My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 694 Song Yan’s Death ? —-2

Chapter 694 Song Yan’s Death ? —-2


If she managed to save this stubborn man she was going to kill him herself! This thing —— it stung like a little b*tch! The blood veins spread around the inside of her shoulder and then formed a hook-shaped structure as the thing pulled them back seemingly trying to break Song Yan's shoulder.

Even though she was in so much pain that she felt like her entire right side was being torn off, Song Yan still gritted her teeth and summoned another talisman which she stuck to the blood veins-like thing and watched it burn. The reaction of the thing was just as she expected instead of pulling those things back in his mouth, it actually used the last of his momentum that was left in those bloody veins like tentacles and then lifted Song Yan into the air before flinging her against the wall.


With a loud bang that echoed in the research lab, Song Yan hit her back on the wall causing a dent to appear in the thick wall since she used her Yin energy to protect herself from the momentum with which that thing has thrown her at the wall. She sucked in a back and summoned her scythe back as she covered her shoulder that was bleeding buckets of blood and scowled,  " I am going to tear that thing off with my hands."josei

" That is a nice spirit, Yan Yan but don't forget that thing at the moment is attached to your brother-in-law's body," Fang Yanli reminded Song Yan while sharing some of her yin energy with the latter to diminish the pain that she was feeling.

"Honestly, at this moment —— I wish I could tear the head of that idiot myself !" Song Yan was furious enough as it was, she had used a hell lot of spiritual energy in the incident at the railway station while trying to save the lives of the people there and now she has to use the remaining energy to save her brother in law, she wished she could see what was going on in the head of that foolish man, he was supposed to be a genius and yet he made a mistake as foolish as leaving that thing inside his body?

What was he thinking?

Now that the thing has advanced to the fifth grade how was she supposed to save him?

Song Yan turned her yin and yang eyes, even though she knew that they will not be of much help but she had no other choice but to try. Back then something was clouding her eyes making it so she would not be able to see this thing but now that it was out in the open, she hoped that she will be able to see everything more clearly.

Fortunately, she was able to use her yin and yang energy. The thing seemed to have taken hold of the right sight of Fu Shu Chang's body but at least his reach was a bit further away from the heart of Fu Shu Chang which made it a bit easier to take it out at least there was a bit hope left for Fu Shu Chang to make it out alive without being corrupted to the oblivion where there were no chances for him to come back.

But the thing was whether or not he will be able to withstand the pain and even if he could accept the pain, will he be able to withstand the hideous appearance that he will have to live with for the rest of his life?

Song Yan dodged the blood veins that headed her way and then rolled her feet to the side.

" It does not matter, now that I think about it," she muttered under her breath even though she was not willing to make Fu Shu Chang suffer, there was no other choice. At this moment he was her enemy and she will have to make sure that he does not harm anyone like he has harmed Hu Ya which was why she heaved a breath and then circulated her yin energy at the centre of her core before making a hand seal as she unleashed a third level spell at the thing that was attacking her causing it to fly back with the enormous amount of spiritual energy that was used to make it fly back.

Song Yan twisted her hand together each in the opposite direction with their palms connected as heavy pressure from the above fell on the body of Fu Shu Chang making it impossible for the thing to stand up as it continued to get almost smashed into a pulp with the floor crackling under the impact.

Sweat dripped down Song Yan's forehead as she tried to force away the dizziness that was overwhelming her at the moment, she was tired so tired that she wished that she could close her eyes and go to sleep but there was still work to do which was why even though she felt like a fishy taste was filling her mouth she still continued to channel her spiritual energy to use her hand seal that was sucking up all the energy that she had in her body.

Again and again every time the thing tried to get up from the ground Song Yan smacked it back on the ground.

" Cough," even though she tried to restrain the pain inside her, Song Yan could not help but cough a mouthful of blood when she almost hit the bottom of her yin energy.  Her feet stumbled as she looked at the thing that was being held by the remnants of her spiritual energy—— there were no longer blood veins like things coming out of the mouth of the demon and even its hideous appearance was gone leaving nothing but dark skin and bleeding wounds.

She felt Fu Shu Chang raise his head and look at her with cracked and bleeding lips as he smiled and said, " Are you going to turn me into patty cake, sister-in-law?"

Song Yan's eyes flickered as her vision turned unclear and almost hazy while she looked at Fu Shu Chang and questioned, "Brother-in-law?"

"It's me, can you get this thing …whatever it is off me, my spine is going to break." Fu Shu Chang sounded human and it looked like he was back to his senses and Song Yan's guard dropped by just a fraction as the hold that she had on the thing loosened only for it to turn vicious again and jump on her with its fingers curling and digging into her neck drawing blood as it did.


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