My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 685 Song Yan Has To Kill Fu Shu Chang ——1

Chapter 685 Song Yan Has To Kill Fu Shu Chang ——1

" Do you want me to hug you ?" Fu Yu Sheng asked when he looked at his wife sulking like a child. He even placed his work aside to open his arms with an expression that said 'dive right in!'

" Cough! Cough!" Fu Yu Shen who was climbing up the stairs and just took a sip of his warm milk coughed out as he looked at his brother with shock coating his eyes.

'Was this really his second brother?'

Song Yan looked at the man and his open arms before she sighed helplessly and took out an invisibility talisman to stick it to her body.

This way she would be able to go unnoticed by the guards and her husband who sometimes acted like a child.

Her cultivation has risen and so have her powers which was why the talisman of invisibility that had a time limit of an hour was soon moved up to two hours.

When Fu Yu Sheng saw his wife vanish into thin air, he was a bit upset but he did not say anything. At least he did not get kicked in the shins this time, it was a good change in their relationship. He just needed to wait for a little ——

His train of thought was broken when an icy touch covered him from the side as if two hands that were as cold as ice hugged him. The touch was fleeting and in just a few seconds it was gone but Fu Yu Sheng who was leaning forward with his fingers on the keys of his laptop, smiled softly as his cheeks were coated with a blush.

" She is so shy," he muttered with the back of his wrist placed on his lips. But the one who was blushing was most certainly him.


Song Yan walked out of the house, she really did not want to embrace Fu Yu Sheng but the expression on his face was too hard for her to ignore which was why she acted before she could think!

"It's all right, there is something more important that I need to do," she thought in her head as she stepped out of the house and walked past the guards who were patrolling the military district.

With the invisibility talisman sticking to her body she was able to walk around the military premises with ease but even when she walked around the entire military district she did not see anything weird or out of the ordinary which was why Song Yan decided to walk out of the military district and see the place where Gao Mei's body was found.

Once she was out of the military district Song Yan removed the invisible pity talisman from her clothes and placed it back in her space ring, she only had a few invisibility talismans since they took a lot of spiritual energy, it was better to save these talismans as much as she could and since there was no one walking outside the army district at this late hour, there was no need for her to remain invisible.

Song Yan did not have anything with her which would help her reach the spot where Gao Mei's body was found quickly, though she had a teleportation talisman but it was newly drawn since master Gu taught it to her just a few days ago before she left for the military district which made her wonder if her master knew something but was not telling her.

Anyways the teleportation talisman was a talisman that hasn't been tested and Song Yan who was worried that the talisman might end up teleporting her to another place than the one she wanted to go, did not dare to use it when the time was limited.

The sky was lit up with the moon shining in its full glory, the winds rustled past the dark forest making the leaves of the trees flutter. Song Yan looked at the silent surrounding and then raised her head as she looked at the full moon, " Something feels weird."please visit

However, she did not think much about it and walked away from the military district. She still needed to investigate the truth before the full moon goes down.



Fu Shu Chang who was in the research lab clenched his fingers as he uncorked the vial of the porcelain bottle in his hands and drank its content, however, the side of his face continued to melt and froth like a bubbling concoction.

"It's full moon night," he looked at the moon that was shining in the sky and banged his fist on the table. Every full moon according to the old tales that were handed by the ancient it was said that there will be an upheaval in the yin energy making the evil spirits run amok even more.

Fu Shu Chang too heard this small lore from his grandmother when she was alive but never took it seriously, since he believed that there were no ghosts or spirits in the world. But now ——

"Urgh——" he clutched the side of his face as he tried to cover it with his hand.

' Blood, blood …give me blood.' The voice in his head spoke to him. ' The meat that we ate the last time was delicious, give us more…we want the flesh of humans!'

" Shut up!" Fu Shu Chang closed his eyes not willing to remember the evil that he committed when he was possessed by this thing for the first time. If not for his wife and family, he would have killed himself as a comeuppance for his atrocious actions.

But the voices in his head did not turn silent if anything they became even louder as the skin on the side of his face stretched and melted even more as eyes and mouths with teeth as sharp as blades appeared.

'Blood …flesh…. Give me more …'

Just as Fu Shu Chang was going to pick another vial of porcelain and drink it, there was a knock on the door of his office and all the blood left his face.

There was still someone in the research lab? He thought he sent everyone home!

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