My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 701 Fu Shu Chang Tells His Story

Chapter 701 Fu Shu Chang Tells His Story

It took a long time for Fu Yu Sheng to calm down before he let go of his wife who was lying on the bed with a pale complexion on her face. Her face though it looked like she was very sick, Song Yan was actually brimming with energy after waking up which was why she was able to push herself up on the bed and sit down as she stared at her family members who were gazing at her as if they were waiting for her to say something.

"What's wrong? Is everything all right?" Song Yan asked but then she paused and added, " Are you all upset that brother-in-law got injured because of me?"

Even though what she did was the last and only option left in her hands, Song Yan expected some of them to be angry at her since she caused Fu Shu Chang's entire right side to be burned badly.

" Of course, they are not upset," Fu Yu Sheng spoke as he turned to look at his family who were looking at Song Yan and said in a threatening sort of voice,  " The only reason elder brother suffered an injury like this is that he was too cowardly to come and ask for help when he got possessed by that thing."

His expression as he looked at his family was clearly telling them that if they dared to say that they were upset with Song Yan then they will have some major problems between them which might end up in a lot of curses and punches. He specifically glared at Old Master Fu telling him not to make things difficult for his wife.

Old Master Fu never blamed Song Yan from the beginning, he knew that she did what was the right thing to do, in fact, he knew that if not for the fact that Fu Shu Chang could not be saved in any other way, she would not have harmed him. Thus, the glare that Fu Yu Sheng sent his way was useless as the old man rolled his eyes and then turned to look at Song Yan as he smiled politely and said, " I am not blaming you, Yan Yan. I know that you did a good job there is no need for you to feel ashamed of your righteous actions."

He paused and then added,  " I heard from Yan Guo that Shu Chang killed someone, it's only right that he gets punished for what he did even though he did not want to do it, it's not an excuse to shirk responsibility since he was indeed the one in wrong, a life that was innocent was lost. A punishment like this is only fitting for his sin."

As he spoke Li Wenyi who was standing behind him sniffed and bowed in front of Song Yan causing the latter to almost jump off her bed as she raised her hand and said, " There is no need for sister-in-law to do this!"

" Do not stop me, Yan Yan," Li Wenyi shook her head and then continued to show her gratitude as she said, "It's because of you that my husband is still alive. Your husband is right, he was a fool who did not know when to ask for help and carried such a burden stupidly, if he has reached out to you before and trusted his family a little more this wouldn't have happened. If not for you, I would have lost my husband and become a widow. It's thanks to you that our family does not need to arrange a funeral."

Song Yan did not know what to say when Li Wenyi said this, she could only let the latter express her gratitude before turning to look at Fu Yu Shen who was the only one who was not bowing in front of her and asked, " Has eldest brother in law woken up?"

" No, he hasn't,' answered Fu Yu Shen as he glanced at his second brother in trepidation before he continued speaking when he saw that his second brother was not saying anything, " The nurse said that he will wake up today, though he has received third degree burns, his condition is not in a life-threatening situation and I have left my pendant with him so his recovery is better than before and grandfather also shared the medicines that you gave him which is why the eldest brother's recovery rate is really fast even the doctors are surprised."

" If not for the fact that we needed to avoid suspicion, I would have fed all the pills to that brat before beating the crap out of him." Old Master Fu banged his cane on the floor, he was truly upset that his grandson did not trust him instead he continued to rely on someone whom he should have never!

Just as those words were spoken, the door to Song Yan's ward was pushed open and a nurse came inside wearing a blue uniform as she said, " Are you the family of Master Fu Shu Chang?"

" Yes, I am his grandfather, what's the matter nurse?" Old Master Fu asked with a worried look on his face. Did he feed too much medicine to his grandson?josei

" Mister Fu is awake and the doctor asked me to tell you this," as the nurse spoke, the Old master Fu was already limping out of the room as he walked toward Fu Shu Chang's ward. There was a scolding that he wanted to give to him very much or else he will die keeping it all in!

As old Master Fu left the ward, Song Yan turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng and said, " Bring me to my brother-in-law's ward as well, I need to ask him some questions that are really important."

" You really," Fu Yu Sheng wanted his wife to rest and not move around which was why he glared at her and said, " You are not going anywhere just stay put in your bed. When he gets better he will come and see you, there is no need for you to go and see him."


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