My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 706 Parasitic Demons ———-2

Chapter 706 Parasitic Demons ———-2

She then paused and added, " Brother Guo while you are looking for the people who went home after the incident at the railway station, can you please a bit more attention to the women since they have heavy yin energy and are much better hosts than men when it comes to raising the demonic beasts?"

After she spoke Song Yan solemnly announced, " I need to know what was the report regarding the three women's autopsy only then I will be able to find out how Chen Chu Chu was able to get those three to become hosts, generally there is only one safe way and that is to make the hosts swallow the eggs of those parasitic demons but there are always more than one ways which are why I need to be there when they are examining the body."

" NO!"

As soon as she spoke, three voices refused to accept her decision and spoke in opposition. When Fu Yu Sheng and the others heard that the Chen woman was involved in something so serious their hearts went cold and then they heard Song Yan say that she wanted to see the bodies of those women who were affected.

Fu Shu Chang and Fu Yu Sheng exchanged a glance with each other before they turned to look at Old Master Fu who was looking at Song Yan with a stern look, just now along with them Old Master Fu also refused to let Song Yan go with Yan Guo.

The veins on Old Master Fu's forehead were bulging as they throbbed and twitched. He has seen what Fu Yu Sheng was capable of when Song Yan was concerned and he knew that Song Yan mattered to Fu Yu Sheng more than he thought which was why it was really important that the girl stayed safe at all costs!

He subconsciously blurted out, " Yan Yan, just because your shoulders were dislocated this boy almost dislocated this entire hospital, you seriously think that I am going to allow you to get hurt or get involved in danger?" He then turned to look at Yan Guo and then said with an annoyed expression, " You know that the girl involved in question is the one who is behind this, why don't you go after her, why do you have to involve my granddaughter-in-law?"

Yan Guo smiled at Old Master Fu ruefully and then said with a soft look in his eyes, " Old Master Fu, I wish I could do that but there is no evidence that will back up the fact that the one who is involved in this matter is Chen Chu Chu. We only have doubts," he then turned to look at Fu Shu Chang and then said, " Even your matter was explained as an experiment going off track. The matter has been suppressed as an explosion in the research centre by the heads. There is no way we can press on this matter as something more."

Fu Shu Chang frowned he has been wondering how the higher-ups will explain the matter of the research centre but in the end, they actually explained it as an explosion. Just what was there to be explained as an explosion?

Old Master Fu also had a scowl on his face as he turned to look at Yan Guo and said, " Just what kind of higher-ups are sitting in those seats? How can they make such a terrible matter so simple as a gas explosion!"

" This is what it is, Old Master Fu," Yan Guo sighed heavily as he turned to look at Song Yan. " There is nothing that I can do about this."

Song Yan also ignored the dark faces of the three men of her family and then said in a soft yet firm voice, " Grandfather, this is my responsibility. I cannot turn a blind eye when I know that someone is trying to intentionally harm the people around me which is why I will have to be there at every step."

The livid and ugly looks on the faces of her husband and her grandfather in law along with her brothers-in-law, told her that they were not willing to send her anywhere but she still firmly pressed on and said, " I don't do this, then do you know what will happen? Many people will be used as shells and the woman who is behind this matter will remain hidden. I have to do this."

" Yan Yan, you are hurt," Fu Yu Sheng spoke with a sigh as he looked at Song Yan who was lying on the bed. " And you just said that you will take care of yourself."

" Yu Sheng, I am not going to fight a war, I am just going to see the autopsy of those three women," stated Song Yan, she understood the worries of her husband but she has to do this and solve this matter as soon as she could because, in a few weeks, the Song corporates will be holding a banquet for turning fifty successfully which was why she needed to drag Chen Chu Chu down quickly. " I will be with Yan Guo and if you want you can come too."

Although Fu Yu Sheng did not want Song Yan to go with Yan Guo, he knew that if he did not allow her to go then she would simply go behind his back which was why he agreed and gave her the permission but that was only on the condition that she will stay with him all the time.josei

Yan Guo did not refuse the two of them, he brought them with him where the medical examination was dissecting the bodies and because Song Yan came with Yan Guo no one asked her to leave.

Three hours later, the medical examiners who were dissecting the bodies came out looking unsightly as they stared at each other before shaking their heads and walking towards Yan Guo. They looked shaken which was why they had to take a few minutes to calm themselves before the medical examiner said to Yan Guo, " Commander Yan, those three bodies they are completely a mess from the inside. There is not a single organ intact inside of them and they are completely empty with their flesh minced and falling off their bones! These three women,  were they really alive when you found them?"

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