My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 696 Just What Happened ?

Chapter 696 Just What Happened ?


" Call the ambulance," Song Yan croaked to Yan Guo before her eyes closed on their own. It was not that she did not consider killing her brother-in-law just now, in fact, she did—— a person who has been possessed by a demon for so long and even killed an innocent being was bound to live a troublesome life but she could not see Li Wenyi's heart broken expression in case she killed Fu Shu Chang just now.

Even if Li Wenyi has never said it out loud, Song Yan knew that the woman wanted to live a peaceful life with her husband because she too was once the same which was why she changed her plan at the initial point and now she will have to suffer its consequences.

Song Yan groaned as she felt the familiar pressure on her shoulders for not only saving a criminal but also saving a person who did not want to be saved, she closed her eyes wanting to ignore the pain but she could not and soon as the pressure on her entire body started to double with each passing minute, Song Yan who was already weaker than usual because of using all the spiritual energy that she had fell unconscious.



Yan Guo was startled when he felt Song Yan faint, he shook her by shoulders since he was worried that something might have happened to her and when she did not wake up, he became even more worried which was why he immediately raised his hand and placed one finger under Song Yan's nose when he felt her warm but low breathing, Yan Guo heaved a sigh of relief and then immediately picked up his phone to call the ambulance from the hospital that was closest to the military district and then he called the Fu family.

He wanted to call Hu Ya's brothers as well but the two of them were too young, they will become more of a burden than help which was why he decided that he would take care of Hu Ya while she was taken to the hospital.

As soon as the Fu family received Yan Guo's call their entire house was flipped upside down,  especially Fu Yu Sheng and Li Wenyi. They could not believe that in just one night their spouses came so close to death, Old Master Fu swooned on the spot when he heard Fu Yu Shen's words who answered the call at the home's landline and was helped by his butler who patted him on the back and told that everything was fine.

Fu Yu Sheng's face was dark, he did not even wait for Fu Yu Shen to finish what he was saying and rushed out of the house leaving Fu Rong in charge of taking care of Fu Chen. He did not want his young son to see his mother in such a condition and get a scare for life.

Li Wenyi rushed after him as the rest of the family followed after them leaving Fu Rong to stay behind since the latter was too young and was still a college student.josei

" I want to go too," Fu Rong told her third brother who was putting on his shoes, she did not want to be left behind when her sister-in-law was hurt so badly even her eldest brother was fighting for his life.

" You need to stay behind Rong'er," Fu Yu Shen for once used his authority as the older brother as he patted Fu Rong on the head. "Someone has to stay behind and take care of Chen Chen, don't worry I will update you every hour."

With that, he turned and chased after his family.

Fu Rong looked at the back of her brother who was running away and pursed her lips angrily. Though she was upset that they did not take her with them, she still stayed silently behind.

Fu Yu Sheng was the first one to arrive at the spot where the ambulances were standing, a total of three. He watched as the medics helped his wife and brother along with another woman he did not know in the ambulance, his brother's body was completely covered by a white cloth and when Li Wenyi tried to get close to Fu Shu Chang, she was stopped by the medics.

" Please madam, your husband has a third-degree burn and you cannot see him at the moment please let us bring him to the ambulance for immediate care," the medics told Li Wenyi while they continued to move towards the ambulance.

Li Wenyi seemed to be reluctant but she still placed her hands on the side and then followed the medics into the ambulance silently.

On the other hand, Fu Yu Sheng did not ask the medics anything, he simply followed them as they brought Song Yan who had a rip in her throat and her eyes seemed to be bleeding. There was an ugly rip in her shoulder as well, with so much blood being lost, her complexion was rather pale which made Fu Yu Sheng purse his lips as he listened to the head medic talk.

" There is a tear in her vocal cords, it will be troublesome to put them together and there is also the rip in her shoulders which seemed to have dislocated her shoulder —— as for the eyes, I cannot give any conclusions at this point because the blood tears do not seem to be explainable at the current point we will have to take further tests at the hospital." The medic rattled off as Fu Yu Sheng listened to him silently.

Just three hours ago, his wife left him saying that she was only going out because she wanted to collect some information and now she was like this ——

Really, what happened in just three hours?

The same question was in the heads of everyone else but no one asked anything, they all watched the ambulance drive away before Old Master Yu banged his cane on the ground and turned to Old Ke and ordered, " Go and bring the car, we are going to the hospital too!"

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