was upset with Zhao Yuan, she was very curious to know what was going on which was why she suppressed her anger and then turned to look at Yan Guo who walked inside the house and walked over before telling the house nanny to bring a glass of warm water.

Seeing the solemn look on Yan Guo's face Song Yan was a bit worried but she still waited for the housekeeper lady to hand the glass of warm water to Yan Guo who drank it all in one gulp and only then did she ask, " Brother Guo what is going on?" Seeing that he was not speaking she turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng who nodded and then said, " Yan Guo, what is the matter with you? Why are you staying silent like that? If there is something serious, tell us…we might come of some use to you? Don't you know we have various connections in the city including Master Gu?"

When Yan Guo heard Fu Yu Sheng mention Master Gu, his eyes lit up and he immediately raised his head to look at Fu Yu Sheng and suddenly asked, " Yu Sheng, do you think there are monsters in this world? Has master Gu ever mentioned something like an evil monster to you? If so then what kind of monsters did he speak to you about?"

Fu Yu Shen did not know why Yan Guo was suddenly asking about monsters but instead of answering or making fun of him, he turned to point at his wife and said, " Yan Yan was taken in as the disciple of Master Gu, I think that you better ask her about this."

"Sister-in-law?" Yan Guo did not know that Song Yan was this powerful but when he turned to look at Song Yan who looked a bit solemn. "Suster-in-law, have you ever heard of monsters?"

Song Yan was slightly surprised that the emergency meeting in the army district was held because of monsters. In her previous life, she has come across a lot of monsters and each monster was difficult to tackle in its own way, however for her to tackle the monster, she needed to know what kind of monster it was!

She looked at Yan Guo with a serious expression and asked, " There are a lot of monsters that my master mentioned to me brother Guo, but it depends on which one you are talking about, each monster has its own weakness and own strength, I cannot tell you a way to take it down if I don't know what kind of monster it is. Brother Guo, why don't you tell me what is going on? Maybe I can help you then."

Although Yan Guo was having a difficult time when he heard that Song Yan was the disciple of a master, given that he has never accepted that things like monsters, devils and demons existed in the world. But when he saw Song Yan speak to him with that wise expression, he couldn't help but trust her.

In the end, Yan Guo told her the matter of two corpses being found in the military district, they belonged to the guards who patrolled in the night. The two people who died were coated in sticky liquid just like the two sisters from the Old Nian family but the thing that scared them the most was that the corpses were torn from the inside!

In the middle of their torso was a big hole, large enough for a toddler to fit inside and to make matters even more horrifying, the corpse was completely empty from the inside. There were no internal organs left in the body, the matter came to light early this morning and of course, the corpses were taken to be examined in the lab by the autopsy experts but the report that came out shocked everyone.

According to the report, the two guards were dead for more than a week! But many people saw them walk around the compound of the military district just last night! How was it possible for a hollow corpse to walk around the military district and even converse with others?josei

If not for the stick liquid that was covering the two guards they all would have thought this matter was related to human organ traffickers but what made Yan Guo confused was that the bile and acids that were covering the two guards did not belong to one animal but multiple. The experts who examined the body told him that one of the bile belonged to a bear!

How was it possible? A bear snuck inside the army district, tore open two guards and still no one was able to catch anything? What made this case even more tricky was the fact that the CCTV camera of the area where the corpses were found started to malfunction around this attack happened and only got back on track when the guards were dead.

Yan Guo did not want to believe that something inhuman was behind this but as he looked at the CCTV recording, he could not help but accept the fact that something was indeed wrong with what happened last night.

However, he only asked Song Yan to ask her master what was going on and did not ask her to investigate alongside them. He was afraid that he will entangle Song Yan in a mess that she should not be caught up in—— in his eyes even though Song Yan was Master Gu's disciple she was not a celestial master as great as Master Gu. Yan Guo believed that Song Yan might only know a little and thus he insisted, "Sister-in-law, only ask your master if he knows about something like this and stay at home, don't trouble yourself with this matter all right?  I will look into this matter with others."

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