My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 725 Infected Other Dead Bodies

Chapter 725 Infected Other Dead Bodies

Sorry for the blabbering chapters, I was writing long chapters for extras to publish and made a mistake that dragged the cat fight longer, which is why I am publishing this chapter earlier.

The scream that echoed in the room made everyone turn to look at the man who came running inside the room. With his eyes looking around frantically, the man who was dressed in the uniform of research personnel came running to stand in front of Old Master Yan who looked at the man with a frown on his face.

" What is going on with you?" Old Master Yan asked the man who was screaming as if his family was getting butchered with a disapproving look on his face. " Why are you screaming like this? Can you not see that the situation of the research centre is already bad enough?"

Yan Guo, who was waiting to take a jibe at Cui Li Ling for a long time turned to look at the latter and then said with a smirk, " What is this, Miss Cui? Did you not say that the people who are trained by your brother have a heart of stone and if they were the ones who were staying with your brother at night, nothing would have happened to him?"

When they all came to the research base, Cui Li Ling who was rather annoyed by the sudden attack on her brother made several comments, one of them was a low blow at the juniors that were being trained under Fu Shu Chang, saying that it was a plan that was well thought by Fu Shu Chang and that everyone under him was a coward.

She even commented that if it was her brother's juniors they would have done a better job in protecting Cui Deming instead of running for their lives.

Yan Guo's comment made Cui Li Ling's face flush red in embarrassment as she glared at the man who came running like his head was on fire and snapped at him,  " What are you doing? Can you not see what the situation is here? Your senior was attacked and is in a severe situation but instead of helping him, you are creating a ruckus?"

The man who was dressed in a white coat was trembling from head to toe, he looked at Old Master Yan and then spoke with a stutter as he looked at the group that was staring at him with a mixture of contempt and annoyance, " Miss Cui, I am not c…creating a ruckus. It's the dissection room, those bodies that were left in the dissection room in open by Researcher Cui seemed to have woken up. They all attacked three medical examiners and they all are in the same situation as researcher Cui!"

The researcher who was there to keep an eye on things could still not believe that something like this happened, he was still in awe that bodies that have been dead and cut open into halves were still moving!josei

His exclamations caused everyone's eyes to widen, all except Song Yan. Though she purified those bodies, she still left one of them behind which was not purified and still had some weak parasitic demons inside them but she thought that with the attack happening on Cui Deming those bodies will be kept in a safe place away from the people which will give her enough time to purify them again lest they were infected once again, she did not expect that someone was stupid enough to not keep those bodies in the quarantine area and even asked some medical examiners to examine them again even after finding out how dangerous it was ——

She frowned and then looked at the people who were sitting in the room and silently questioned, who was the idiot one here?

As she looked around the people, her eyes fell on Madam Cui who was lowering her head with a guilty look on her face.

'Oh, so she is the idiot one.' Song Yan thought in her head.

Old Master Yan's frown deepened even further when he heard these words, he glared at the man with the white coat and sternly said, " Who asked you all to go inside the dissection room? Did the higher-ups not order you to keep the bodies separately and that too in the quarantine area? Why is it that the bodies were still in the dissection room and with people inside of it? Did the incident from last night not teach you anything?"

The researcher who was scolded turned to look at Madam Cui who seemed to have stopped crying, the elderly woman raised her head to warn the man not to say anything but it was already too late, everyone saw the man looking at Madam Cui and thus they all understood what happened immediately Commissioner Lin who was in charge of this matter felt his temper flare up.

He was an understanding and kind leader but this time the Cui family stepped over the line again and again.

" Madam Cui, was it you who ordered the medical examiners to continue with their examination? Even after seeing what happened last night, you coerced them into going to the dissection room?" Commissioner Li asked Madam Cui with a stern voice, a nerve throbbing in his head as he looked at the old woman who was looking awkward and kind of upset.

But instead of accepting her mistake, Madam Cui instead tipped her chin arrogantly and exclaimed, " Isn't it, their fault that my nephew was attacked? If they did a proper examination, then nothing like this would have happened! If they were the ones who made the mistake should they not come up with a solution?"

" Madam Cui, you——" Commissioner Lin was stumped at the woman's obstinance, he believed that Madam Cui was a woman of sheer arrogance and pride but he did not expect that she was this stupid!

Researcher Cui, who was silent till now turned to look at his wife who was glaring at everyone and then calmly asked, " Did you deliberately send medical examiners to the dissection room and placed them in danger while ignoring the order that was given by the higher-ups?"

Researcher Cui was a silent man, though he hardly paid any attention to his family, he respected them. He only cared about his research which was why he was rather clear on the skills of his nephew, this was the reason why he made Fu Shu Chang the head because he wished to see their country getting better.

As a researcher, knowledge was everything to him and saving lives was his motto which was why even though he stayed silent till now, he could no longer ignore the stupidity of his wife. He could ignore his niece disrespecting Song Yan because he was upset at his nephew's attack as well but this —— he could not ignore.

He raised his voice and asked his wife again, " I am asking you something!"

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