My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 801 Wendigos

Chapter 801 Wendigos

" Yan Yan, are …are you trying to scare Grandpa? What…what monster? What demonic being?" Old Master Yan was indeed a bit superstitious but believing and seeing were two different things.

Listening to the ghost stories of his elders was different but now that the real thing was in front of him, he could not help but shudder in fright. 

Though he was an army officer when he was young at this moment he was terrified out of his wits! Without even giving them a chance to Yan Guo, he pulled his son in front of him as if the demonic beast was going to pop out of the wall and pounce on him here and now. 

Yan Guo: "….." I know that I am the middle child but really? You are using me as a human shield? Not fair!  josei

However, he did not have time to shake off his father because he was just as terrified of this demonic thing! Humans were creatures who loved overthinking, a small incident would be turned over and over around until they made a mountain out of molehill. 

Yan Guo and his father were the same, the two of them were staring at Song Yan but their minds have long gone down the rabbit hole. The more they dived down that hole, the more scared they became—— in the end, their bodies turned cold and they started to shiver with fright. 

Old Master Yan was so scared that he wished he could call his other two sons as well and have one guard him from the back while the other guard him from the sides! He was so scared that he did not even dare to turn around and look behind him, though he knew that the chilly air was coming from the air conditioner, it still scared the living bejesus out of him! 

" Yan…Yan, good girl, tell me that what you said was just a joke.." Old Master Yan waved his pointer finger up and down as he sobbingly smiled at Song Yan. 

Song Yan: "….." how am I supposed to tell you anything if you are this scared Grandpa?

Though she was a bit sympathetic towards Old Master Yan who was so scared that his extremities were trembling, she could not go ahead and say that she was joking right? 

So she shook her head and replied, " I am afraid that what I said is indeed the truth." Her words were halted when Old Master Yan let out a wail as he pulled Yan Guo in front of him and had the man stretch his hands on both sides. 

" Father," Yan Guo was speechless, he knew that his father did not fear death or bullets but he feared ghosts for some reason, ever since they were kids, they never saw their father joining them in a horror movie marathon but this was a bit too much was it not? 

" Stay put! And keep looking around, you., went to that place and did not even wash yourself! What if you brought something with you?" Was all that Old Master Yan said causing Yan Guo to helplessly raise his hands to the side and act like a bodyguard? 

" Anyway…" Song Yan cleared her throat as she continued speaking, " I did see a figure in the greenhouse because my senses are better than others but before I break it down in front of you two, I want to know when and where Old Master Chen and his wife find Chen Chu Chu and her sister?" 

Yan Guo had no idea about this thus the two could only turn to look at Old Master Yan who despite being scared out of his wits answered in a solemn voice, " I do not know where they found the two of them, all I know is that Old Chen and his wife were not having kids and were frustrated because of this, then one day they went on a trip and when they came back, the two girls were with them." 

He paused and added, " Back then I thought that something was really wrong with the two girls, maybe it had something to do with their gloomy eyes or the bad vibes that they gave out but it was as if Old Chen and his wife were hoodwinked by those girls, the two of them did not listen a thing against them." 

When Song Yan heard Old Master Yan's words, her eyes flashed as she recalled the case of Wu Genji, a doubt rose in her heart but she did not think about it instead she continued to ask, " Grandpa Yan, the girls…the ones who were adopted and sent away by Chen Chu Chu has anyone seen them ever again? I mean they … they were given a new home by Chen Chu Chu surely they must have come to thank them right?" 

Old Master Yan was a bit confused by this question, his eyes were looking at Song Yan as if he was trying to solve a puzzle before he shook his head and denied, " No, I never saw them again. Eldest Miss Chen said that she had sent those girls to be adopted in other countries and thus no one questioned her." 

" Grandpa Yan, are you sure about this?" Song Yan pressed for an answer.

Old Master Yan was even befuddled when he heard Song Yan's questions, he wanted to know why she was asking about those adoptive girls and then said in a low voice, " Some people indeed raise some objections but they were shut off by the Chen family when Chen Chu Chu brought evidence along with documents which showed that the girls were indeed moved to other families. She even showed pictures and videos to those who were questioning her, but why are you asking about those girls, Yan Yan?" 

Moved to another country? Or did she move them to another world but if that was the case, then how did Chen Chu Chu come up with those videos and images of the families? 

She thought about something and then asked, " Grandpa Yan, do you have a copy of those images can I see them?" 

She was rather afraid that these Chen sisters might have raised those half-human, half-beasts spirits whom common people called wendigos! 


No relation to the reality, please do not come after the author! Read the tags which says fantasy and let me finish this book in peace! __/\__

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