My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 84 Exorcising The Female Ghost.

Chapter 84 Exorcising The Female Ghost.

" But what does that have to do with me? I am not a cruel Emperor in fact my entire family has been full of nothing but commoners." Assistant Xu was baffled, why was the female ghost haunting him? It wasn't like he was the one who asked his people to gouge her bones out of her body. " I can assure you Second madam that my family has always been grounded! My family tree doesn't have any aristocrats linked to it!"

Song Yan smiled as if she found Assistant Xu's chatter cute. " Vengeful spirit long forgets the source of their anger and resentment, Assistant Xu. If their revenge remains incomplete, they will always be in a state where they are blinded by their grudge. This female ghost is the same before she could take her revenge on the Emperor the latter bound her soul to this windchime and locked it away. However, humans are meddlesome creatures, instead of letting the dead rest in peace they will dig out their remains and study them—— not that it's wrong but some things are better left untouched. I believe this windchime was dug out in historical research as well and during that time, the seal that was confining the female ghost was broken and that's why it has been haunting people for so long."

" Now, the female ghost is no longer attached to the realm of humans, it has bound itself to a realm that's neither attached to the mortal nor the netherworld. Her vengeance has drowned her rationality and now all she cares about is regaining what she has lost."

Assistant Xu swallowed, though he pitied the female ghost for having such a tough life… he had no intentions of handing out his bones to quench her vengeance.

Neither Song Yan has the intention to hand over her bones to the female ghost, she threatened the female ghost to leave politely while she was giving it a chance but the female ghost was long past her understanding of what was good for her and what was not, she was obsessed with the idea of having her bones back and avenging herself. Song Yan understood that this female ghost was now in the state of mania—— she will continue haunting people and gouging their bones, even if she was to gouge enough bones to make up for the ones she has lost. The female ghost wasn't going to stop—— Song Yan sighed, once she too was in the same situation like this, that was why she was willing to give the female ghost another chance to redeem herself. But if she has entered mania then it was like wasting her breath playing the lute to a deaf cow.

She took out a Warding talisman and threw it towards the wind chime, the female ghost was occupying the wind chime, thus attacking her wouldn't be as useful as it would be to attack the wind chime. Once the talisman got stuck to the wind chime, the surface slowly started to turn black as if it was getting burned by an invisible fire. The wind chime started to swing even more dramatically than before and the strings that were attached to it started to twist and turn as it swirled in the air.

The female ghost seemed to have sensed the danger that was coming her way and freaked out a little. She didn't expect that someone would be able to overpower her level of cultivation, she unsheathed her long nails and lunged at Song Yan. As soon as she jumped out, Assistant Xu who was standing behind Song Yan caught a glimpse of her malevolently twisted, pale and ripped face that was missing its jaw.

Song Yan swiped her scythe in the direction of the female ghost who must have sensed the pure Yang energy that was wafting off the scythe because it immediately retreated however, she wasn't as fast as Song Yan. The edge of the scythe grazed her chest and the female ghost let out a blood-curdling howl as she glared at Song Yan with a hateful gaze with her empty eyes, seeing that the female ghost was still standing upright Song Yan knitted her brows—— the female ghost must have sucked a hell lot of Yang energy or else any ghost weaker than her would have been burnt to a crisp after being touched by the scythe.

She muttered a few spells and took out several fire talisman that started to burn under her spell casting, she threw the burning talisman at the wind chime and the female ghost once again screeched as if the flames that were burning the talisman was burning her as well, she turned around to fly back into her shell but this time Song Yan was prepared, she raised her hand and bit her finger before drawing a restraining array on the floor. After doing it more than a hundred thousand times, Song Yan was practically trained in drawing this type of array—— within seconds the array was set up and the female ghost that was flying towards the wind chime was knocked backwards like she was hit by an invisible wall.

The female ghost knocked and scratched but soon she realised that she was separated from her protective shell. She turned around and growled at Song Yan and Assistant Xu, " My Bones! Give them back! GIVE THEM BACK! TRAITORS AND MURDERERS!" And then she jumped again in the air with swift agility that one can never see in humans.

" Ah f*ck, this is crazy!" Assistant Xu used the rest of his guts to stay in the room because the woman who was exorcising this ghost was none other than his second madam the wife of his crazy tyrant of a boss. There was no way he would have left his lady boss alone with a crazy female ghost but when the female ghost suddenly flew towards his direction, he backed off faster than his legs would have allowed him to and then let out a terrifying scream. He was so horrified by the female ghost whose face was coming closer and closer, that he couldn't even close his eyes and all he could do was recoil against the wall behind him.

As soon as the female ghost flew out towards Assistant Xu intending to make him, her shell—— Song Yan swung her scythe once the female ghost was at a close range for her to attack, she slashed her scythe ruthlessly at the female ghost's head and then the female ghost paused before twisting madly and letting out utterly miserable cried and screams as her soul got sucked by into the glittering black blade of the scythe, and disappeared without a trace.

Behind them, the wind chime that was tinkling stopped abruptly and fell to the floor before breaking into pieces.josei


Song Yan: Support author san with comments and power stones , gifts are welcomes too!! If not I will come after you guys with Fang Yanli!!

Fang Yanli : ' Yawn' yeah I will!

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