My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 848 Retribution

Chapter 848 Retribution


Mother Chen did not wish to lose this comfortable life, she was so afraid of losing the comfort, popularity and everything else that she lost all her senses and rationality, she did not even think that she will not be able to protect Chen Chu Chu whose real identity was now revealed much less live in the military district!

Old Master Chen still had a bit of reasoning left in his head, he looked at his wife who had rushed to save that demonic being and felt his heart jump to his throat as he shouted, " What are you doing? Get away from her!" He was old and he only had his wife to accompany him, if something happened to her then what will he do? Where will he go?

Mother Chen however did not share the same worries as her husband, she only cared about the high-profile life which she was going to lose if she did not stop Song Yan and thus senselessly shouted, " Old Man what are you doing? We need them! We need them! That lucky portrait, we cannot lose it, stop her!" She did not care what happened to those women who had no relation to her but she could not lose her rich woman's life. 

While the two were quibbling, Chen Chu Chu who was being suppressed suddenly moved, she raised her head and then shot a string of blood threads towards Madam Chen as it entangled itself around Madam Chen's arm before pulling it off from the socket where it was attached cleanly. 

" Wife!" Old Master Chen shouted when he saw the demon attacking his wife and even taking an arm from her. His face was marred with terror.

Song Yan shot a calm look at Old Madam Chen, in fact, she could have stopped Chen Chu Chu just now but she did not. Old Madam Chen was selfish enough to not care about the lives of those women who died for no reason, it made sense that she did not care about her either. With this small bit of pain, she will now know what those women went through just for the sake of her 'rich' lifestyle.

Chen Chu Chu gobbled the arm which belonged to Old Madam Chen but was not satisfied after all, Old Madam Chen was an old woman how much life force she might even have? She turned to look at a young girl and set her eyes on her but before she could do the same thing the woman in white summoned a spear which was like a pole of light. 

" Commence execution!" Song Yan made several hand seals before the woman in white raised the pole of the spear and brought it down heavily on Chen Chu Chu's chest smashing the ruby gem which was lying in the middle of her chest accurately. The entire process took more spiritual energy than Song Yan expected but she did not lose focus until the ruby gem changed colour and turned black —— causing Chen Chu Chu's body to bubble and froth as it started to burn. 

A blood-curdling screech echoed in the banquet hall while Chen Chu Chu's face twisted in pain as she turned to look at Song Yan and then said, " You will pay…my mistress will make you pay!" 

With a loud explosion Chen Chu Chu's body burst. Black miasma filled the space causing old Madam Chen who was lying in the arms of her husband to faint, as for why she fainted, no one knew. Whether it was because of pain or losing the lucky charm that she had. 

Song Yan glanced at the chaotic scene with an indifferent pair of eyes,  seeing that other than Old Madam Chen no one was injured she heaved a sigh of relief as for Cui Deming who was lying in a pool of blood, she did not say anything about him nor did she hurried over to save him, that idiot deserved to die it was already good enough that she saved him in time. 

She turned to look at Song Dong Ming and Song Lingyan who just arrived at the banquet hall sporting black eye bags under their eyes, they were gaping at their sister and daughter with their mouths hanging open. 

The…This was their bubbly bunny? Wasn't this a super macho, King Kong? 

While Song Dong Ming and Song Lingyan were in shock, Fu Yu Sheng rushed towards his wife and wrapped his arms around her waist before pressing her head against his chest. It did not matter to him that he was useless when Song Yan was facing such things but he could still provide a bit of warmth once she was done dealing with them, right?

Song Yan's eyes were frigid, she was still thinking about this mistress that Chen Chu Chu spoke about before dying but she did not have any idea about who this mistress was—— just when the temperature around was going to dip even further Fu Yu Sheng came rushing and brought her in an embrace making a warm current surge in her heart which melted the ice which was coating it.

The two of them stayed like this for a few minutes before she tilted her head and looked at the rest of their family who were looking at her with an excited glance. 

" Is everyone okay?" Though she knew that they were uninjured Song Yan still asked whether or not they were fine because she wanted to make sure that they were completely unharmed both physically and mentally. 

"Sister-in-law, you are so cool!" Though Fu Yu Shen had seen Song Yan in action in the tomb, he was still in awe when he saw Song Yan summon a familiar which looked like a human.

Fu Rong nodded to the side as she looked at Song Yan, her eyes filled with stars, she did not know that her sister-in-law was this cool! She was even more awesome than the protagonists she read in the novels she read!

" Yan Yan!"  Song Dong Ming hurried over to his daughter though he knew that she could tackle something like this as a father how can he not worry? He looked at Song Yan again and again only when he was sure that she was fine did he heave a sigh of relief.

Behind him Song Lingyan was looking at his sister with a pale face, he was terrified after seeing what happened but was rather glad upon seeing that his sister was all right! 



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