My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 676 My Messiah

Chapter 676 My Messiah

"Oh Yan Yan, you are back?" When Song Yan stepped inside the house, she was stunned to see that the entire furniture and the couch on which Fu Yu Sheng was sitting were ripped to shreds, she blinked her eyes and looked at Fu Rong and Fu Yu Shen who were the floor breathing heavily as the two of them glared at each other. Still clutching one last talisman that has not been shared properly.

"I am telling you to let go, you selfish b*tch! You already have more than ten talismans and I have six…how can you snatch one more? Fear the heavens for god sake!" Fu Yu Shen who was holding the talisman with both of his hands glared at his sister. His face and arms were scratched by the nails of his sister who has made full use of every weapon that she could make use of when she was fighting for the talismans with him.

"What are you talking about? You are a man, and I am a young girl! You are going to get married in a few months and you want to snatch this talisman and rely on it? Be a bit embarrassed! How are you going to protect your wife like this ?" Fu Rong pulled the talisman from Fu Yu Shen's hands but the latter was holding it so tightly that she even pulled Fu Yu Shen with the talisman.

Fu Yu Shen not only did he not let go of the talisman, but he also tried to scratch Fu Rong as he sneered, " Why can't I? This world is full of equality! Are you looking down on me because I am a man, where does it says that a man should protect a woman and should not rely on a woman? It's a world of equal work and equal pay what are you talking about huh?"


" You two seemed to be having a lot of fun!" A voice joined in their spat and the two children who were fighting for a talisman looked up before their entire bodies shivered in fright as they saw who was the one who was standing over them.

" Sister …Sister in law, you are back?" Fu Yu Shen looked at his second brother who was holding his head that seemed to have been knocked rather heavily and then gulped, uh oh looks like he was going to get into a huge mess very soon.

"Sister-in-law? I thought that you will be back in the night." Fu Rong too scrambled on her feet and then awkwardly looked at Song Yan who was staring down at her and tucked the locks of her hair that were flying wildly and then said with a smile that seemed to be a bit too greasy, " Second sister in law would you like to drink some tea? You must be tired after walking around the military district for so long!"

" Where?" Song Yan asked as she looked at Fu Rong who was asking her to drink tea and then waved her hand that was folded in front of her chest. " Do you think that there is any space left in this living room for me to sit down and take a leisurely sip of tea?"

" About That…"

"Second sister-in-law…"

" Enough, I don't want to hear your excuses, go and get this entire space completely clean or I am going to take all the talismans that I have given you back and then dump you out of the house at night, lets's see if you can fight the thing that's killing people in the night as actively as you fight against each other!" Song Yan snarled at the two with her eyes glinting with a dangerous red.

Neither Fu Yu Shen nor Fu Rong had the ability to refuse her which was why they immediately started cleaning up even though there was a house lady who worked from morning to evening and would clean the house even if they were to leave it as it was, but Song Yan's order has always been absolute!josei

Once she was done dealing with Fu Yu Shen and Fu Rong, she turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng who was rubbing the slightly small bump on his forehead that he got after Song Yan smacked him on the forehead upon seeing that he did not take care of his siblings.

"Stop being so dramatic, you could have stopped this all but instead you watched them rumble around and look at what they have done." Song Yan waved her hand around the house that seemed to be smashed down to bits as if a storm came inside the house.

" I tried but I knew that they were not going to listen to me," Fu Yu Sheng rubbed his forehead and then turned to look at his wife before smiling shyly as he said, " Blow on my head, Yan Yan… it will hurt a bit less."

" Why don't I smack you again? The pain will be enough for you to pass out and then you can wake up once your pain is gone?" She remarked as she raised her head and Fu Yu Sheng immediately raised his hands in surrender. "It's all right, this much is all right!"

Just as Song Yan was going to say something the doorbell rang and Fu Yu Sheng who was on the couch jumped up and he rushed to the door screaming, " My messiah is here!"

Song Yan: "….." So was he calling her a demon if the person outside was the messiah?

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