My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 821 Saving The Chen Father And Daughter

Chapter 821 Saving The Chen Father And Daughter

Chen Yishen was scared out of his wits but he still nodded when he heard Song Yan's words, he did not want to stay alone, he was really scared that if he stayed alone something might happen to him! 

Once Chen Yishen was calm enough, Song Yan brought him to the military hospital along with Fu Yu Sheng and Yan Guo, however as soon as they rushed inside they were told that both Commander Chen and Chen Qing Qing were inside the emergency rooms receiving treatment. 

And outside of the emergency room, Commissioner Lin was standing with a worried look on his face as he looked at the emergency room's door, his expression was both solemn and concerned while Old Master Yan who also came to find out about the accident with which Commander Chen met with was also standing next to commissioner Lin, after all, Commander Chen was someone who was taught by Old master Yan when he was young. 

Though he was not his father, it could be said that Old Master Yan had a rather big hand in moulding the current personality of Commander Chen and stopping him from becoming twisted. 

Old Master Yan was a bit flustered and only heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Song Yan and Yan Guo were coming to see Commander Chen along with Fu Yu Sheng. 

Yan Guo strode over to where his father was standing and called out, " Dad! Commissioner Lin!"  josei

Because of what happened to Commander Chen and his daughter, Commissioner Lin's face was taut and stiff, he simply nodded at Yan Guo while Old Master Yan strode over to Yan Guo and held the hands of his youngest son. " Bad business, ah Guo! Very bad Business! I am afraid that the younger one—-" he did not say anything when he saw that Chen Yishen was also there and simply sighed heavily. 

When Chen Qing Qing was brought, her limb was bleeding heavily and even though the doctors tried to stop the bleeding, the way that arm was cut off made it impossible for the bleeding to stop and to make things worse such a terrible accident happened to a child! By the time, Old Master Yan saw Chen Qing Qing being wheeled inside the emergency room, that child was hardly breathing! 

Yan Guo patted his father on the back as he helped him down and then turned to look at Commissioner Lin as he asked,  " What is the condition of Commander Chen?" 

When Song Yan heard Yan Guo's question she covered Chen Yishen's ears and only then did Commissioner Lin open his mouth as he spoke,

"It is not looking good," a sigh escaped Commissioner Lin's lips as he shook his head and then continued speaking, " I spoke to the doctors before you came, his head received a fatal wound. There is a chance that a blood clot might form at the back of his head and he might remain in the coma for a long time, the same could be said about his daughter, she lost a limb and the blood loss she suffered from was not a small one either —— there is a chance that because of so much blood loss, she might not be able to make it out of the emergency room!" 

When Song Yan and the rest heard Commissioner Lin's words, their expression changed especially Song Yan's, she had to take her hat off for the Chen sisters to think that they were able to show such ruthlessness towards their brother with whom they grew up with and even their niece! 

Song Yan exchanged a look with Fu Yu Sheng, the two of them wanted to ask Chen Yishen what he saw but this was not the proper time to do something like this, which was why they could only purse their lips and stay quiet.

The emergency treatment ran for more than three hours, and during those three hours, neither of the Chen family members arrived, seeing this Song Yan could not help but ask Chen Yishen where his aunts and grandparents were.

" Grandpa…and grandma went out to look for a master, they said that our family was not doing good and wanted someone to bless us," Chen Yishen answered with a question but when he was asked about his aunts, he frowned and then replied in an annoyed voice, " They went to attend the birthday of a child in the orphanage." 

Song Yan's eyes flickered as she instilled a bit of yin energy inside Chen Yishen but to her surprise, she did not find any sort of dark magic that was messing with the memories of Chen Yishen. 

Just as she was thinking about whether to increase the amount of yin energy being instilled in Chen Yishen's body, she heard the sound of the emergency room's door opening one by one as two doctors stepped out of each room.

As the attending doctors came out, they headed straight towards Commissioner Lin and Old Master Yan. The attending doctor of Commander Chen was surnamed Min while the attending doctor of Chen Qing Qing was a female doctor surnamed Qi.

When the two of them came to a stop in front of Commissioner Lin, the latter immediately turned to look at the two and asked, " Doctor Min! Doctor Qi! Is everything okay with the two of them?" 

" Yes, Doctor Min, and Doctor Qi, will those two be alright?" 

Commissioner Lin and Old Master Yan asked at once. 

" First of all, I would like you all to calm down, all right?" It was Doctor Min who spoke as he took the reports of Commander Chen from the nurse and then said in a grave voice, " Commander Chen's condition is just as we expected, there is a blood clot in the back of his head —— which will need another surgery for the removal, for the time being, we have stopped the bleeding but I am afraid that even if we remove the blood clot, Commander Chen will still suffer from either a severe concussion or memory loss." 

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