My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 687 Three Women And Many Deaths

Chapter 687 Three Women And Many Deaths


Song Yan retracted her hand and then turned to look away from the tree that was leaking blood and took a couple of steps from it since she was worried that the person behind her will see it too.  She immediately took a few steps and followed the voice that was calling her from afar and when she saw who was calling her, she was stunned when her eyes met with Yan Guo.

'Damn what was he doing here?' Song Yan cursed in her head as she looked at the man who was standing in front of her and seemed to be searching for something or more like someone.

Yan Guo was asked to bring his brother back from the railway station since the Old master Yan was turning seventy soon, their family wanted to celebrate his birthday together along with all the friends of the Old Master Yan which was why the three Yan brothers despite being away from the house for important work were returning home for the celebration even if it was now going to be delayed because of the death of Gao Mei.

He was on his way to pick up his second brother from the station in his military car when he caught Song Yan walking out of the military district, at first he was certain he was mistaken after all, there was no way Song Yan will be allowed to leave the military district and that too at such an hour but when he caught up to the figure walking ahead him, he was surprised to see that it was indeed Song Yan.

Yan Guo was simply speechless by the lack of alertness of the guards of the military district which was why he followed Song Yan since he was afraid that she will be attacked by something. If not for the fact that if anyone saw them together there will be hell to pay, he would have walked beside her but then his thoughts of staying away from Song Yan were thrown off to the side when he saw her walk inside the forest where Gao Mei's body was found!

He hurriedly chased after her lest she stumbled into something serious, only now that he saw that she was fine, only then did Yan Guo heave a sigh of relief, "Sister-in-law, why are you here and what are you doing?"

Song Yan was helpless under Yan Guo's interrogation and she could only say, " I was just curious, brother Guo." Her answer made Yan Guo's flare up his nostrils as he glared at Song Yan and opened his mouth to scold her but Song Yan saw what he was doing and immediately interrupted him, " What are you doing here, brother Yan? Were you going somewhere?"

Yan Guo could only change his words as he swallowed his scolding and said, " I am going to pick up my second brother from the station, his train is going to arrive at twelve-thirty."

Only then did Song Yan remember that the second brother of the Yan family was working at the border of country A and often stayed out of the city since it took more than twenty-four hours to arrive, Second brother, Yan's train was always past midnight.please visit

Yan Guo did not allow Song Yan to speak any further as he turned to glare at her and then said, "Sister-in-law, no matter how curious you are, you should not come out of the military district at such a late hour lest someone harms you.  There has been a lot of chaos in the military already and I think that you will only be caught in even more trouble if you leave the district, come with me I will take you with me and then we will return to the military after I pick up second brother."

Actually, Yan Guo did not want to make Song Yan run around with him at night but there was no other choice, the people in the military district will definitely make rumours about him and Song Yan if he went back alone with her, it was better to pick Second brother Niu from the station and then returning home or else who knows what kind of rumour he might be involved with tomorrow. His sister-in-law was too beautiful for her own good surely the people in the district will be jealous of her and make several stupid rumours that he was with her.

" Get in the car now, do not go around the army district as you please the next time or else you will get a very severe scolding, I will let it go since it's the first time. Just what is that boy doing, he is already so old and yet he can't even take care of his wife," Yan Guo was very unhappy with how Fu Yu Sheng did not even realise that Song Yan was gone, once he goes back to the military district he was going to scold Fu Yu Sheng to the hell and back.

What was more there was something like a rare animal roaming around the forest that was eating humans left and right, front and back as it pleases.

Song Yan: "….." She has never been treated like a child before and yet somehow she managed to get treated like one in just a single night.

Song Yan had no choice but to follow Yan Guo to the railway station in the next town, she sat in the passenger seat of the car under Yan Guo's insistence and then tried her best to leave as she asked him to let her roam around in the town alone since she needed to investigate the tree that was bleeding bloody tears but she could not do so because the second she mentioned it, Yan Guo scolded her like there was hell to pay.

He clearly told her that if she was to get down from the car then he will follow her no matter what which was why she had no other choice but to follow Yan Guo to the railway station where Yan Niu was waiting for them.

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