My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 760 Adoption

Chapter 760 Adoption

Cao Lei and the rest did not even know what happened, one second they were completely fine and then the next second their car was caught on fire. As Cao Lei watched the scene in front of him, his eyes widened and he turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng, a part of him wanted to ask whether Song Yan was a secret assassin or something of the sort who was bidding for her time to deal with them but then he heard Lin Fu's scream causing him to turn and look at the man who was screaming behind him, " What is the matter with you? Why are you screaming like you are getting butchered?" 

Lin Fu, however, was in no condition to answer him, he pointed at the window that was covered by something slimy and slithering and it took Cao Lei a moment to realise that the slimy thing was nothing but snakes! And not just two or three but enough to cover the entire window. 

Horrified he looked left and right, sure enough, he saw snakes and more snakes slithering over the roof of the car as if they were trying to escape from the fire that was burning their bodies. When Cao Lei saw this horrifying sight no matter how experienced he was, he could not help but shiver as he turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng who was sitting beside him as calm as a cucumber. 

" What is going on?" Seeing that the man was sitting in his seat as if he was enjoying a movie, Cao Lei could not help but ask, however, Fu Yu Sheng was not feeling kind at the moment and could not bother answering the question that Cao Lei asked if anything he was slightly annoyed. Don't think that he did not see this Cao Lei act all stuffy just now, he was showing disdain for his wife's talismans just now. 

" There is nothing to worry about, everything is under control," said Fu Yu Sheng and no sooner did he say those words the fire outside started to burn even more fervently. The people inside the car scrambled even close to each other upon seeing this, they were worried that they were going to be burnt to death any second now. 

But they waited and waited thinking that the car was going to explode any second while thinking about a way to counterattack but soon they realise that nothing was happening to them or the car in which they were sitting. The snakes that were sitting on top of the car rolled down one by one with flames burning their bodies until they were completely charred but other than that the entire car was completely unharmed which caused the people who were sitting inside the car to be surprised. 

What was going on? 

Fu Yu Sheng did not say anything and simply enjoyed their stupefied expressions while the elites of the immaculate were determining whether they should just carry Fu Yu Sheng out and run out of the fire, the fire that was burning around their car suddenly went down as if it never existed and Song Yan who was standing on the other side of the fire walked inside the car while acting as if nothing happened just now.josei

" Keep driving and do not let your guard down, those snakes were parasitic demons if even one of them have snuck inside just now, it would have been troublesome," Song Yan warned the elites, it seemed that these people only believed in guns and weapons and did not believe in superstitions which were why they were taking the matter of the parasitic demons rather calmly. 

" Yes, we understand," though Cao Lei and the others wanted to ask what was that just now they were also aware of the fact that the less they knew the better off they will be which was why they did not say anything nor did they ask any more questions but Song Yan noticed that many of them have tucked their talismans inside their pockets carefully. 

Fifteen minutes later they all arrived at the orphanage where Chen Chu Chu often went for a visit and brought a girl with her. Song Yan and Fu Yu Sheng have used appearance-changing talismans to morph their appearances while Tan Yu was asked to change into clothes that were fit for a middle schooler. 

" Is this really necessary?" The woman asked even though she was small, she hated being treated like a child. 

" It is," said Fu Yu Sheng as they walked inside the long black building that had the board which read ' sunshine orphanage' written sitting on top of it. When Fu Yu Sheng looked at the building and then at the board, he did not know whether to laugh or point out the irony, in the end, he chose to stay silent and then said to Tan Yu, " If you don't resemble a little girl they will not take you inside."

Tan Yu understood why Fu Yu Sheng wanted her to stay inside this building but it still did not uplift her mood as she looked at the gloomy walls and shivered. This building was a lot similar to the lab where she was once locked up, the only difference was that the walls were black instead of white. 

As soon as the three of them stepped inside, Song Yan noticed that the girls who were living inside this orphanage were exceptionally fair and every single one of them whether she was five years old or three years old, they were really pretty. A few girls had beautiful eyes while the remaining had beautiful smiles or fuller lips —— as Song Yan's gaze darted around the young girls, her eyes narrowed and a cold glint flashed in her sharp black eyes before anyone could catch it. 

One of the girls who was in charge of the orphanage noticed the two of them and immediately rushed forward to greet them, " Good afternoon, how may I help you?" 

The girl was polite and her voice was sweet as honey which caused Song Yan's eyes to flicker ever so slightly before she suppressed her doubts and then said to the young girl with a smile, " We are here to put her up for adoption, our company went bankrupt and we can't even feed ourselves much less our daughter." 

Song Yan pushed Tan Yu who was already acting her part, she did not cry nor did she scream instead her eyes which were filled with tears looked around with fear as if she was really scared of what was going on around her. The young woman who came to greet Song Yan and Fu Yu Sheng understood why the two of them were here, but instead of bringing them straight to the manager of the orphanage, the girl looked at them and asked in a small voice, " Do you really have to put her into adoption?" 

" That——"

"Aiya, what are you doing Ah Chi?" Before Song Yan could say anything a woman in her thirties swaggered forward as soon as she came towards Song Yan, the latter got a déjà vu feeling since the woman in front of her had her lifeline messed up as well, just like Wu Genji, she was supposed to be dead but for some reason unknown she was not only dead but her skin was covered with a red flush as if she was very healthy.

' Looks like her demon is stronger than that of Wu Genji,' Song Yan thought in her head, in fact from the very beginning she thought that Wu Genji finding a demon in the tomb was not as easy and simple as others made it out to be, after all, how can a demon stay inside the tomb for such a long time unless someone deliberately put that thing there upon seeing the arrival of Wu Genji. 

Song Yan was only doubtful in the beginning but now that she was seeing more and more characters popping out one after another, she had a feeling that something was really wrong. It was not the demons that were running amok instead someone was deliberately placing them in the way of people who would be willing to share their bodies with them. 

Just like this woman in front of her. 

" Greetings, madam and sir," the middle-aged woman did not sense anything amiss about Song Yan, she smiled pleasantly at the latter and then turned to look at the small girl whom the two people have brought with them, her eyes flashed with greed when she saw just how good looking the young girl was and then turned her attention back to Song Yan where she started to smile even more widely and then asked in a jolly voice, " Are you here to put your little sweetheart for adoption?" 

" That's right," Song Yan immediately pulled on a troubled face as she patted Tan Yu on the head and said to the woman, " We cannot take care of our daughter for the time being, if you have the space——" 

" Of course we do, we have enough slots that are empty." 

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