My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 830 Attacked

Chapter 830 Attacked

Yan Bao stepped out of the ward where Commander Chen was resting, it was past midnight and the hospital corridor was a bit too silent, though a few people were walking in the corridor they all just glanced at Yan Bao and did not make any moments. 

Although Yan Bao was a bit cautious with the warning which was given to him by Song Yan, he did not think much about it when he saw that nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. No matter what, Commander Chen and they were in a public place, there was no way the Chen sisters will try to harm them. But even so, he kept a tight hold of the talisman which was why given to him by his brother in his hand as he headed towards the restroom. 

Once he found the restroom which was at the end of the corridor, Yan Bao could not help but frown when he saw that the lighting of the corridor was a bit too dim. 

' Were the lights of the hospital always so dim?' Yan Bao could not help but question in his head as he looked at the dim lighting which was hovering on top of his head but he did not think too much about it when his bladder rebelled against him. 

Yan Bao entered the restroom and then finished his business and when he came out there was nothing amiss, seeing this all the trepidation that he was feeling vanished. Looks like his brother and Song Yan thought too much and misunderstood something, most probably they were against the Chen sisters so much that they ended up creating an absurd theory. 

As he thought about such things, he turned on his heels and then walked back to the ward where Commander Chen was admitted but as he raised his feet, the lights over his head started to flicker causing him to pause and look at them, a sense of fear rose in his heart which was why he increased his pace and then continued to walk towards the ward but the more he walked towards the ward, the more he realised that he was walking in the same place! 

His expression twisted as he looked at the bench which seemed to be walking alongside him and then turned to look around the corridor, his hands have long turned clammy and his breathing was now erratic and wild as he looked at the surrounding. Now that he was looking around him, he could see that the lights behind him were getting dimmer and dimmer, what was more he could see something moving at the corner of the ceiling. 

" Brother Bao~" a woman's enchanting voice came from behind and it caused Yan Bao's scalp to tingle, he didn't know who was behind him but he knew that whatever it was, he did not wish to see it which was why he turned on his heels after he started to look in the front and then while clutching on the talisman, he started to chant Buddhist scriptures, to calm his heart as well ward the evil spirits off. 

But because he was so terrified, his tongue continued to fumble which caused the chants to become a mess. 

As Yan Bao rushed towards the ward where Commander Chen was, he could hear the scuttling sound of a spider from behind. Yan Bao's expression tightened when he remembered what Song Yan told his brother which Yan Guo relayed to him —— the Chen sisters were a spider and snake pair. 

Thus, when the sound of spider scuttling came from behind, he knew that something was chasing after him. He increased his pace and without even bothering to keep a front he started running as fast as he could behind him heard the loud snaps of the light bulb shutting down as the veil of darkness started to fall over his head and body. 

" Someone please!" Yan Bao wished he could see someone but it was as if everyone in the hospital have vanished, he could not see anyone much less shout to someone for help. " Where did they all go?" 

He could not believe that he could no longer see anyone in the corridor where people were sitting just now —— as he turned around the corridor, he felt something tug his foot and then he fell on the ground with a loud thump, startled he looked up and almost as soon as he saw what it was, he wished that he could wipe the memory of a few seconds ago.  josei

A spider woman with her skin covered with black scales and pincers popping out of her skin from here and there, her black eyes which were mean and bloodthirsty were looking down at him with a malevolent glint in them. 

She was missing a layer of skin over whatever remained of her flesh ——as the flesh which was covering her blackened bones was rotting and falling on the ground while she stuck to the ceiling. She looked as terrifying as one could and Yan Bao was scared to the point where he could not even speak, he opened his mouth and then closed without even being able to utter a single noise. 

" Brother Bao ~ let's have some fun," the woman once again whispered enchantingly to him as she lowered her mouth and tried to get closer to him when his leg was tied with the spider web. As the woman got closer, she opened her mouth and then to Yan Bao's shock and surprise, a cluster of spiders and scorpions fell from her mouth which scared him so much that his eyes rolled and he almost fainted. But he knew that he could not faint, he summoned the courage which was left in his body and then threw the talisman which was in his hand at the woman who was hanging upside down from the ceiling and cackling at him. 

As soon as the talisman struck the woman with a spider body, her cackles turned into screams as the mirage in which Yan Bao was caught broke and he returned to reality, the lights of the corridor were brightly lit while people who were walking in the corridor were looking at him with confusion as if wondering from where did he pop out.


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