My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 837 Start Investigating

Chapter 837 Start Investigating

Fu Yu Sheng only predicted that Chen's family will be able to get away from the charges but his prediction came true within three days. Cui Deming who was desperate to save the mother of his child and did not wish for her to go through any stressful situation anymore, immediately went to the higher-ups and used all the merits that his father accumulated to put a stop on the investigation on the Chen family. 

Once the investigation was halted, not only did the Chen family was able to come out of the prison but even Chen Xi was able to resume her activities while Chen Chu Chu who was 'touched' by Cui Deming's true love agreed to marry him. 

When Song Yan received this piece of news from Yan Guo, she was so impressed by Cui Deming's infatuation and love for Chen Chu Chu that she wanted to push a total of exploding talismans in his mouth and watch him blast like a bomb.

Her head was throbbing with an immeasurable amount of pain as she rubbed her head and asked Yan Guo, " Did no one stop to think that she can be dangerous? Or anyone else in the Chen family might harm the innocent ones in the military district?" 

Yan Guo had gone out early in the morning to overlook the progress of the Chen family's case and did not even get a chance to eat a single bite of grain, he expected that once he comes back home, he will be able to eat properly. 

But who would have thought that the information he would receive would make it impossible for even water to slide down his throat?

Even Fu Yu Sheng thought that Yan Guo might have received the wrong piece of information despite being the one who forecasted this happening earlier on, " Brother Yan Guo, are you sure that the Chen family is clear of all the charges? How can that be, are the higher-ups in the Cui family's pocket or what, how can they even clear those charges so easily!? The corpses which were taken out from the Chen family's house were not made of tofu but real human bones and flesh, how can these charges be dropped just like that? It's impossible!" 

When Yan Guo heard Fu Yu Sheng's words, he wanted to vomit blood because what Fu Yu Sheng said was indeed right but they all underestimated Cui Deming's infatuation with Chen Chu Chu. 

The entire military district saw seven hundred corpses being dug out from the Chen family's house but curse Cui Deming for having a head which was full of water. It was as if not only his head but also his eyes were covered with a thick layer of lard or something of the sort, maybe in his eyes those corpses were indeed props used in the movies.

Seeing that Yan Guo's face was ugly but he did not dare to say anything, Song Yan understood that Cui Deming indeed rescued Chen Chu Chu and her voice turned displeased, " Brother Guo, how can the higher-ups just ignore the entire matter as if it never happened? Three hundred and sixty-five corpses were dug out from the Chen residence and the remaining three hundred and thirty-five were dug from the greenhouse which belonged to the Chen sisters, how can something as big as this be buried in the dark?" 

" Chen Chu Chu went inside the greenhouse every single day, how can she not know what was going on inside the greenhouse, how can anyone still consider her as innocent?" After she finished speaking she further added, " Just because Cui Deming wants to protect her, her crimes can be erased just like that?"

She then turned to look at Fu Shu Chang whose expression was serene but a bit cold and asked, " Researcher Cui did not stop his nephew from doing something so foolish?"

Fu Shu Chang sighed as he shook his head and said, " Yan Yan, it's not like my teacher did not wish to stop Cui Deming, he did. He tried to lock that idiot inside the house but that stupid man jumped off from the second floor and then snuck out of the house." 

" As for why he was able to stop the investigation… it's because one of the higher-ups was once saved by Cui Deming's father on the battlefield. The reason he can enjoy such a high position today is because Cui Deming's father saved him which resulted in Cui Deming's father losing an arm and a leg. After that Old Master Cui had to retire from the army and could no longer work as a soldier because of this the higher-up who was saved by Old Master Cui was always guilty and promised that he will protect Cui Deming and his sister… in the past, Cui Deming was able to get away with a lot of things like snatching my work credits because this higher up was supporting him." 

Fu Shu Chang's smile turned mocking as he continued speaking while taking a glass of water from the nanny who worked in his house since his throat was getting dried after speaking so much. 

" Thank you Madam He," he thanked the old woman who worked in the daytime at his house and then took a sip of the water. " But this time Cui Deming has offended that higher-up, this matter as you said was a big one and could not be suppressed but Cui Deming insisted for the investigation to be stopped, all for the sake of Chen Chu Chu. It angered the higher-up surnamed Du and though he stopped the investigation, he has cut off every relation that he had with the Cui family causing quite a huge stir in the Cui family." 

Yan Guo sighed as he nodded along with Fu Shu Chang's words, " I heard that when Researcher Cui found out, he was so furious that he passed out and was sent to emergency, even Madam Cui is angry and has kicked Cui Deming out of the house but Cui family owns more than one house in the military district which is why Cui Deming is not at all bothered by the anger of his uncle and aunt, he thinks that they will forgive him just like always once his child gets born." 

He then rubbed his head and added further, "What's more Cui Deming has turned the entire situation around by spreading rumours that this entire matter has something to do with Commander Chen instead of his wife, I never thought that he would be this smart but looks like as long as his benefits were concerned he was really a smart man."

Song Yan could only feel sympathetic towards the Cui couple, no matter what they treated Cui Deming to the best of their abilities and yet they were harmed by the nephew whom they treated as a son. She shook her head and then asked, " Is Commander Chen okay? Was he attacked again?" 

Yan Guo had told her about the attack that happened on the night when Commander Chen was taken to the hospital which was why she had refined a few more S-grade talismans and handed them to Yan Guo to ensure Commander Chen's protection. 

When Yan Guo heard Song Yan's question his face could not help but turn to bed, " You don't ask the obvious, Yan Yan. It's as if that thing is hung up on killing Commander Chen, no matter how many times it gets hurts because of the talismans, it will still return the very next night, now I and my elder brother can't even close our eyes without seeing that ugly face."

"It is going to get over really soon, Brother Guo don't worry, I will try to put an end to this matter tonight," Song Yan's eyes flashed with ruthlessness when she thought about how Chen Chu Chu was able to get away from the investigation and even rescued the Chen family such that she will be able to keep her shield intact. 

Since that thing was this sneaky, she needed to deal with it as quickly as possible. 

Tonight she was going to sneak inside the Chen house and see whether or not she will be able to find that lucky portrait, though the chances were slim since the two sisters knew that Commander Chen was able to track down their origin as well as the connection with the portrait, surely they must have moved it but that portrait might either be at the Chen house or at the house where Cui Deming was living with Chen Chu Chu.

Maybe she should go and take a look at the Cui house first since Chen Chu Chu started living at that house a few days ago only a few arrays might have been cast which would allow her to investigate the new house much more easily than the Chen residence as for the Chen house——

Her eyes flickered with a dangerous glint, she needed to be prepared or else, she might end up biting more than she could chew!josei

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