My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 692 Hu Ya’s Plight—-2

Chapter 692 Hu Ya’s Plight—-2

Hu Ya shivered under the table, with her knees tucked closer to her chest she bit her nails while chewing on the tip as she closed her eyes when she heard a bang behind her. Most probably the thing that was chasing her threw another table while looking for her.

' How, How did this happen?' Hu Ya questioned in her head as she looked at her feet trying to keep herself as inconspicuous as possible, earlier she was knocking at the door of Fu Shu Chang's office because she wanted to hand in the report regarding the deaths of the two guards.

Earlier in the morning Chen Chu Chu taunted her for being too slow and not taking her job seriously just because she was given this job in compensation for her parent's deaths. The way that woman taunted her was so annoying that Hu Ya swore to herself that she will finish the entire work before midnight and hand it to Fu Shu Chang.

But who would have thought that when the door of Researcher Fu's office will be pulled open the thing that will answer her would be a monster! Surely the thing that was chasing after her looked like Fu Shu Chang but at the same time, it was too ugly to be the same person as Researcher Fu!

Those hideous eyes and mouths and those protruding nerves that were bleeding with boils all over the skin that was dark and ghastly, no way in hell was that thing, Researcher Fu.

Another bang echoed behind her and Hu Ya heard the thing call sweetly, " Come out, come out, where are you hiding? A good meal...I mean good girl does not run away like that."

'Meal, he just called her a meal did he not ?' Hu Ya shivered as she clenched her legs together to stop the yellow liquid from trickling down her legs lest that thing smelled her. She was so scared that her extremities were trembling and her eyes were getting filled with tears, she has never seen something like this before and had no idea what to do now ——

Should she run? But if she tried to run and that thing caught up to her, what will she do? It wasn't human in the first place.josei

" Little Hu Ya!" The thing called her again in the voice of Researcher Fu making Hu Ya flinch as she raised her hands and covered her mouth to stop herself from yelping out loud.

' Anyone,' she thought while silently praying to the gods. ' Anyone please come and help me, I still have my younger brothers to look after I cannot die yet!'

" Found you!" Hu Ya heard the thing say as she opened her eyes and found the face with numerous eyes and mouths with scraped skin that was bleeding with several boils.

It was as disgusting as possible while looking at it.

" AHHHHHH!" Hu Ya screamed as she scrambled to her feet and then rushed past the thing that was giggling and chuckling at her as she picked up a lamp that was sitting on the table while she was running and then threw it at the thing behind her, now she no longer cared if that thing was Researcher Fu or not.

The most important thing was that she needed to stay alive!

" Now, Now!" She heard the many voices echo behind her as the thing swiped a hand and flicked the lamp that she has thrown at him aside. " There was no need for you to get physical with me, I was going to eat you nice and quiet but looks like you do not want that then, how about this?"

As it spoke, it opened its many mouths that were on the side of Researcher Fu's face and from inside of those mouths veins-like things which were thin yet sharp like glass needles jutted out before aiming straight in the direction of Hu Ya who was running in front.

" No, please, please, please," Hu Ya felt those sticky things that were like blood-red vessels wrap around her wrists and feet before pulling up from the ground and up into the air. She could feel the things digging into her flesh as they wrapped it into her skin and started sucking her blood through the end of the vessels. " Please, Please! Save me! Anyone!"

" You scream too much, maybe I should rip your tongue out as well!" The thing said as it sent another wave of blood-like threads in Hu Ya's direction causing the latter to gag and spit as it tried to get into her mouth curling around her tongue to rip it out.

Hu Ya thought that she was going to die, her blood was getting sucked and her tongue was getting ripped out as well. She closed her eyes as tears trailed down her cheeks now she only hoped that someone will look after her brothers instead of sending them to the orphanage, it was then—-

When Hu Ya gave up all hope, glowing talismans which seemed to be burins with the fire of hell came flying towards the things that were holding Hu Ya, with a swishing sound those talismans burned the things down to crisp making the entire space filled with the smell of burned flesh.

The thing that was holding Hu Ya in the air screamed in pain and turned to look at the person who came barging into the research centre to stop it. He looked at Song Yan who was breathing hard while holding a scythe in her hand and yammered, " W..Who are you ?" Its many mouths bled.

" You don't need to know that, all you need to know is that you are going to suffer for touching my family!" Song Yan internally cringed at the melodramatic dialogue that she just spoke in flow but she needed to say something to make sure that the thing does not look in the direction of Yan Guo who went to save Hu Ya and then rushed at the thing while throwing another talisman at the thing.


400= golden tickets or castle —— three extra chapters

600= gt or spacecraft ——-ten extra chapters

800 gt or gachapon ——- fifteen extra chapters.

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