My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 728 The Horrible Condition Of The Three Examiners ——2

Chapter 728 The Horrible Condition Of The Three Examiners ——2

It was Old Master Yan who replied as he turned to look at Song Yan and then said, " They were attacked by those things around three to four hours ago, Yan Yan, do you think that you can deal with those things?"

At first, he was afraid that the three medical examiners' were in the same condition as those bodies that were brought from the railway station but fortunately, from the report that he received, it seems that the three men were fine at the moment thought they were losing blood at an alarming rate, they were not going to die at least not now, with their internal organs being intact.

Song Yan heaved a sigh of relief, since the three were attacked just a few hours ago they will be fine without a lot of damage.josei

On the other hand, Commissioner Lin and Commander Chen could not understand what in the world was going on in their military district, they have never seen anything like this before, a few years ago when they were young, there was no sighting of such a despicable thing but in just a few years everything seemed to have changed.

The two of them did not take this matter seriously when it was first brought to light, they all thought that there was no such thing as supernatural which was why they all turned it to an animal attacking these people along with the human traffickers taking advantage of these attacks but now that they thought about those bodies that were found on the outskirts along with Commander Chen's wife, the two of them were rather fearful and solemn.

What in the world was this thing and how in the world it snuck inside the military district? Who brought it?

Was this really something supernatural? The two of them looked at the horrendous condition of the three medical examiners and had to admit that it was indeed something that had to do with the supernatural.

Song Yan stared at the three medical examiners and observed them carefully as she started to explain,  " The parasitic demons that are crawling under their skin are not strong enough to eat their organs while they might seem like they are strong enough since they are multiplying at an exceptionally fast rate but that is because they are trying their best to survive in their conditions, it's their last resort." Seeing that no one was understanding a word that she just said, Song Yan simply sighed and then said, " What I mean to say is that they are considerably easier to heal than the ones whom we caught at the railway station Grandpa Yan."

" Easier to heal? You mean to say that you can heal them?" Commissioner Lin asked while looking at Song Yan who nodded while everyone else who was inside the dissection room turned to look at Song Yan who agreed with Commissioner Lin and said, " Of course, I can cure them."

Since she was partially responsible for this matter, Song Yan was going to help these three medical examiners and help them get better as quickly as possible. Since the parasitic demons were not strong enough to take complete hold of the bodies of the three medical examiners, and their internal organs were intact, they could still be saved.

As soon as Song Yan finished speaking, everyone except the Yan family looked at her with a dubious and disbelieving expressions.  Commander Chen then said in a solemn voice, " Are you sure, Second Madam Fu? You can really make these three medical examiners return to normal?"

" Of course, it will be painful since I will have to extract the things that are inside the three medical examiners  but I can assure you that once those things are out, these three medical examiners will be completely fine." Song Yan reassured the people in the dissection room.

Cui Li Ling on the other hand did not believe a thing that Song Yan was saying instead she turned to her uncle and whispered in a rather loud voice, " Uncle, I think that these three medical examiners are now really dangerous for us and everyone in the military district, why don't you say something and make Commander Chen and Commissioner Lin understand that we have to take them down instead of trying to heal them what if they start attacking everyone like those four bodies? What are we going to do then?"

How could Yan Guo who was standing next to his father not understand what was going on in the head of Cui Li Ling? Because these three medical examiners did not do a good job of detecting the parasitic demons and caused her brother to be attacked, Cui Li Ling bore a grudge against them and to top it all she was worried that if these three medical examiners made it out alive, they will bear a grudge against her aunt who made them suffer like this---- though these three medical examiners were not as strong as the Cui family, they were, in the end, the lead medical examiners of their department as long as they said a word, they can make the entire department stand against the Cui family.

And more importantly, if they stayed alive, they could even give testimony against Madam Cui which might prove fatal to the Cui family.

Yan Guo trusted that Song Yan will be able to treat the three medical examiners since his sister-in-law said that she could treat them she must be confident enough to take care of those parasitic demons. Maybe Cui Li Ling was afraid as well since she could see that Song Yan was confident, seeing the doubtful looks on the face of the three men, Yan Guo's expression changed while Song Yan immediately said, " Commander Chen, Commissioner Lin, Researcher Fu, since you are going to deal with them anyway, why don't you let me have a go? Its not going to make any change right? If I get attacked then you can take me down as well, I give my word that the Fu family will not make a move against you."

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