My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 738 Looking For Adoptive Father In Law

Chapter 738 Looking For Adoptive Father In Law

Fu Yu Sheng too knew that he was in trouble with his father-in-law but he did not dare to refuse. No matter which wine his father-in-law poured him into the glass and drank it all without any fuss.

Song Yan first watched everything happen in front of her without saying anything but when she noticed the glassy eyes of her husband, she could help but feel sorry for the man who was made to chug wine after wine followed by beer which was why she turned to look at her father and said hurriedly, " Da—- brother Ming, you shouldn't drink so much. You are still young but your gut is not as strong as others, so please don't keep drinking and eat some bread or something to soak up the alcohol."

She then turned to look at Song Lingyan and then tugged on his sleeves, while reminding her elder brother about their father's condition, " Isn't that right, big brother?  Brother Ming's health is not as good as it was before he should not drink right?"

Song Dong Ming narrowed his eyes when he heard the words of his daughter, though she spoke as if she was concerned about his health but in fact, he knew that his daughter was worried that he was going to make trouble for this Fu brat by making him drink to death. The more he saw his daughter's care for her husband who left her alone for eight years the more upset he became, why was it that his daughter was willing to forgive this man? What was so good about him anyway?

pαndα,noνɐ1,сoМ Father Song was very unhappy when he thought about how Fu Yu Sheng failed in his job, he gave his daughter to him because he wanted to make sure that his daughter will be well protected by someone but instead, he made her suffer! What was the point of marrying his treasure to this man?

This was why not only did he not stop, he continued to pour drink after drink in Fu Yu Sheng's glass making sure that the man was drunk to the point where he would be taken to the hospital!

" You think too much Yan Yan, there is no way I am going to fall because of something so small," Song Ming smiled at his daughter telling her silently to not meddle in the matter of two men and then continued to pop the cork of the wine bottle as he tipped it against the glass that Fu Yu Sheng was holding and said menacingly, " Who knows whether brother in law will get another chance to drink like this in the future? With Father being angry with him, I am sure that he will definitely look for another husband for you if he gets upset any further."

'It's a threat,' thought Song Yan as she looked at her father speechlessly.

'It's definitely a threat,' Fu Yu Sheng affirmed in his head as he drank another sip from the glass that he was holding in his hand and then closed his eyes before heaving a sigh and turning to look at his wife as he bobbed his head with his eyes flickering with daze and smilingly said, " I am fine, I am not..frunk."

"It's drunk, Yu Sheng" Song Yan corrected him and then the man snapped his fingers of both hands like some idol and said cutely, "That's right, I am not drunk… I'm completely sane." He added a wink as he looked at his wife.

' No, No, you are completely drunk,' Song Yan muttered in her head as she looked at her husband who was on the verge of stumbling and falling flat on his face.

At first Old Master Yan wanted to stop Song Dong Ming but when he saw that neither Song Ling Yan nor Fu Yu Sheng said anything to stop the man, he could only focus on his meal.

The atmosphere could be said to be rather harmonious.

Even though Fu Yu Sheng was trying his best to suck up to his father-in-law, Song Dong Ming seemed to have decided that he was not going to let go of him so easily which was why he turned to look at Yan Guo who was eating his dinner and then said to Yan Guo, " Brother Guo, what do you think about Yan Yan?"

Yan Guo who was eating his meal silently choked on the bite of rice that he took, he coughed and spluttered before raising his head and looking at Song Dong Ming like he was asking whether he would like to die by burning in fire or jumping off the cliff. " Wh...What?" He asked hoping that the man will change his words, to his surprise not only did the man not change his words he smiled brightly and then said, " Sister Yan is really beautiful right? What do you think about her? My father asked me to look for a prospective second husband for her."

Though Song Dong Ming felt a bit awkward while acting like a youngster, he still liked pulling his son-in-law's leg.

Yan Guo turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng who was blatantly glaring at him asking him to refuse before turning to look at Song Dong Ming, he wanted to say that he was not interested in Song Yan like that and that she was like his sister but then he heard Song Dong Ming say, " Or do you think sister Yan is too old for you? Maybe you dislike her because she has a kid."

As he spoke he looked at Yan Guo as if he expected better from him.

Yan Guo: "...." Dear brother can you not see that your brother-in-law is glaring daggers at me?

Yan Guo now felt like he was struck with a rock and a hard place he turned to look at his mother asking for help but then he heard his mother say, " I am not against it, Yan Yan is really pretty. I was rather jealous when I found out that such a pretty daughter-in-law was snatched by Old Fu."

Yan Guo: "....." Mother, what wrong have I done?


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