My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 672 Green House Full Of Snakes , Frogs And Spiders

Chapter 672 Green House Full Of Snakes , Frogs And Spiders

" I was just going on a walk," said Song Yan as she smiled at Chen Chu Chu who was staring at her with a very worried look in her eyes. " I have been coped up in the house for far too long and usually go on a walk in the night but because of the alert that has been given to us, I have to change the time of my walk. What about you, miss Chen? What are you doing here?"

" Oh, I was going to a very interesting place… Miss Yan if you are not busy would you like to come with me? Not many even my sister are willing to come with me to that place but I have a feeling that you will be able to understand me and my interests, but if you don't want to then you can of course refuse." Chen Chu Chu was gentle and amiable from start to the beginning, in fact, she even smiled softly when she said that Song Yan did not need to come with her but at the same time, her smile seemed to be coated with a little bit of regret and reluctance.

pǎпdǎ Йᴏνê1,сòМ As if she was a young girl who was trying to fit in with a popular girl and because she couldn't, she looked even more pitiful.

Song Yan tried her best to keep a firm smile on her lips as she pretended to be sympathetic towards Chen Chu Chu and said, " Why not? I don't think that I have anything to do at this moment. I will come with you, Miss Chen."

She too wanted to see what was this interesting place that Chen Chu Chu wanted to bring her to, which was why she agreed with a calm expression on her face.

"Really, then please follow me," Chen Chu Chu smiled brilliantly as she clapped her hands and then asked Song Yan to follow her which the latter did.

Not long after, Chen Chu Chu brought Song Yan to a greenhouse that was built on the back of the Chen mansion's garden. Because Father Chen once worked as a commissioner and his generations served in the army bringing merits after merits, the house that was allocated to him was not only bigger but also had a lot of facilities, it was even bigger than the one that was given to Fu Shu Chang since the latter's father did not make a lot of contributions to the military and he was now solely dependent on his own work.

The greenhouse that was built in the Chen house was rather big and had many flowers but as soon as one stepped inside the building they will be able to smell the scent of reptiles and many other creatures that were living inside.

The hobby that Chen Chu Chu spoke off was none other than her raising reptiles that ranged from long snakes to big snakes from iguanas to frogs that were poisonous and spiders could be seen walking up the walls of the greenhouse everywhere,  on the top of the ceiling,  spiders the size of a cat were seemed hanging upside down. Their many eyes glared at Song Yan as soon as she stepped inside.josei

Generally, if someone else had this hobby their parents would have refused them and even tried to change their hobbies since it was too dangerous but Chen Chu Chu's parents doted on her a lot and when the latter cried and made a fuss they had no choice but to agree to her request which was to raise these being.

Chen Chu Chu was not only raising these animals but from the looks of it, she seemed to be experimenting on them as well!

The greenhouse that should have looked beautiful with the number of flowers growing inside it, at once turned around and became a horror house.

Chen Chu Chu's eyes were gentle as she picked up a small snake that was slithering inside a glass cabinet and then said with a soft smile, " Sister Yan, I know this much be a lot for you to take in but I have always been interested in reptiles and animals. I wanted to raise some bears in this place as well but the military refused, it was a pity but I am glad that I can raise these cuties in this place. What do you think it's beautiful isn't it?"

She asked as she showed the snake that was lying on her arm and was curled up with a lazy stance around her jade-like arm.

Song Yan examined the snake that was in front of her and her eyes met with the small black eyes that were staring at her, the snake was indeed beautiful when one looked at it after another glance but that was not what attracted the attention of Song Yan. It was the cleverness that flashed in the eyes of the being that was slumped against Chen Chu Chu's arm.

It really did not look like it was simply a snake that did not understand anything!

" I have always been a bit different from others," seeing that Song Yan was not replying to her, Chen Chu Chu scratched her cheek with an awkward smile. "No one wanted to befriend me since I did not like playing with dolls and instead liked such things. Anyway if you are scared then I will put her away, sister Yan …there is no need for you to force yourself!"

As she spoke she really turned to put the snake back in the glass case but was stopped by Song Yan who smiled and then said, " No it's indeed a bit pretty now that I am looking at her again."

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