My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 767 Second Layer Of Skin —-2

Chapter 767 Second Layer Of Skin —-2


" Did she find out something?" In fact it was Chen Chu Chu who asked Madam Chen to call for Song Yan saying that she was afraid that Chen Xi will suffer from side effects because of what happened last night,  it was all a ruse that the two of them came up with to bring Song Yan to their room and question her alone this way they could have dealt with her but the woman looked too sincere, it was either she was too good in pretending or was really stupid.

" So what if she finds out something?" As Chen Chu Chu turned her beautiful face melted and the skin that she was wearing over her rotting figure slipped down her face like another layer of clothing and instead of her usual beautiful face, the face of a monstrous woman came into view, with eyes that were darker than the sky of night and skin that was rough and coarse with no hair on top of her skull making her look really ugly. "It's your fault that we are caught in this mess!" 

When Chen Chu Chu, her voice was dual tone sounding like both man and woman causing Chen Xi to flinch as she lowered her head and said, " How was I supposed to know that just as I went to dump the corpse in the furnace, someone will come there? Did I not do a good job in diverting the attention anyway?" 

" It will be good that the attention stays diverted, if we are caught then…. Be prepared to have our existence vanish from heaven and hell altogether with no chance of reincarnation! Do not forget the curse of that woman, Ah Xi!" 

When Song Yan returned home, she walked inside the house and sat down on the couch sighing heavily as she tried to think of everything that happened in the Chen family. 

" You are back?" Fu Yu Sheng, who was working inside the study walked out of the room when he heard sounds coming from outside, his feet padded towards the couch where he sat down and Song Yan raised her feet before putting them onto Fu Yu Sheng's lap as she nodded and said, " Where is everyone else?" 

"Sister-in-law took brother Chang to the hospital while Grandpa and Ah Shen went to look for Chen Xi, Ning Yu went with them don't worry," he added while massaging Song Yan's feet when he saw that she had gone pale when she heard that Fu Yu Shen went to look for Chen Xi and thank her. 

"That's indeed a thing to worry about," she then told him about what Old Master Chen and his wife were planning causing Fu Yu Sheng's brows to furrow more and more as he looked at her and then asked, " They are targeting Ning Ying now? Why?" 

" Who knows?" Song Yan could not understand what was going on with the Chen sisters as well, their move of jumping ships made her frown as well. " Anyway tell Yu Shen to be careful and not agree to their requests, even though they are targeting the Ning family, I am sure that their goal still havent change." 

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Remembering what she saw in the foretelling that the mirror showed her, she was sure that Chen Chu Chu's inti goal was still Li Wenyi and Fu Shu Chang.

" I will tell Yu Shen about their ideas," Fu Yu Sheng agreed with what his wife said, they could not give an opening to the Chen sisters now that they knew that the two of them were not even humans. "I received Cao Lei's message." 

" You did?" Song Yan jerked up, she did not think that something will be caught so soon, she immediately pulled her legs off Fu Yu Sheng's lap who tapped on the tablet and showed Song Yan the video that Cao Lei had sent him earlier. 

Song Yan frowned when her gaze fell on the two monsters that were being worshipped in the orphanage and her eyes flickered when she saw the monster that chased after Tan Yu. 

As the video came to a stop, she pursed her lips and then sat up straighten on the couch with her arms crossed in front as she said, " I think it's just as I expected." 

Fu Yu Sheng turned to look at Song Yan before raising a brow and asking, " What did you think ?"

" That there is a dark sect who is deliberately creating chaos in this world," Song Yan did not understand why they were doing this, of course, the person behind might be greedy for monetary benefits but something told her that it was worse than that, she turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng and said, " Can you find out about the past of director Ji? I am afraid that she is much older than she looks, her demon was rather strong as well if it was just a couple of hundred years old, then it would have burned when the protection talisman touched it but instead, it only bounced back which shows that her demon is much older …."

Her eyes flickered as she thought about the two Chen sisters and then said, " And if she is older than thousand years, I am afraid that the Chen sisters have been alive for more than a thousand years as well." 

  " I will ask Cao Lei to look into this matter. I have already asked him to find about the statue that Tan Yu saw in the orphanage, that way we will have an idea what those things are," Fu Yu Sheng closed the tablet and then turned to look at Song Yan with eager eyes as he licked his lips and suggested sweetly, " Shall we go and sleep?" 

Song Yan was thinking about sending the image of the statue to the grim reaper that guy had seen everything in this world surely he will know about those two creatures as well when she heard Fu Yu Sheng's heated eyes and raised a brow before saying, " Reign in your horses, my dear husband. I am afraid that if you sleep with me now, you will ascend to the heavens tomorrow." 

" What do you mean by that?" Fu Yu Sheng asked with a frown. 

Seeing that he did not see anything, Song Yan grabbed his chin and turned his face such that he was looking at the Yan residence and on top of the roof of the Yan residence was her father who was dressed to battle with binoculars in his hands as he looked at the two of them ready to barge inside the Fu house if his daughter was bullied in any way. 

Fu Yu Sheng: "..." Take it easy father-in-law. 

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