My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 851 Gone Missing —-2

Chapter 851 Gone Missing —-2

The birthday banquet ended in a flash, Old Master Yan returned to the residence with his sons while Song Yan who was following the Fu family was hugged by her father the second they returned home. Song Dong Ming was busy handling the matters of the Old Song corporation and could not see his daughter for a long time who would have thought that the second he rushed to see his daughter, he would find her fighting that demonic thing? 

After Song Dong Ming let go of Song Yan it was Song Lingyan who hugged his sister, though he knew Song Yan was a celestial master, it still scared him when he saw her fighting that thing. 

" Father, brother there is no need for you to worry about me. I told you that I am a celestial master this is what I am supposed to do. Taking care of demons and ghosts and exorcising them from this world is my job, there is no way I will make a mistake and put my life in danger," she consoled the two men who looked traumatised after seeing her fight those two sisters. 

" Like I can do that," Father Song huffed as he looked at his daughter who was still a young child in his eyes and then added, " You are my daughter even if you grow old with grey hair and wrinkled hands, I will still worry about you." 

Behind him, Song Lingyan nodded and said, " Father is right we can never stop worrying about you, no matter how old you are." 

A warm current gushed inside her heart as Song Yan hugged her brother and father who smiled at her and then patted her head as they told her to stay safe no matter what and where she was.

" Father is everything okay at the company, were you able to take control of the old Song corporation?" Song Yan asked her father even though her father's old company was going bankrupt she wished for it to be shut down at the hands of her father.

" Everything is——" Father Song opened his mouth to tell Song Yan that everything was fine but then there was a loud explosion and they all rushed out to see just what was going on, only then did they realise that the Chen residence where the Chen family lived was now burning in flames.

Except for Song Yan everyone was surprised, they did not expect the Chen house to suddenly explode into flames but this was Song Yan's prediction, that house was full of the Chen sisters' evil yin energy it was no surprise that it would burn into flames with them disappearing. 

Her gaze remained fixated on the burning house as she thought about the last words that Chen Chu Chu had spoken to her and her eyes flickered with subtle chill. Mistress… so a woman was hiding behind the scenes? 


Three days later when the Fu family was packing their bags to return to the city, Yan Guo called them and told them that Commander Chen was awake. Song Yan still wanted to know what led to the altercation between the two sisters and Commander Chen which was why she put a halt to the packing and arrived at the hospital with Fu Yu Sheng and Chen Yishen who was clutching Fu Chen's wrist in his hand. 

The two kids stayed next to each other for a few days and yet they were now the best of friends as Chen Yishen dragged Fu Chen inside the hospital ward where his father and sister were and shouted gleefully, " Dad! Qing Qing!" 

" Brother!" Chen Qing Qing yelled happily as she waved her arm which was intact and looked at her brother who was running inside the ward. 

Commander Chen smiled at his son who was looking full of spirits and then turned to look at Song Yan and bowed his head, " I am thankful, Brother Niu told me that you two have been taking care of my son for quite some time and I cannot express how grateful I am." 

He of course did not mention anything about his parents but Song Yan could see that he was very dissatisfied with the Old Chen couple.

" Commander Chen, are you feeling all right?" Fu Yu Sheng took the initiative to ask as he looked at Commander Chen who was looking better than the time when he found him lying in the backyard of his new house.

" I am fine," Commander Chen nodded as he turned to look at Song Yan and said,  " You must be wondering what happened between me and those two right?" 

Commander Chen already knew what happened at the birthday banquet of Old Master Yan thanks to the three Yan brothers which was why he was not surprised that Song Yan came to see him. 

Song Yan nodded in response which caused Commander Chen to smile as he began telling them about his findings. He was suspicious of the two women from the day the corpses were found in their house, to make things even more suspicious he realised that he could not find any adoption certificates for the two of them.

When he asked his father, the latter told him to not think about it much. How can he not? Because of this, Commander Chen started to investigate the Chen sisters from the start and stumbled on the lucky portrait and the mysteries around it.  josei

  " I did not know that they were not humans, I simply thought that they were suspicious which was why I decided to burn the portrait," said Commander Chen with a heavy sigh. " But they found out and returned,  Qing Qing followed after me because she heard me say that I will be returning to the Old Chen residence when I asked for the keys from my father. Those two things saw her and attacked to distract me, which led to another alteration, I rushed to the new house and tried to lock them out but those things were not even human, how can a closed door stop them? One thing led to another and I fell off the balcony." 

Though Song Yan indeed guessed that something like this happened, she was still surprised upon hearing it from Commander Chen's mouth. He was so skilled, why was he still a commander?

While they were talking Fu Yu Sheng's phone suddenly rang, as he fished the phone out of his pocket and answered it, Song Yan noticed that his expression turned cold from relaxed.

" Yes, I will tell her..stop worrying, we are coming back as soon as we can." She heard Fu Yu Sheng tell the person on the other side of the call and could not help but ask, "What's wrong?" 

" Yufan's mother has gone missing." 

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